General Discussion

General DiscussionElder Titans directly controlable Spirit

Elder Titans directly controlable Spirit in General Discussion

    ET is finally in dota 2! I have not played this hero in over a year and I see he has been nerfed and changed since I last played him as Tauren Chieftan. Still I was very happy with the new (for dota 2 anyway, was in dota 1 a while ago) direct control over the spirit.

    I was able to do a lot of extremely remote cs and harrase on the long lane with almost no items. I think he could really dominate a lot of solo mid matchups as well with some early pushing ability and strong harass, taking all the dmg he can't be out csed either.

    I am so out of practice on this hero, but was still able to win 4-1 (if you don't count the game my team lvl 1 abandoned.) Averaged almost 5 KDA for those games and quickly got back to Very High...where I lost of course lol. Still its a really fun hero with a totally different set of abilities and I am so happy to see ET in dota 2.

    Most games I watched everyone seemed to not understand that you usually have to ult before casting your stomp to land it. For you new players trying to get it right...send the spirit in first to take all the dmg and speed gains, walk it around hitting as much as you can. If the right situation to engage does not develop its no problem, just send it in again. Its a powerful and a safe way to siege. If you do see the big chance for a good teamfight position: Send the ult first, then stomp after. This works out best as a counter initiation or as a follow up after someone else makes the first move. ET never has to go first...just keep spaming spirit harass it will kill supports usually on the 3rd or 4th cast. Also spamming it tends to make people stop paying attention enough to dodge it when you do stomp. Don't cast stomp if its not sure to hit.

    You can watch this game if you want to see good examples of how to do it right and get teamwipes.

    Bot Tyrone

      ulti before casting stomp? There are many ways to not play the game, and you sir, have just found one.
      obviously if you have someone to set up a stun (while you ulti and begin to cast your stun) its fine, otherwise no. They will easily move into a safe position and you have just wasted your ultimate.

      You just sit back and act sort of like a silencer/crixalis, an anti/counter-initiator

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Casual is right, casting ulti first is so very wrong, and those whom you saw were doing it right
        If you cast ulti first they can easily dodge it by blinking/forcing or just walking away


          Ok Casual go ahead and fail at ET and wonder why you never hit 4 and 5 ppl with the ult like I do. People "can" dodge whatever...its a movement prediction skill. You place the ult where they are going to be. Trying to stomp first ensures the reaction will be to spread out. Choose to not learn or watch my replay and learn.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            dude does any1 pays u to write such a long posts ? tl dr..


              Its always a little odd when people read a post, then take the extra time to lie and say they did not read it. I sometimes wonder about the sanity of such people.

              Bot Tyrone

                You are bad at the game, get over it already.


                  Relentless: judging on a game where the opposing team lost the game from the very beginning is not right.
                  Try doing it in a balanced game at high levels (16+) and see how wrong you are doing it. Be ready to get flamed btw.
                  If your enemy just stays in line and wait to be hit with your ulti, they should just stop playing dota or play the tutorial again.


                    I get flamed on every post I write because there are trolls and that is who they are and what they do. I have no fear of weak ad hominem and non sequitur attacks on my arguments. I am also happy to explain things to those who want to understand.

                    No, they never "stay in a line". That never happens.

                    This is not complicated. Just like all big aoe comboes people are moving around trying not to get into a small area, but its hard to avoid. There will be a time in teamfights against all but the most disciplined pro teams when your big aoe ult will hit. What you need to do it recognize it and jump on it. You don't hit big ults as ET by sticking the spirit in there and channeling stomp forever like a big neon sign saying "HEY I'M ABOUT TO ULT!". That just not reality. You cast it when they are about to move into a small area. Then after they do your ult hits slowing them and then the stomp is easy to land also.

                    Again I don't care about stupid theory crafting I have done this many times in dota 1 and it still works great in dota 2 as I have tested. This is about how players really react and move in a teamfight, not what they could theoretically do to "dodge". They don't dodge. They don't even try. They walk into it because they are going in for a reason like attacking a hero they think they can kill.

                    Bot Tyrone

                      You are a fucking idiot, and nothing you are saying makes any sense.

                      There is a 5 second stun when you stomp. If you are able to hit a couple people with that, you can very easily pop your ultimate and have your team ready to fuck shit up.

                      If you use your ultimate first? Your enemy instantly responds by moving well out of the way of the ulti, as well as easily dodging your stun because they are already moving away, and have a lot longer to respond because of the cast time of your ultimate.

                      Actually even with another long ranged disable, I'd still prefer to go stomp first because that's a guaranteed 5 second stun on someone (following up on the other stun), easily letting you use your ultimate and forcing a fight, of course assuming the hero you catch out is either multiple heroes or a high priority target.

                      edit: oh god, normal bracket skills, walk into 5 second game breaking disables. yet, at the same time talks of coordinated and disciplined teams. fuck up already

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        Actually Casual you won't play the hero at all because you don't know how to do it and don't want to risk your exaggerated smurf account win rate on playing heroes you can't play.

                        You would not "prefer" anything. You have no idea how the hero plays. I played this in Very High and High games and my method hit multiple heroes almost every time. Since you won't play ET yourself, just go ahead and watch some live games. Watch everyone try to land stomp first and fail to hit the ult. Go on and be ungrateful for me trying to help you learn how to do it right.

                        People have no idea how to play this hero correctly. The popular understanding of him is so bad I start games with people whining about how I am nub and don't know what I am doing and end them with everyone following my decisions because they are shocked a how well my way of playing ET works.

                        Don't try to hit stomps first. Don't even level it past 1 until aura is maxed. The sleep will almost always be interrupted by dmg even if you can hit it. You should always use it to stun people again after they have already been hit with the initial disables. Landing the ult is far easier if you don't try to stomp first.

                        Bot Tyrone

                          MM is a waste of time, as the guy in the other thread said. You are rewarded for being bad, and punished for being good (ie. losing/winning games).


                          I play IH matches, these are a couple of them, skill level is mixed, but its much more entertaining and relaxing than playing with random fuckwits in ridiculously unbalanced games, and its not like I want to be playing higher level games (which I do have access to, just not looking for that during the uni year).

                          The very concept of what you are saying is wrong. You are suggesting that it is easier to hit heroes with a stun when you delay it by a further 0.3 seconds. The stun is difficult enough to hit as it is provided your enemies position correctly, particularly when it comes to sieging at the t3, as they can stay just outside of max range and hence, easily avoid any stun. The only time you can catch enemies is when they are well within the range of ancestral spirit and this is certainly possible elsewhere around the map, especially when protecting t1s and t2s where you can be quite close and still be hidden, which can let you stun a couple enemies and get your ultimate off. But using your ultimate first gives your enemies an additional 0.3 seconds to react and position appropriately, which is never something you want. Stunning and then using your ultimate is clearly better in these situations.

                          I find it hilarious that you are saying people are shocked at how well your way of playing is, mainly because you've probably made that up.


                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            A DS can solve ur problems


                              @Relentless, don't pay attention to a 30 game account troll. Even though I would agree with Casual, I would first try to land a 2-3 man stomp and then ult for maximum damage. ET Ult is really easy to dodge for any decent player


                                and about being punished when u win,,Db45J9d,FxKnkIC,BuMaTBY,uBAOdCc,fkpu8S6,CvxG5HJ#2
                                in this, the other team had a bad Lesh, a bad sven, and a bad kotl, u had a bad SD and a bad Clock (though in my opinion he did well by having highest assists), a bad lina,

                                They had a somehow gd tinker & weaver, on ur team u had a gd pudge & LS (U)


                                  Yes, Casual plays so called "inhouse" which in dota 2 means forced stacked pub stomp games like in dota 1 and games where you can hide how bad you are since stats are not recorded.

                                  And No Casual, thats not how you hit stomp at all. You don't get close to do it. You move it in from around the side or behind or while it is charging back. You don't get close to cast it. You clearly have ZERO understanding or even basic practice using ET.

                                  People don't avoid the stun by moving out of the way. If you have actually attempted to cast it when someone can move away from it you have failed. Its stupid to even try it.

                                  I will say it one last time. Don't try to stomp before ult. This is really stupid. It scatters the enemies when you want them to close in and it puts your stomp on cd when you could easily hit them after the ult lands and everyone is very slow. Use stomp after ult to clean up anyone who might get away.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    There is a delay after the ult is used, unless u use from the furthest range, so that the moment it reaches them, it pops


                                      ^^^Hey, someone who has actually seen how ET ult works in a game! Wow.

                                      "that the moment it reaches them, it pops"

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        I might have ZERO understanding of ET but i would you rather be hit by a 80 dmg (sleep) then a 35% Max life spell and slow. And any decent team knows how to scatter corretly against those heroes


                                          Just see what happens when you don't have a 23-0 morphling to carry your scrub ass

                                          Also it's quite difficult to 5 stack in an IH match when there is an auto balance feature.

                                          I don't know where you get that ego from, but it's quite funny.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            ^^ see what Mapzor said. I guess I screwed up here forgetting that people may have never seen how the ult actually works.

                                            While dodging the stomp is pretty easy, dodging a well placed ult is nearly impossible because you won't see it until it hits.

                                            You_got_fukt, proves he has never played an "in_house" match LOL. Hard to stack? Its the only way you really can stack in dota 2. Please. Also watch me set up all but a handful of Morphlings the replay and feel jealous. At some point you really have to get off your lazy butt and WATCH THE FREAKING REPLAYS.

                                            Seriously you go on and on about how you can't stack and MM is screwing you...the private games, just like in dota 1...that is how you stack. The difference now is you have to convince specific morons you know to join the game and get stomped. In dota 1 people would always accidentally join the private stacked game to die because you just put it up on Battlenet.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Click auto balance, teams are balanced according to hidden rating (or random, idk)

                                              I've played a game or two in the same IH group as casual (recognize a couple names, never played with him though), although I play with a different group now, and in all the matches I played they used auto balance

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                So are you telling me you think this 36-12, 34 min massacre he used as an example was a "balanced" game?
                                                No its obvious he has the best players stacked onto his team so the game is very unfair.


                                                  I always in inhouse games here, because the players here suck so hard, and I never found someone with 50% or more Winrate

                                                  Forgot to mention that I always stomp them

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    Every game has the possibility of snowballing out of control, or different skilled players being in different roles (ie best player one team playing mid against lowest skill player on the other team). All this could be avoided with a visible rating, but until that point, every mode is fucked


                                                      +1 to You_Got_Fukt