General Discussion

General Discussionhow is this even possible?

how is this even possible? in General Discussion

    I read here that matchmaking is a complete disaser but I didn't know it's so bad until now
    just have a look:


      Maybe you shouldn't try to carry with a hard support hero..


        how I shouldn't carry if my team was full of idiots? they abandoned since minute 4

        Autism is great

          what new players not good? #iq<90


            really? and how can you explain that the enemy team had way better players than my team had?


              MMR gets better the more games you played, that was your first game. If you picked a carry your team would probably have won cause you are by far the best player in the game.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                >skilled player playing on smurf account
                >game has no means of determinating his skill due to lack of games
                >lose the game
                >whine on forums about it

                Every smurf ever.



                  tveni tveni

                    How is mm supposed to work when you have 0 games you ape


                      this has to be a troll...

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Wtf are you retarded? This is your second game of Dota 2. These players are most likely playing the first game of their life and you fucking complain about them being bad? So unmannered. You should go cry in a corner.


                          u played like a pro when u started the game ? :D .. its not that hard to win the game on a smurf even with 4 feeders ..

                          Handing them a frickin pa...

                            How can i watch replays? It doesnt do anything when i click "watch replay"


                              What a failed smurf account.

                              Safe Base

                                Aside from what everyone has already said about the system won't be able to judge your skill on a smurf account, looks like the game was balanced anyway. The other team apart from alch were basically just as bad as your team mates. If you were not a hard support maybe your team would have won.