General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some tips

Need some tips in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Kindly check my stats/games and tell me some quick and easy tips on how to improve.


      First of all switch heroes. Play SD/RD mode to force you to play some new faces. But dont overdo this by puck and that kind of heroes.
      Secondly play more supports than u are playing now. Playing other heroes than carry can even improove your carry playing just by learing different perspective.
      As third, watch pro games, observe people item builds in different situations and use them if u want.
      Next... Phantom Lancer is really Pub owner so try to play some other heroes :)

      I know its pub gaming only but most of your top heroes arent even in top 1-4 pro brackets. They may work out in pubs but you have to remember that as you will go the higher bracket in pub games people gonna pick heroes from trier 1-3 from pro games. I mean - the heroes that have biggest impact on game. And seeker, SB, Sk and alche arent such heroes :)

      Good luck.


        It seems to me you pick heroes just to pick heroes, this is a judgement made by you picking the same hero in many consecutive games. I understand practicing heroes you want to play more often or find more fun, but generally this may mess with your teams lineup.
        Just giving you one tip here is to say that sometimes PL is not the best hero for your teams lineup, I would do more counter picking than just playing a hero no matter what.
        Also, try and make a set of friends to play with-- you will win more games if you establish a relationship and get some teamwork going than having to start brand new every game you play in solo queue. Hope this helps.


          FIRST PICK A HERO!
          That way your team accommodates to you.. I'm just gonna guess you are good at farming and that's why you got so decent win% with them. If it is because you are playing low level games (normal) then i really shouldn't even give a fuck about you!.

          Papa Het

            Play all pick, random your hero. Best way to learn the game.


              @bad intentions, looks like me and you both like to use heroes that are not in the top ban/pick pool


                to build on what Viveroth said, when watching pro games also pay attention to their positioning. I'd also suggest downloading your own replays and re-watch them. look for things you could of done better or improve on could you of built out your inventory differently Slow the speed down so you can see what is really happening during the fights.


                  just play the game try to get better with as many heroes as u can (all of them) instead of playing same shit over and over

                  eventually u will get better

                  watching pro replays won't help shit if u don't know what ur doing


                    you probably cant cs

                    and you dont tp to fights

                    Bad Intentions


                      dookie daddy

                        TBH your help will come with practice, I can tell from the carries you play and such that you have already grasped core concepts and most of what you will find here is unhelpful smurf tards.

                        I would suggest buying a compendium (if valve haven't suckered you into it already) and watch some of the live tournament games that go on. You will be able to pick up tips, see how they farm, item progression etc. and you should be able to improve your game with some help from the pro's.

                        Only tip I can give is there may be other items of higher value for you hero than S&Y.


                          No need for compendium to watch games from dota 2 client, TI3 is totally free to watch, other tournaments require other tickets so that u can watch them