General Discussion


CANCER LANCER TOO STRONK in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤



      Icefrog too busy with new hero developments. Haven't seen any nerf/buffs lately.


        I found bounty to be good hero to shut down PL just try it !


          ^Lol noob. Gondar has no chance vs PL. Only idiots think like: "I will take gondar and use track on PL to kill him! What a great idea!"


            Gank him and you'll be fine.

            TikTok Uncle

              just do exactly what lgd did

              ❤ Ashley ❤

                @ŠãÿČhêěż :]

                you have a 33% winrate with bh, dont talk like you can even beat pl with bh


                  I hav been shut down many a times by BH ganks while playing PL like 2 other heroes ganking along with bounty early game shuts him down.


                    and about my bounty winrate i used play him kinda hard carry like farming battlefury nd nt participating in fights which left me losing games with if u see mha last games of bounty dey r better den my prevoius bh games :) doing good wid him nw :)


                      dat english


                        ^In fact, RIP english

                        And PL is countered by a "gd magnus" with some gd melee carry like sven

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          I have %85 win rate with BH and BH has no chance against PL at all. Also even though you are right, this ain't not development forum yo. Complaining here won't achieve anything.


                            Counter PL with Gyro ... Maybe it's only way now. Or gank him before he becoming too fat


                              Quad rapier medusa destroys him tbh.


                                No. Turning around games with a 20,000 gold deficit is totally balanced.

                                Deal with it.


                                  Try a team with Jakiro.
                                  AOEs destroy illusions and then you can kill the real one.

                                  Josh  :D

                                    BH can totally shut him down. Wait for his army to disappear, strike, track, jinada, go invis (no lance coming your way) follow up with another hit/shurken/jinada when available and he dies.

                                    Or, get someone with some sweet cleave and an AOE stun like Sven. Or Magnus.

                                    Or, gank him early and often so he doesn't get farm. Early he's a total pansy.

                                    Or let him free farm for 20 minutes and rape you then bitch about it crying imba.


                                      Farm better :D


                                        aggresive tri lane with sk lesh done ..

                                        ❤ Ashley ❤

                                          bh does not counter pl.

                                          Josh  :D


                                            ❤ Ashley ❤

                                              yes, yes you are.


                                                What happens if PL carries dust? Then that BH combo is fucked, & Bh feeds PL. 180 gold is a good investment.

                                                idol hell

                                                  Nyx Nyx Nyx Nyx


                                                    Yea. Its ur fault got raped by pl. Gank him ultil he gives up farming.

                                                    Yoichi Isagi

                                                      Pl only is still ok, but if pl + kotl thats OP. you cant gank him well, since he will tp all around the map.

                                                      Josh  :D

                                                        PL carrying dust is a non-issue. BH has burst damage and PL is squishy. Late game, yeah, PL will destroy him. Early levels, BH should destroy him.

                                                        Most of the "PL is OP" argument revolves around folks not realizing how vulnerable he is early, that's what's balance.


                                                          Kunkka rapier daedeleus bkb shadowblade mkb BoT........that is if ur willing to play kunkka every PL game and if u get that far :P


                                                            Medusa,Kunkka , Gyrocopter how do you think about them ?


                                                              tiny is the only counter

                                                              dookie daddy

                                                                The greatest PL counter is team play focus, many combo's of heroes are "good" vs him but in the end good team focus and lockdown will be able to root out a PL even in late game.

                                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                  obviously u guys forgot op is rape

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    @the guy with the Chinese(?) name
                                                                    Lol I didn't but he is actually right this time.


                                                                      Not OP, end of discussion, he gets raped if u play well

                                                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                        Its so fun to watch Rape stats grow. He used to have 60+ winrate, mainly with drow, and would be very proud of it. Now, as he played more and more games, his winrate goes towards 50%, and now he just trolls. Fun I guess.

                                                                        ❤ Ashley ❤

                                                                          The best way to balance pl is to put his agil back to 2.8 while making his max illusions down to 5.


                                                                            Every farmed carry with battlefury (like jugg, phantom assasin, faceless void) or heros with cleave like kunkka or sven can shutdown pl easy in a lategame, and more easy if someone help with dust, gem, or anything else if he scapes.

                                                                            ❤ Ashley ❤

                                                                              easily? please pl has the highest armor in game at level 25

                                                                              Safe Base



                                                                                  Spirit breaker + dust, Gyrocopter = roflcopter

                                                                                  World Emperor

                                                                                    Good new for you pussies, PL is nerfed for next patch (6.78)
                                                                                    - Spirit Lance, Dopplewalk, Juxtapose and Phantom Edge illusions damage dealt decreased from 25% to 20%

                                                                                    Next patch ES will become an anti-PL hero cuz he is buffed hard, especially his ult will counter PL.
                                                                                    - Turn rate improved from 0.4 to 0.6
                                                                                    - Fissure range increased from 1200 to 1300
                                                                                    - Echo Slam now considers illusions as heroes


                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      early game just hit him with AA's ult (only the real one gets the frost effect and keeps losing life) then dust and gank ( I prefer this combo since AA's ult is global so you don't have to change lanes to do this, meaning all those wards they purchased to stop ganks don't matter since AA never left his lane).


                                                                                        counter pick earth and u won :P


                                                                                          BH is awesome against PL first of all you hit him with battlefury then you track the pl with the highest hp then you go invis annnnnnd you're welcome :P


                                                                                            Is jus n illusion


                                                                                              Some counters that I use:

                                                                                              -Silencer: lane against him, PL will ragequit before he can become a danger.
                                                                                              -Earthshaker: PL's team will now be afraid of PL XD
                                                                                              -Axe: Who needs an army if you can have Axe!

                                                                                              or if you want to play a carry:
                                                                                              -Gyrocopter: rams a rocket up PL's anus, all of them.
                                                                                              -Medusa: Stoned PL = dead PL = best PL.
                                                                                              -Kunkka: Tidebringer? More like Ass-whoop bringer.
                                                                                              -Sven: 100% cleave with Battlefury.


                                                                                                stop crying