General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I won 5 games in a row... cool innit...?

So I won 5 games in a row... cool innit...? in General Discussion
Papa Het

    And then... suddenly... a wild matchmaking appeared. I know there have been PLENTY of whiney threads like that, but seriously, what the fuck just happened.
    Wasn't all that obvious a balancing act, we had a pretty bad brood who ragequit and way to many carries. Nothing too bad. BUT:
    kunkka (russian you might wanna add) just fed. Did nothing else. Fed 3 times in a row top, wanted to go bot and steal meepos farm and fed. fed fed fed fed fed. Well, what'd you expect from a player with the top heroes BH Rikki and Sniper. But still. If Valvle should add something then it should be an automated ban system who bans people if they go over 0-10 in about 10 or 15 minutes or something, or, just kicks them from the game.

    What the general fuck was that. Is this MM really trying to balance you out to 50%? And if not, why on earth are there players with over 370 (!!!) freakin' matches who STILL play like this and just destroy the fun of EVERYONE else? What the fuck is wrong with this community?


      "And if not, why on earth are there players with over 370 (!!!) freakin' matches who STILL play like this and just destroy the fun of EVERYONE else? What the fuck is wrong with this community?"

      You realize you won those games because the feeders were on the other team right?

      Papa Het

        You can use that argument for about every player in the whole world if you so desire. Good job contributing your precious statement to this thread!

        Ken Bone

          lol. Kunkka had as many deaths as the Dire team.


            lol,, stacking attack modifiers, I mean riki, a big proof of the skill lvl of the game, at least of that player

            About kunkka, that was intentional feeding, so that doesn't measure the skill lvl of the player, kunkka might be better than u, but he was pissed off in that game, no one knows, MM won't know it too

            Papa Het

              You are way to rational Mapz0r (and I know you're right) but right now I wanna rant a little. Rant with me!

              Autism is great

                got 15wins in last 21 games
                and by some weird coincidence( come on we all know mm doesnt force 50% wr ) my teammates are getting worse and worse go figure

                now i have jungling luna
                we are 12 kills behind at 15 mark
                got to be a coincidence


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                  never play when search range goes past 3 minutes just cancel and re-queue
                  it is the only way to prevent these types of shit games

                  good luck!!


                    Well, if ur MMR gets higher, then MM system will find u players with lower MMR to balance the game, if u r rly that gd that MM system won't find players who r better/same skill lvl as u

                    I always notice that if I got some noob player on my team, there would be one on the enemy team, no matter wut is his score, u can judge through his playstyle, or how he represents his hero role, whether carry, support, etc.

                    ❤ Ashley ❤


                      mine is worst

                      every single one of them were retarded

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                        looks like a pretty balanced game to me

                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                          look at their items:

                          Well, at least my allies were playing good :X

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                            @You Can Only YOLO Once

                            You got a Battlefury as Magnus when you already had carries.


                              guys just go mid and if u are that skilled you will rape the mid and snowball the game like i do. i play almost all game solo queu and get paired with mexicans brazilian all bad spanish country and i still rape this shit. IF i lose its because some one took my mid or i didnt rape the mid hard enough


                                But sometimes its just not winnable
                                like this match :

                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                  ^ don't play that hero if you want to win...

                                  Papa Het

                                    ^ don't take advice from a guy who played 1,673 OD games.


                                      i've won 11 games in a row now. what is going on?


                                        ive been on like 1232131221 loss streak and fed HH@H@H@H@H@H@H@ cant win a single game im just dragging everyone down like a fuckin anchor

                                        Papa Het


                                          I honestly have no words. I bet you all know that kind of player: Magnus, lost top completely he fed together with clock 3 times each before the 8 min mark, and here comes the catch: he was blaming the team, flaming the most, thinking he'd be the mvp of all time. I think that's probably the most annoying kind of dota player.

                                          The worst part: Troll and myself completely dominated botlane, had one of my nicest earlygames ever, and then suddenly... wow.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          Woof Woof

                                            only 200k+ players and you want balanced game? pffff


                                              ^I actually laughed, wut do u mean by 200k? 200,000 DBR or wut?