MM is retarded and your missing the ability to not make shitty threads no one cares about when you lose.
I won 12 of my last 14 matches....and im playing worse players (and worse allies) in matches now, besides I dont care if I win or lose, just want to play without so many morons
How is 44% player with 30 games in VH?
Some people swear that MM forces 50% even though volvo denied it. System is flawed and you're witnessing it first hand, same as thousand of other players. I understand you completely but posting here doesn't help.
calling valve volvo! So clever! That's gotta be the single most funny thing I've ever seen in my life! So original! So creative! just wow!
saying they force 50% is ridiculous. You're saying I can basically just never actually ever try in a game again.. because at some point the system will force me to win so I go back up to 50% WR.
and how is a person with 30 games in VH? Why don't you look through the 1200 threads about match making on this board where it's been explained time and time again why a player with so few wins might be in VH bracket.
edit* lol I jut noticed you have 45 games played and you're bitching about a player with 30 in the same bracket.
I'm 30-15, and playing against players with 14-19 and 5-5....and I won against them so? The main point was that I was playing against people with ~1000 wins and despite winning more games I am playing against/with worse and worse players check this game out...5 solo que vs clan whos probably skyping 0.o
If you don't use the Solo Queue option, don't complain about getting matched against Teams .... >.>
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Seriously? A few days ago I was playing with some "decent" (not trash, ~1000 games, ~52%WR)players, a couple matches in the VH bracket (won like 4, then went to the high back in VH playing with 44% morons)
Eg of decent opponents
But despite losing 2 out of the past 14 matches, 1 sort of legit (SK still a complete retard, but I didn't play that well), the other because dIckhead scrub Tiny thinks he can solo mid against Silencer, and he won't move (he goes 0-13..) - I am now playing with complete trash players every match
Bane, Spectre and Lycan all retards.
Retard Sven
Retard Lone Druid, retard PL. QoP was good, crushed me in the lane but kept failing tower dives..main point is, why am I playing someone with 5 wins and 5 losses when I've been playing people with 50-53% and >1000 games AND won..
Is MM just retarded or am I missing something?