General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo queue to improve W / L ratio?

Solo queue to improve W / L ratio? in General Discussion

    So I started finding a match solo and have noticed my win rate has gone up quite dramatically. Got to 51% playing nearly constant lich. Started playing a few more heroes and win rate dropped quickly to 48% after some nice losing streaks. Started solo matchmaking and won 13 out of my last 16.

    No stacks means less chance of a one sided game mebbe or my individual skill shines through the lack of stacks, (....yeah right), or whatever it is, but definitely a noticeable difference for me.


      nah, just luck imo, report back after ~50 matches


        Getting no stacks that speaks in their own language and eventually do their best to kill you, greatly increase your chance to play well.

        But of course if someone's win rate goes up, someone else's go down ;)

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          ' back after ~50 matches'

          Could well be, will keep an eye on it and see how this develops.


            It is just an illusion.. One player cant hardly influence the game..


              ...and certainly not one as bad as me, just thought the lack of stacks might make it more even is all, it certainly seems to be more even games so far anyway.

              Need to 'take a bigger sample' of matches s'pose, the truth will out!

              Also had a game where we came back from a 14,000 xp advantage and 11-1 kill deficite to win, amazing game, turnaround happened at the rosh pit when my Warlock dropped his rock on them with some fatal bonds and they were all low already and we team wiped them and then took the rosh. Best game ever. Not massively relevant but even this roll in the making turned out even in the end.


              Yeah yeah, Spectre and Sniper might have had a small amount to do with it as well :D

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              Chen Centaur Challenge

                A player who has been soloing into regular matching for every match for a long time is likely to be under-rated. This is because even a small amount of teamwork will beat skillful solo play. So people who que with friends win more. If you actually are above average and begin playing in games where there is never a stack against you your MMR will go up. But once you get into higher MMR solo que games you will still end up about 50% win. Actually if you get high enough MMR the solo que tends to take forever to find a match and you really can't use it anymore. I've seen wait times over 20 minutes. Some people have told me they let it run for hours and didn't get a match.


                  Interesting. Not sure I need to worry about getting into the high or very high brackets just yet tbh but since the solo option has been introduced the wait time seems to have come down quite a bit.

                  First time I tried it when it was new was getting between 5-8 minutes from an average of 2-4 on normal but the last few days of solo I've noticed the time has dropped considerably, right down to 3-5 minutes or so, on EU West at least.

                  Maybe it's getting more popular at the lower skill levels and, naturally, the higher skilled amongst us find solo play unbearable so don't bother. Makes sense I suppose.

                  'If you actually are above average'

                  Doubt it. Somewhere between 'below average' and 'fucking horrible at this game uninstall, uninstall, uninstall!'


                    i just played with a storm in cm that went blink dagger and linkens as the first few items after that only realized orchid best choice for magnus lol and attack dmg and mana and mana regen


                      solo que = more retards in ur team = higer chance to lose


                        It is just an illusion.. One player cant hardly influence the game..


                        While I agree for the most part 1 player can't influence every game they play. 1 player can influence a certain game. My team was getting destroyed early game so I started defending towers in 1 v 3's (and for the most part winning the fights) while our carry jungled to get back int the game and the others pushed the other lanes to gain the gold and experience they needed.



                          more retards on the other team also
                          so, if you're not a retard, you already have an advantage, I guess

                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                            Chen Centaur Challenge

                              I think Monkey that you are probably a slightly above average player. Keep in mind that this means you are better than maybe 55% of dota players and worse than maybe 45%. You performed very well in your team matchmaking games, which were played against teams that were slightly below average in team matchmaking...probably near average or a little above compared to pubs in general.

                              There would still be some way to grow before you would get to High bracket games, but its probably within your reach if you have come this far and started playing dota a year ago.

                              Generally people who are able to get to High Bracket and stay there win more games than they lose.

                              Judging by your stats, your main problem seems to be dieing to much. I suspect you do not check the mini map enough and/or take a lot of bad risks. Checking the mini-map is like checking your mirrors while trying to change lanes in rush hour freeway traffic. You have to do it every few seconds if you want to not get hit. Just make it a habit, always look back and forth from the mini map to the main screen. Learn to understand what you are seeing on the mini-map. Watch a replay with fog of war on...see what the movements on the mini-map mean...what is about to happen when you see X?

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              tveni tveni

                                Solo queue seems to be separated from the normal MMR you have since I get into games with people who I've never seen in top MM before and it's extremely easy to win, I think I've won 9/10 so far. The increased search time might have to do with that as well

                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                  Woof Woof

                                    solo or not mm has same math behind it


                                      @meow: Yes I am a shitty player, pretty sure I've mentioned this a few times. In all honesty a lot of those most played heroes and stats are from my days of learning, when I as starting from scratch with moba games. I basically picked heroes with as many passive abilities as possible and NEVER bought ANY item with an active... I have a retarded config set up and I was making things as easy as possible for myself. Heroes I played more recently have a better kda, like ogre, veno, warlock...

                                      @relentless: I think you have hit the nail on the proverbial. My awareness is shocking and I often die placing annyingly dumb. Like I said I have no desire to ruin games in the higher skill bracket until I'm ready so that's no biggie to me. Just got to watch the mini map a LOT more.

                                      But hey, why theorize? Download a game of mine and have a laugh, feel free.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      Chen Centaur Challenge

                                        No its not the same as regular matchmaking at all. I think Swiftending could be correct that its a separate score, but I have not read that anywhere. The solo que does try to put similar MMR people together, however for the top levels there is often no one that is really similar in the que. Also for a player like Swiftending the matchmaking score really doesn't have much meaning anymore. He could be in a game with 9 other top 1% players and still be way way above them in skill. There will never be ten players like you in the solo que, that level is only going to be on pro teams and stacks of mostly pro players. But don't know if the algorithim can really distinguish between a 1 in 100 player and a 1 in 10,000 player. Both probably have effectively the same MMR....hmm

                                        But maybe that's wrong. I thought the solo MMR was 0-100 scale where you could have a sort of "max" rating that was 99.9 etc. However the team ratings seem to be made on an open scale where it is possible to farm more points from lower team as long as there are enough teams fairly close to you. If you get more than 600 or so points ahead of the team below you it seems like you get zero points for winning.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          @sano apearently from my few solo mm games only retards who don't know what courier or wards is appeared in my team

                                          altho i also noticed that whenever u que as 4 and u get 5th that 5th usualy being top level retard


                                            Since Dota is a team game (and noone can solo beat a well mixed team of five), it's all about finding a feeling with strangers you're playing with. You win, someone else loses. Joining the solo queue will advantage you if you're friendly and you have a high skill in communications.


                                              actually im certain the ranking is different
                                              the first couple of games ~4 i was qued with complete retards on the level of DotA recipe buying tards. After that it got better but tsss... people are just retarded still!. i just dont get those fucking players that think oh i pick alst to match my team, go and pick a hard support, go safelane with you AND START FUCKING PULLING elaving u alone with a hard solo offlane hero taht rapes you 1v1 or in a 1v2 situation in which you cant get close to farm either. What happens next is you are tanking the fucking creeps at tower range because that fucktard pulled and now you are suddenly at 50% hp without farm and with like 1/3 of the normal exp! then they go feed and feed and continue pulling and if you say smth well... 1 more week of banned time!!!!!!!!!! tons of other examples but i will keep it at that since OP plays as support and feeds putting wards(another reason i TROLL FUCKTARDS AND MAKE US LOSE)


                                                Actually ever since solo queue came out, I've been playing mostly solo queue matches. My winrate from public MM was like roughly 52%. My w/r for solo queue after 63 games was 68%. From what i have experienced, its much easier to win in solo queue imo. Maybe I just function better playing alone ( since I play pub mm alone 99% of the time anyways). I play in vh tier, and my average wait time is usually 5-9 mins. Sometimes the queue would take like 15-20 mins, I assumed it was glitched so I cancel the queue and retried.


                                                -Games before solo que was 540.
                                                -Games now 603.
                                                -43 wins , 20 loss

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                                                okmol de grace

                                                  This solo queue is not good at all and I win around 6 matches then lose more than 6 match. The system keep pairing me with selfish people and losing is way too easy than winning.

                                                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                    @ desolator, you could be right. I usually wait 5-10 min for solo que, but one time it just kept going forever...canceled at 20 min and reset, waited another 6 or 7 min and finally got one. Maybe it does get into some kind of loop and can't find a match.

                                                    If I don't have people with me I solo que now. The matches seem better to me. Everyone is basically competent as long as you don't do it on Sunday when all the gameruiners are unbanned. I'm going to just not play dota for a day after, let someone else endure that crap and reban and re-mute them for me. Then I can hold on to mine to hit someone who deserves it at the end of the week when they think they are safe.