General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to test if Shiva's Guard does not extend a distance of 719

How to test if Shiva's Guard does not extend a distance of 719 in General Discussion

    Invoker has an attack range of 600. Shiva's guard barely goes further than 600; based on my estimation, shiva's guard extends 670, not 719 as intended.

    How do I check this, ideas anyone?
    Is there a spell that extends close to 719?

    Safe Base

      Does dota_range_display 719 in the console not display the correct distance?

      Chen Centaur Challenge

        Well there are spells that split the difference. Those would be the easiest to compare.

        SWM Ancient seal is 700.
        Enchants Impetus with Aghs is 715.
        AA Cold feet is 700.
        Dazzle Shallow grave level 2 is 700.
        Pugna Decrepify is 700.

        Try comparing to some of these.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          @ safebase, just tested it, shiva's distance is perfect.

          OMG, I wish I knew about this feature sooner!
          My Invoker's KDA could have been more than 10.3!
          My Invoker's win rate might have been bumped 2% higher to 82%!

          Imagine seeing your max distance for tornado, hex, atos, forcestaff, dagger, etc!
          Everything could be timed so much better OMFG

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            This is ridiculous, I've just known about this feature now? Can I set the dota_range_display automatically every game?

            dookie daddy

              I have mine set to 1200 which is the exp. range, easier to do is just to hover over a spell/item and it will show you the radius.

              dookie daddy


                Have a scroll through the Dota section as some commands are not specific to dota, a lot of these I have on which are a great way to improve your game.

                e.g right click deny, radius, autocast if (condition) etc.


                  I love dota_disable_range_finder 0


                    damn thats a sick voker


                      don't use too many handicaps guys. these commands arn't tourney legal so limit how long you rely on this crutch.

                      Safe Base


                        You can create an autoexec.cfg file with commands you would like to use every game, otherwise every time you restart dota 2 you have to manually input all the commands again.

                        Put the autoexec.cfg file into your dota 2 folder, normally it would be at:
                        C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg


                          I bind it to "h"
                          Just copy paste any of these
                          For example take this :
                          alias "+range" "dota_range_display 1150" alias "-range" "dota_range_display 1150" bind "h" "+range"

                          and just change the first number into wutever range u need, and in game just click "h"
                          or bind it to another key if ur "h" is alrdy occupied

                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            Grimorium, why do you play shit Huskar?
                            Really a shit hero, esp in high level games. You just like him?


                              Gotta love burning spears, too bad it isn't worth leveling past 1.


                                Grimo, I am rly curious why is ur skill lvl with invoker much more different than that with other heroes
                                or do u play with noobs when u want to play invoker?


                                  Invoker is my motivation. That hero gives me a big adrenaline rush; no other hero can compare. Unfortunately, playing invoker so much results in carpal tunnel syndrome. I played invoker in captain's mode five times on this account and I gotta say.... invoker is not a good pick in most situations.

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