General Discussion

General DiscussionTime to retire from the dota world.

Time to retire from the dota world. in General Discussion

    *Sorry for bad english, not my first language.

    I have been around this game since 04', played majority of the time when I was in school 04'-08', then took a break from the game to get my life in order, recently came back last December to give D2 a try, but in the end it didn't feel like a video game anymore. So much effort is required now days to just have fun: studying, practicing, analyzing, watching replays, finding people to play with that match your personality/goals/times they play, and if you don't do those things you ll end up blaming everything and everyone for the losses and have terrible time overall.

    Maybe I am just getting too old (27 and have family) for this shit and not willing to put all this effort into a video game anymore. Lets face it, not many people have fun losing games by losing your lane, or have bad teamates to lose their lanes, or have teamates throw a game by stupid deaths in late game after you busted your ass for 30 minutes. Too much damn effort, and for what? For a chance to have a nail biting game 1/10 times that you will win half the time. While other 9/10 games are one sided to begin with.

    I think I literary made myself play this game for 3 months, knowing what it takes to be good at dota but I think I am more prone to the negatives that the game brings lately and just don't see good reasons to spend time playing a game that brings so little enjoyment anymore. Which is unfortunate, because I played this game exclusively and nothing else really interested me nearly as much.

    On other hand, maybe it is time to move on from games all together. And I thought I would be Dota player for life.

    ah well, cheers



      Gl ...


        Playing games has always been and will always be a normal part of being human. People in every time and every culture have created myriad games. It is necessary for anyone's mental health to play games.

        It is important to play games that fit your life. Dota is not a game that can be played with young children. If developing young children is a high priority the right thing to do to is play games with them they will enjoy. You can adjust your objectives to make their growth and happiness your victory.

        In this way I have found I can really enjoy activities I would otherwise find extremely boring, like reading a book with no words 7 times in row every day or putting 2 blocks together and taking them apart 50 times.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          Thanks relentless, I didn't expect to hear such a thing on a dota forum, very encouraging actually.


            Yeah bro with that kind of thinking u are too old for dota i guess. Go play non-online games or facebook games. Anyway gl with anything u do and u did a good choice to stop competitive games like dota.


              I guess its all about your aproach to the game. If you enjoy playing and winning, if you like "overwhelming" your opponents, deceiving them- outwitting them- dota is there for you. But it comes with sacrifices- you have to spend a lot of time and effort to be capable of doing that. And since you have higher priorities- quitting might be a good solution for you.
              And just so you know- you are not alone man. I have recently made a little break from playing dota myself. I have come to conclusion, that if you dont have people to play with and you lack the time needed- dont force yourself. Its not worth it. Fear not though- our mothership will call us back once again...

              Gnome Chompski

                so? why are you posting this? :DDDD


                  Why do you haters even bother posting here? Go troll some other thread.

                  Enjoy your time in real life without dota faz, it's better than wasting your time raging at pubs. Maybe you can play dota 5 with your child once he/she is old enough and interested in it.
                  Try to avoid getting back to doto.


                    I miss the days, when the video games were actually FUN!

                    I swear, it is something about the graphics, the better games look the less "fun" they are. Even though they maybe are "better" games but less fun still.

                    Mario, pokemon, crash bandicoot, etc...

                    Penis Monkey



                        I hope I got the power to leave dota, sadly, don't have it :/


                          Once you have the reasons to, you will don't worry. I guess it was my reason to posting this topic here, I never thought I wouldn't want to play dota. I thought I would have to make myself to quit this forsaken game and end the addiction but instead dota quit on me.

                          This game brought a lot of hardships irl over years, so much wasted time that could of been invested into something more productive and useful. First this game sucks you in and creates problems, and then you hide in this game to avoid the problems created by it. Nothing else matters but the game and essential things for one's survival. Job dota sleep, rinse and repeat.

                          I guess I was a bit fortunate to crawl out of the mess I was in and still have a shot at good life.

                          Play responsibly guys.

                          le charismeur


                            ull b back


                              nah, I thought I was back. I didn't touch dota for over 3 years straight. Now that I had a chance to play it, it is just not the same as before. With limited time it is nearly impossible to put a team together. And without a stable team, this game is more frustrating than fun. Just really no incentive to play, at all.


                                LMFAO PEACE


                                  If you have free time, it might be your goal to learn to play well. I can tell you that 8/10 games that I play solo queue I don't get any russians or ragers, but decent players. You just have to make your way up there and it takes time to do that. When I play with my friends I do get bad players because they're MMR is lower than mine, but I still enjoy playing with them cause they're my friends. It's up to you, if you don't have time or patience or friends to reach that point then you might as well quit. P.S.: I don't think you can be old for dota, if you don't play 24/7 then you'll always find new situations that you have to adapt to and there's always new stuff to learn to keep you busy and addicted.


                                    let it be known that someone linked this on mumble faz. im not bored enough to bother looking for this shit deliberately


                                      If you guys ever need lessons on how to win w QoP, don't hesitate to message jing, best in the bizz.


                                        how about lessons on how to be a pathetic piece of retard that has no friends and will never amount to anything because he goes to drexel god damn university

                                        John Gotti

                                          Yeah, I'm hitting that bump in life, too. Gotta start quitting. I'm actually kinda bad lol. All for the better. I got back to dota 2 last year, and now, it kinda killed my gpa a bit. sigh. I know how it feels, faz. Well, it's been a great run, Dota.