General Discussion

General Discussion[Suggestion] Hall of fame?

[Suggestion] Hall of fame? in General Discussion

    Well not exactly hall of fame, But like you go to the hero section and you click on for example lifestealer, it would show highest gpm by this player or most played by this player etc.
    i saw a guy in a pub with 1200+ games with huskar and i think that was awesome :D
    so yah wold be cool for people that have over 1k games with 1 specific hero.
    What do you guys think?

    TikTok Uncle

      its just sad when you grind 1k games with 1 hero


        is it? :)

        Chen Centaur Challenge

          Some people really enjoy playing their favorite hero nearly every game. I like to play all the heroes even if I am much worse at some than others. Play the game you as you like to play it.

          But if you want to get really good at a hero, at least 100 games are needed. You have to use that hero against so many possible situations to really know it.

          As for the OP...Dotabuff Plus had this, but Valve broke it by making stats default hidden.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            If u play a hero like 500 times u knw dat u knw everything about d hero nd best example who is also active in proffessional scene is Admiral Bulldog his Lone druid is d best in dota2 dis guy knws how to play bear.I cant recollect many but check admiral bulldog lone druid u wll knw y :):):)