General Discussion

General Discussionbeen on a losing spree

been on a losing spree in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)

    teammates ....
    vietnamese , thai , pinoys , malays , indians

    fml. really

    /end rant


      da idi naxuy cyka bliad

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      dookie daddy

        Ming why you no play with me, we win all our games most of the time.



          World Emperor

            Lolz sound like we have pleasure playing with dumbass chinese ... Spam chat in mic, can't comprehand basic english and ignorant. Please choose "Chinese" in the searching option and play with your own kind.


              Ming, u r from?
              I think u eliminated the whole SEA community..

              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                lol the vietnamese dude. losing ur team much?

                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                  i would, i just cant stand the ping


                    Who is Vietnamese here?
                    Vaikiss isn't from Vietnam..

                    World Emperor

                      @Mapzor:I am.
                      @Ming: Tell me you never had a day when u just can't win. Anyways I am currently in America and i play on US East and West. If u want this summer when i go back we can play and then you can judge my country whatever you want. Everywhere there are people like this and that. I don't want to say that everyone from Viet Nam is good or every one from China is bad, just want to say that you should not judge all of us because of some low level noobs. Most of the Vietnamese dota 2 players played dota 1 on Garena before and how people play on dota 2 is completely different. I have a lot of chinese friends here and of course not all of them are good.

                      I come from the dark

                        777 - 787
                        Win Rate

                        says it all.

                        World Emperor

                          Don't judge people by winrate. Me and my friends often random and we play all kinds of modes. We are not like stacks who aim for winrate.
                          Also this is slightly different from the record in the game. My in-game record difference is only -1 win

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                            whew, 80mins game


                              is this your first losing streak?


                                How da hell u won dat game ?

                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                  mad skeelz
                                  p:s , look at bone and my items

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  Papa Het

                                    just asked myself the same wtf :D

                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                      it was all skeelz


                                        ur team went mass bkb
                                        enemy team went mass ghost scepters

                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                          bkb > ghost

                                          dookie daddy

                                            I can do SEA from time to time I will just have to support you with a less micro intensive hero than visage :)


                                              HOLY MOTHER FUCKIN still pondering on why you're words arent all on caps lock.....Im experiencing the same shit you are right now and its killing the flying fuck outta me....

                                              dookie daddy

                                                Revenge, what servers do you play? Care to stack with me and some others?


                                                  I would love to bro...i play in SEA server <3

                                                  dookie daddy

                                                    Well, we can you, me and Ming. Add me and we'll see if we can pop in a few games tonight on SEA.


                                                      Don't forget me..the good old times we had..
                                                      Btw @havoc - I used to stack with Ming..kinda same playstyle as u
                                                      @Ming - I used to stack with havoc till those eu pings became crazy

                                                      dookie daddy

                                                        So we have 4 then, I can bring one more in a we have our stack.

                                                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                          yeah i used to stack with racer. till he couldnt keep up with sea pings anymore lol


                                                            Will be back online in two days bro..changing my isp..losing a lot these days due to my bad net..waiting for this weekend..gotta catch up with u guys n may be even do EU new isp says it is 4mbps :-)


                                                              Sure bro erm im actl busy tonight you mind if we do it on the weends? :D

                                                              dookie daddy

                                                                Yeah weekends are when I do the most of my gaming so it works for me.


                                                                  Nice....added you alr btw