General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get in very high MM

How to get in very high MM in General Discussion
It's alright

    i have 1000 game now so i really have no idea how to move up :\


      Create a new account, play better or stack with better people.

      It's alright

        im usually rape at mid :\, do i really need to create new account?


          No, but if you truly belong in Very High it will go faster to do that on a new account than on a 1000 games one.


            very high isnt better anyway ^^

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Play better.

              It's alright

                i know i have to play better but it take so damn long to get in very high. btw when i play in high and normal feel it just feel so easy to kill them in mid (usually, not all the time :D) :\


                  @: (: The difference between Very High and High/Normal is astronomical. Very High is also bad but it's still many times better than the other two.


                    win games


                      If u belong to very high, u will be automatically queued in very high, if u don't, u won't


                        If you want to get into very high, either get good gpm,xpm,kda or find a friend that is already in Very High tier, win a few rounds, and you'll be in very high until you get kicked out( if you lose a lot).

                        dookie daddy

                          A lot of times people play in High Skill and don't even know it. I do about 50-50, High skill till I get assraped for a few games then back to normal till manage to get high again.

                          Autism is great

                            what can you expect from replay marked as high (ap, no stacks )
                            courier [ ] [ ]
                            wards [ ] [ ]
                            sentries [ ] [ ]
                            dust [ ] [ ]
                            smoke [ ] [ ]

                            what can yo uexpect from replay marked as very high (ap, no stacks )
                            courier [x] [ ]
                            wards [x] [ ] -> first set only 0-6min
                            sentries [ ] [ ]
                            dust [ ] [ ]
                            smoke [ ] [ ]

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            `b U u

                              nonetheless, very high is better than high because in most occasions your team will not be a full carry team rofl and the plays are better but ofc their will always be a time when there is still a noob lurking in those very high games


                                Try alternating between your ten best heroes for each game.


                                  You probably won't get into very high through only being good at one role. I have seen some people get there through picking the imba hero of the week. (i.e. high win rate from picking drow a few months ago, nyx, and now PL) Also make sure you have a mic, you can't win high level dota with good communication. In captains pick and very high games there has to be at least one person with a mic directing initiations

                                  If you playing solo or duo queue be versatile, be able to play many heroes in many places. You want to be able to counter pick your enemy or pick a combo hero for your allies.

                                  Personally I just like to Random every game :) Somehow I am in high/very high depending who i play with and this is my account that I learned to Dota on

                                  Moo Moo

                                    play AR. Statistically if you are good, you should move up to very high. (it's how I got there)


                                      getting into high if you picked begineer or some non sense is pretty easy. now getting in to very high I would just make a new account to be honest. it is much easier staying in high than getting to high just the way match making works.


                                        and most people in normal and high don't know when and how to end the game so hard carry's usually win these games. I rarely see people end games early in normal and high.

                                        It's alright

                                          thanks for all advice :). and i did random every game i play but never try AR. so you guys assume that if i play AR i will get into very high easier?
                                          p/s: if i party with very high friend does it make me move up to very high more faster?


                                            Alternate between your ten best heroes for each game.

                                            It's alright

                                              you mean picking hero? .__.


                                                As someone said, if you belong to very high you will get there nmw. Try watch some videos that explains some advanced theory. Micro is only a small part of the game.


                                                  @di existence must vanish
                                                  You mean there are "high" games where people don't have courier in first min? Can you link us a replay?


                                                    its close to imposible getting to higer skill pub matchmaking without stacking with ppls who already in very high

                                                    i personaly got secondary account which i use to practice with my team and pub with close friends it has <100 games and always getting match with ppls who has 1000+ wins each thats bcuz i was stacking since game 1 with friends who has 1000+ wins too

                                                    It's alright

                                                      im stacking with my friend who has very high too but do you think play some game with them will eventually get me to very high?


                                                        ^ You can get into very high if you stack with friends that are already in very high. When I played with a high tier friend, the first game was in very high it was only 2 of us. Then we began losing like hell and it became high when we play together. However I was still in very high when I solo que.

                                                        And @ Vaikiss, I got to very high alone, I play solo most of the time, I got in very high tier maybe after 100-150 games though.


                                                          i got to very high mm on my own -.-
                                                          if anything, playing with mates just made me lose a lot! and go down to high games some time in the past


                                                            im not talking stacking with bad players

                                                            im talking about stacks that wins 5-10 games in a row

                                                            after 5 wins in a row even with account that has 0 wins (5 after those games obv) u should be in high matchmaking ive tryed that multiple times both with my alt account both with friend alt account we just won 18 games in a row and after 5 of them we already were matched vs players like dendi virtus pro members /etc

                                                            tveni tveni

                                                              I've got into very high after 3-4 solo queue games on my smurf, you'll be there easily if you're not terrible at dota


                                                                ^Seems unreal, even if you won 3-4 games in a landslide in a solo que, you shouldn't be able to get into very high tier, considering game 1 and game 2 is most likely normal tier.


                                                                  For me the bracket on solo matchmaking seems to be kinda' random... Last night I had a game on very high (lost), then one on high (lost), then today I had 2 on high (won both), and now 1 on normal (won).

                                                                  Are there so few players high bracket EU west looking for AP/RD/SD/LP English? I mean why am I matched in normal bracket after I won 2 matches on high in a row? Or why am I matched in very high after I won 2 games on high, after I lost 3?


                                                                    Its almost hard to be in every bracket , normal , high , and very high at the same time. I assume your normal bracket games have leavers in it. You can't be in very high and drop down to normal after 1 game. And you probably got into very high because your team needed someone with a lower mm rating etc. I have never experienced being in very high in one game , and normal in the next, unless there was a leaver in that normal game.

                                                                    It doesn't mean you're a very high tier player, unless you are in very high tier 90% of the time in your past 50 games.


                                                                      I made a smurf the other month. first game loss (i was godlike but 3 people on my team refused to buy items lol), next 2 games I went 20+kills. 4th match put me into very high with people who all had 100+ games and I had to start a new smurf. Matchmaking is pretty accurate and will move you quickly if you are in the wrong category

                                                                      I don't know if I would play all random in hopes of increasing your mm skill. You never know what kind of game you will get with AR and more luck than skill. I only play that for kicks

                                                                      Winning with a friend that is higher then you moves you up quickly. Losing with a friend lower then you moves you down quickly. I almost always get moved to "high" during my weekend stack with Real-life friends and get moved back to "very high" with my competitive weekday stack


                                                                        Check my match history in last 2 days. You'll see I have 1 match in very high 3-4 in high and 2-3 in normal. Also all these games were in solo matchmaking, so nobody had party in these games.

                                                                        The only explanation I can find is that there were not enough players of my MMR online, looking for games at that time.

                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                          i got a better one
                                                                          solo MM is using a seperate MMR but the replay search function is using your old regular MMR even for the solo queue MM

                                                                          It's alright

                                                                            so it's mean i must win 5-10 game in a row to get into very high? :( im always play for fun and you can see in my profile, there's a lots of game where my team is lose but i got like 15-20 kill and my k/d ratio kinda good. It doesn't count?

                                                                            Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                              KDA means nothing for MMR. K/D ratio is not even tracked.

                                                                              Winning games against stronger and stronger teams, Winning consistently, those are the things that count.

                                                                              It's possible to get into Very High at any time, no matter what your previous record or current MMR by just winning 10 games in a row. Each game will theoretically be harder than the previous one.

                                                                              But you are probably fairly close to Very High already. Winning just 4 or 5 games in a row should do it. Staying there will be a lot harder. You will have to win over 50% at Very High rating to maintain it.

                                                                              Usually when you are a few wins short of very high you will get pulled up every 4 or 5 matches. Your first Very High game will probably be followed by more High games even if you win.

                                                                              It's alright

                                                                                thanks alot. i know what to do now :)

                                                                                Shinzou wo sasageyo

                                                                                  stack and start winning games with friends who are already in very high. but seeing you already have 1000+ games, maybe that's the bracket you deserve to be in?


                                                                                    Skill; kda, gpm, xpm, apm, etc. it can take only 1 game to move from a normal bracket to very high bracket.

                                                                                    Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                                      Not really. It takes about 10 games. Although you can do it in 5 with a new account, less if you stack with very high players.

                                                                                      You may play in a Normal game and Very High the next game, but you are not really are just balancing someones normal bracket friend on the other team. You will most likely que into Normal the game after even if you win the game in Very High. You have to win consistently for the MMR to actually move, that is why win streaks are critical.

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                      It's alright

                                                                                        @Cullen you can see my game history, pretty much i dominate mid and kill alot too even my team is losing


                                                                                          stop being shit at dota have you fuckwits ever considered that.


                                                                                            i dont know, have you?


                                                                                              i dont know, have you?


                                                                                                @ pro

                                                                                                you fucking suck
                                                                                                you think "winning mid" wins the game?
                                                                                                for that to count you have to complete dominate your enemy
                                                                                                be at least 3-0 mid, have taken at least 3 levels from him, prevented him from farming and denied a lot and also farmed a lot yourself! i Bet u barely killed once and farmed like shit
                                                                                                those solo players are the worst kind bcs they dont even know they suck
                                                                                                AKA YOU! bitch fucktard

                                                                                                It's alright

                                                                                                  @Benao.Pringles.Lifedancer. why you heff 2 be mad?


                                                                                                    True... just read between the lines and learn from that -.-'