General Discussion

General DiscussionThread Regarding How Retarded Icefrog Is

Thread Regarding How Retarded Icefrog Is in General Discussion
Totentanz to The King: M ...

    When Wisp first came out he was a fine hero. He comboed well with most heroes. But this wasn't enough. Wisp is one of the very few heroes that got only buffs since it is released. All changes made to the hero were buffs. And now he finally got a nerf. But at the most retarded place. The thing that makes the hero OP is the tether but no I will just nerf the vision Spirits give. And the third skill which uses CURRENT mana so won't change shit either. And now until he nerfs it so hard especially the pubs will keep suffering from Wisp pickers.

    And about pro players. N'aix was almost the same before as he is now. Only the rage lasted 5.25 seconds instead of 6. But he was not picked at all. But Icefrog made rage last 0.75 seconds longer and the hero became a top pick. 0.75 seconds seriously matter that much? And since now he is nerfed he is actually worse than old but he is still a top pick. That makes almost zero sense.

    That is same with Gyro too. He was fine as a hero. His skills were same just a little bit worse. But he got picked 0 times? in TI2. Then he got 30 damage buff to Rocket Barrage and 10 MS buff. And boom! He became a top pick. And now he is nerfed back again. That's Icefrog for you.

    He will overbuff a hero. Then he will realize that the hero became OP and nerf it back again. Especially Bat and Wisp are overbuffed in the last patches and won't be balanced easily with very little nerfs.


      Looks like butthurt... Are u talking about pubs or pro games? Wisp is a pubstomping hero, but in pro games it is easy to counter. Also "pick fashion" always changes and i really looking farward to see something new in the closest tournaments. There were some important fixes, that, i hope, will change a lot.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Yeah I'm actually butthurt but if Wisp is easily countered why do they always ban him? It shouldn't matter if the enemy gets him because you know, we can easily counter.


          Not always.


            5 man doto counters wisp pretty hard

            going 2 ranged heroes vs wisp counters him easily too

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            packet canceled

              I'd take the old wisp over current.
              30% speed / 30% spirit slow / 120% atk speed / 40 cd relocate
              i mean...

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                At least is not the Blizzard style of buffs/nerfs (Diablo 3)... Like buff +500%, and next patch nerf to 122% of original value.


                  Please give me the old wisp, every 40s a multikill would be great.

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    did u shat too hard?
                    obviously ur butt hurts very badly


                      ur garbage


                        ming has a thing for guys butts being hurt ming do you always over play over played words

                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                          fullstops. ever. heard. of. them.?


                            My ability to use grammar correctly has given me 100 percent in school me assisting you in reading what I write will never happen

                            dookie daddy

                              Enter the "I'm smarter than you" arguments.

                              tveni tveni

                                The only thing wrong with wisp is shitty Valve who still don't make you hear the sound and see the animation when he's porting on top of your head. Dota 1:

                                - minimap animation
                                - global sound
                                - map animation visible to both allies and enemies, like furion tp

                                Dota 2:

                                - minimap animation

                                So either keep your eyes glued to the minimap or get raped. If that gets fixed maybe just rescale tether MS to 8/12/16/20 instead of constant 20 on every level and hero will be perfectly fine. Of course not in pubs since global TP in pubs will always be a slaughterfest, but it'll be balanced better


                                  If you any map awareness you will always sense a wisp tp... if you can't what can i say get better eyes ?

                                  tveni tveni

                                    You don't even meet wisp stacks in your normal MM so why even talk about it

                                    dookie daddy

                                      Actually I agree, quite easy to get ganked.....this is where a good supporting player helps. While carries are farming it is the supports job to ward, roam etc. but also in cases like this also keep a watchful eye on the lanes and the distance a player moves out and alert allies on in-coming ganks.

                                      @kim it is being a bit harsh to say that players will always catch a gank coming, it does take some map awareness but of all the people to question I would say swiftending's stats would speak volumes about the condition of his eyesight.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        I don't know why this thread turned out to be a thread about Wisp. Didn't you guys get the main point?


                                          I am not sure, but I remember that the LS (Life Stealer) buff was so fucking huge
                                          2.5/3.25/4/4.75 to 3/4/5/6
                                          Plz be more accurate when using seconds, and that open wounds nerf is huge only early, I think u should max open wounds now
                                          About wisp, 04 wrote wut I wanted to write, Wisp was better than now, but ppl didn't know how to play such a hero as he was new, and dota was rly boring in old days, not it's all about 5 man tryhard stacking, I mean diving and ganking :D


                                            Both allies and enemies see the red circle when wisp tp. Not sure if you need to have vision in that area or not, but for sure you see him tp-ing next to you.