General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Score - Top Kunkka

Hero Score - Top Kunkka in General Discussion

    Sry for bad english.... Guys why i have KDA - 20, WR - 96 for Kunkka, 30 matches, but in Top Kunkka I don't take even the 50th place. And i have 1 match with 1600 gpm - but in Top Perfomance 1st place Kunkka - 736 gpm.


      Your kda ratio for kunkka is 3.26 whatcha talking abt bro

        Ten komentarz został usunięty

          You feed on purpose with prophet every second game 0-40 to stay in low skill nice:D
          hope you get permabanned.


            OMFG AHHA WTF permabanned is what you need bro! u only play properly with kunkka and the rest u just feed and all of those feeding heroes are the ones that have good map presence


              I think he is on low priority pool for 100 days ;p.


                Your kka is just not good enough. Everyone in that ranking has at least 70% or plays at a higher MMR.


                  Well... My kunkka is way better=D


                    Well... My Kunkka is...... wait I don't remember ever playing Kunkka lol.

                    Safe Base

                      high GPM and kda wont get into top hero performance if it's in bronze skill bracket. Anyone can have insane KDA GPM if you have a fountain TPing prophet feeding every other game to stay low skill bracket then u "farm" a high stat main hero the next game (kunkka in this case).


                        wut is thi?

                        Penis Monkey

                          96% win rate with kunkka? I see 58%


                            He is 96% on his other account with the same name.

                            packet canceled

                              disgusting lmao

                              tveni tveni

                                You need 31 game to get ranked but I don't think you'll be there anyway due to your DBR being disgustingly low


                                  100% winrate with 145 KDA:

                                  96.67 winrate with 20.73 KDA:



                                    Get on his level if you can scrub. Phew.

                                    tveni tveni

                                        ok guys where do u see thos hero players places


                                          @Swiftending that is amazing dude, TA with daedalus recipe and bh with bfury and still they manage to win O.o

                                          Safe Base

                                            you can see it if you have dotabuff plus.

                                            Valve should just ban all his accounts and IP ban him. Complete waste of time for his team mates and the opposite team. At least he wasted hours of his own time failing to manipulate himself into top hero performance lol.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Isn't top hero performance a thing of the past? DBR does not update anymore.


                                                WTF... You play with 2 computers and feed yourself:



                                                Papa Het

                                                  and stupid enough to post here... enjoy your ban!


                                                    try RL :O


                                                      "WTF... You play with 2 computers and feed yourself:





                                                        wtf? how did he get both his accounts in the same MM?


                                                          Wow, new meta, play against urself xD

                                                          dookie daddy

                                                            I am dubious about his Kunkka games, all of them have....

                                                            1. Anon players except him...
                                                            2. Leavers on almost every game (why)
                                                            3. Each account has furion games where you have fed yet another smurf account.

                                                            My guess, school PC's where he ques multiples at a time.


                                                              Ha ha. Priceless.

                                                              dookie daddy

                                                                And people claim that MM is broken, its cause there are so many people trying to break it with smurfs and tactics like this to try and boost their ratings.

                                                                ONE account is all you need, my respect to people that hold onto one account for better or worse. Keep in mind the more matches you have the harder it is to improve your stats so I tip my hat to all the people who don't have smurf accounts.


                                                                  I tried smurfing. Lasted 2 games. Could not handle 2 things. The overall terrible play and the other smurfs in a stack raping face. Boring and less than fun.

                                                                  A lot of my stats are skewed by me taking well over 200 games before learning how to deny, having no clue regards channelling spells and wondering why my they always just....stopped. That took a hundred or so and there's plenty of other similar things too.

                                                                  My stats will always be fooked as I started from literally no idea whatsoever to my curent state of at least having half of a quarter of a clue.

                                                                  When all's said and done I'm improving all the time. Still bad but not completely useless. Lots of people place far too much emphasis on trying to look good in stats than actually playing good.

                                                                  Please do look at my stats so you can feel superior. You're welcome.

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                  dookie daddy

                                                                    Thats just it, I think if people would care a lot less about the stats more people would have a more enjoyable time. Its the constant pressure of "I can't lose like this dotabuff might see my failings and flame me".

                                                                    Thats not to say that games can really suck if your team is bad but still if you think about it most of the "flamed" people on this forum have long standing accounts and are just moderate players who actually are enjoyable to play with and win or lose you have a good enough time with them.

                                                                    This is opposed to the other end of the scale that will continue making new friends and smurf accounts till they get the right combo that enables them to get an 70% WR, High KDA so they can then come back to all the long standing accounts and e-penis rub.

                                                                    This is what kinda breaks the system of MM where people get smurfs can really wreck a newbies game which is understandable. Honestly, I would give it 2 months and all the smurfs will end up in the same level as the other smurfs. There will be a huge smurf-off and the losers will just remake and start again this is the nature of things correcting themselves.

                                                                    @.:ne:.Monkeh do you not care about your score, would not hesitate to play with you if given the opportunity.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      I'll add you when I get home from work then. Did I read somewhere you are uk based but play late night? Sounds good to me as I TF2 until around 9pm uk time.

                                                                      Look forward to playing a game or two. I like to use mumble and got a big server with numerous channels and people to meet. Often friendlies in one of the dota channels as well.

                                                                      You can see us at if you wanna snoop around.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                      dookie daddy

                                                                        Ah, then I might TF2 with you sometime then. I am still relatively new but like to play a game now and then.


                                                                          Sweet. Although I play competitive TF2 6v6. Great game. Have a look at for informations.

                                                                          This here's my team:

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          dookie daddy

                                                                            Ah then that is a no go for me, I will get assraped to hell...still DotA2 will still be an option late night and weekends.


                                                                              Btw, sorry for thread derail OP.

                                                                              TF2 is sunday, tuesday and wednesday at the moment, so plenty of time left to sharpen my dota....ermmmm 'skills'.

                                                                              Speak to you later. Go get mumble if you haven't already. :-)


                                                                                @ mapzor

                                                                                lol I almost died of laughter reading your post


                                                                                  I am dying of laughter till now since I posted that !
                                                                                  I can't imagine how ppl can be so try hards..


                                                                                    @ Gerry

                                                                                    I'm still confused.
                                                                                    How did he get both computers into the same matchmaking game?