General Discussion

General DiscussionGraphic bug...

Graphic bug... in General Discussion

    Am i the only one who's graphs are bugging... when i die my hero loses all his visual items..WTF?
    sometimes i cant even see the items i have equipped on heroes...oh yea and my friend list is moving left-right rly fast...ffs i hope they fix this fast...
    and no its not my pc its this latest patch...


      Funny thing, this happened to me for the first time just a little while ago. Server issue maybe?


        Items servers most probably. Happened to me yesterday.


          my wolfs are not gray QQ just got the lycan set...


            just make sure you report to steam


              I just checked: my jakiro wards transform into normal wards after ~20 min. Not sure about hero items, but wards have nothing to do with hero death, it's about game time.


                Never happened to me before and my video card sucks. I have to play on 800/600 resolution with render settings at 50% on top of turning off all animate portraits, shadow, etc.

                white lies

                  happens to me every time since the latest patch. after 1-2 deaths it suddenly disappear

                  dookie daddy

                    @Lolskil the lycan set was bugged and was even crashing whole games, just give it time and it will fix itself.

                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                      because your smurf fed 100 with furion


                        y my jakiro wards transform into normal wards too...
                        @Grimorum its due to the latest patch its not the video card..etc..
                        idk bout lycan could be right..
                        still it is bugging me that i loose all my visual items after death..

                        dookie daddy

                          There are a lot of visual bugs that are being ironed out due to multiple visual updates and additions.


                            i got a lot of bugs regarding graphics
                            i even see my creeps in the enemy team attacking my fellow creeps (obv enemy creep) without the use of the lifestealing item that does that shit!

                            other times stuff just appears and dissapears xD like random dead creeps etc

                            dookie daddy

                              There are issues like last hitting kills a creep and you get the cash but no gold ticks off confirming you got the last hit, I think it is just them focusing on this money making thing they are trying to ride out the crazy train of spending before they have to go back to the basics of releasing heroes, fixing bugs etc.

                              white lies

                                just recently bought it, the only bug ive experienced with the set is the summoned unit doesnt change to white wolf and the disappearance of the set after death. no dc.

                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                  sf with scepter ult
                                  dcs every1 who looked at him when he ult.



                                    oh yeah
                                    now u lose lothar's when casting ulti with sf. they fixed the attack reavealing lothar just after using it but theyf fuecked up his ulti. Now if u cancel it around.5 second before or less from the releasing time of ulti you lose the lothars


                                      Of course the hardcore SF player would know :)


                                        it makes a huge difference
                                        its almost like wasting 3k gold