General Discussion

General DiscussionGood carries? Where? Regions: EUW/EUE and Russia!

Good carries? Where? Regions: EUW/EUE and Russia! in General Discussion

    Looking for a stack or some good carries to play with. I'm a support with knowledge of all support heroes and I'm getting tired to support anonymous public players. I can give you more details after you add me on Steam.


      you won't find them here


        I know it's hard but atleast I should give it a shot. My nerves just came out to 0.


          Maybe you should play a few games on this account before searching for good carries.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Who wants to give me a shot I can show him on Steam my recent accounts, I don't have to do it here.


              I'm not sure if I'm that good at carrying (in ur opinion), but i'm looking for players to play with so u can add me if u want.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                Sorry but I don't think you accomplish my requirements.


                  Got a stack, looking for more active players.


                    I wasn't expecting so much quiet out here, in every game I was playing there were like 4 carries in my team. I guess I have to wait for something good. Still looking so don't be shy!


                      im "good" carry


                        You were serious or just a troll attempt?


                          I am not sure, but that "good" is suspicious
                          Edit: so, how is his wisp Mr.Vaikiss?

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            He said I'm the best Wisp from Europe East so come on guys.


                              Add me in steam. We need one good support. At least we can try


                                Hes fine i teach him ancient ways of "Tactical feeding" and he mastered it quite fast and now were winning hard


                                  vaikiss pls play with me


                                    ok go invite


                                      HAYAT61KENARA, can u tell me why is BAOMO getting queued with/against me, and keeps abandoning the game if his team picks are bad?
                                      Tell him to play with full stack, instead of wasting 15 minutes of my precious time !


                                        maybe he doesn't want to lose?


                                          He wastes my precious time, I could have almost finished a game instead of those 5 abandoned games, or at least hanged over here at dotabuff :P


                                            Ok guys and why do you talk about that in my thread?


                                              Hey ChaoticField, are you interested in some stomps?


                                                Yes! Found a bunch of people to play with, you can add me if you need a support or Wisp player (I play Wisp 95% of my games though).


                                                  9 out of 10 is 90% not 95%




                                                    Who cares you got what I meant! :D


                                                      Well it seems being a shit is the norm around here so I thought I'd join in, glad you noticed my safety smile(s).


                                                        u should get back on to play doto now i haz to play wisp myself... ;/


                                                          do you really have to play Wisp?


                                                            wisp is like a drug

                                                            dookie daddy

                                                              I am going to take a guess.

                                                              1. This is Roberto
                                                              2. This account is now dead and you have made yet another one

                                                              I talked about this with you on skype and explained that you are never going to get it perfect, thing to do is stack till you make good connections with fellow players then once you are confident together than maybe try for the stat whoring.

                                                              Its not the other way around, you don't smurf and look for other smurfs to stack with hoping for the best. You stack for say 6 months with 5 then when you are confident you have established your roles and can play competently then stack smurf if you really want the stats.

                                                              Wisp + smurfs is really a disease, you are a good wisp and you should play him evenly among the other 101 heroes there are. That will establish you as a reputable support or carry or whichever role you care to go for.

                                                              I seriously mean this for your own good, you aren't happy with the way your dota2 is going. I can tell by the smurf accounts you continue to make and the heroes you play.


                                                                wisp is overrated


                                                                  wisp is good especialy vs noobs but easily countered too

                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                    no he isnt, but if the wisp plays like a retard sure you can abuse that