General Discussion

General DiscussionAble to filter bad ppl?

Able to filter bad ppl? in General Discussion

    is it any way to filter bad ppl so that you wont get them to play with you ever again even they change their nick?


      Well... There is a legend about the holy grail of matchmaking... A simple, but wonderful algorythm, that enables you to play with and againt people who actually have brains... Some say its well hidden in valves treasury and its protected by the evil gabe... Other say that anything of that power cannot possibily exist in this sad and twisted world...

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      Chen Centaur Challenge

        Yes it's very simple. It's called que with 5 people. It's so simple people often refuse to believe it is possible.

        If you find that someone is bad. Then you just take them off your friends list and don't play with them. Very simple. The Friends list is tied to their steam account and will track all name changes.

        Of course someone could make a new steam account, but you have to accept their friend request and why would you do that if you don't already know they are good?

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          im bad why would u want to filter me

          Bot Tyrone

            You should not be able to play with the same people that you did in one match again in the next match (unless you have queued together).

            >BH dies twice in the space of 3 minutes (at the start of the game), flames his team, and abandons the game
            >requeue, and he is on my team

            awesome feel


              I've never been grouped with someone that I have muted after muting them... I could just be lucky.


                Once I muted someone and played with him again after several weeks. It was funny because my team mates were flaming him and I couldn't understand why they hate this silent guy so much. Then I realized that he is muted and he was probably raging all game.

                le charismeur

                  queue with bronze scrubs so u play vs bronze scrubs


                    record breaking, i won 12 games streak with pub.