General Discussion

General DiscussionEU Dota 2 is going down !

EU Dota 2 is going down ! in General Discussion

    I dont know what actually is going on, there is no possible way of winning a single game when you dont have anyone to help you.
    When I started playing Dota 2 my win rate was 60% which is not that bad. But after more and more ppl were added / invited to the beta the shit started to happed.

    There is no single way to not get a mental player in your team, that is yelling at his team over the voice chat that we suck, and he as a huskar feeded first blood to wisp at middle lane, then feeded rest of the game. The EU server are doomed.

    The new langage lobby feature changed like NOTHING, still there are ppl that after getting into English lobby, and after getting informed about that this is EU lobby are still speaking different languages.
    Everyone like to play carry, back in dota 1 I was mid lane ganker / semi-carry player but now I am forced to get supports because I just know that if I get a carry then team will consist of 5 carries that are tryhards. As a support I am really, really roaming everywhere / scoring kills. And I am trying to aim for the enemy carries but this isn't working since I cant perform successful gank on every single carry / semi-carry that enemy team has, and they will get their farm.
    And when I do get nice picks, then supports are fighting for CS with carries, bacause "they need core items" ~ Well no shit -.-.

    Game is full ok kids that dont even know how the skills / game works, and it is getting worse. The problem with this kind of players is like non existing in Dota 1 now, because all the vegetables are playing dota 2 / lol / hon. It's similiar to what was going on with COD4 and CS 1.6 back when they were popular, there was shit ton of ppl that were just mental.

    I am not saying that I am amazing at this game, I am just above average. But the situation with the matchmaking, lobbies and so on is just terrifying, I was in game where Wisp get Vlads, MoM and Dominator. Or in a game where I was playing as PL, and there was this two guys that picked Lesh + Bane combo they were getting kills, and so on but the sad thing was that all of their kills were supports, they just left me alone on lane, even when I was asking them to gank my lane, ofc we've lost that game.
    Supports dont understand that ganking is good, but they need to gank carries not supports, and their main focus is to give the carry space to farm, even a litte one. Because when the carry like PL will get feed, he will win the game on his own.

    When I was playing on US servers game was enjoyable, we were getting good lineups, team coordination, and communication, but now I am forced to play EU, because even on US East I am getting 300+ latency.

    The game has no future now [EU server], and I am not talking about pro scene, competitive palyers, I am talking about casual pub playing, it's is possible but you need to be sadist to enjoy it.


      Apparently you don’t know how works matchmaking


        I do understand. You are matched with low skill player if you are winning, or player that have similar games number played, as there is no bracket, or ladder, ranks no nothing. Player that you are playing with are matched randomly it seems, I played a match with player that had 10 games. I am just trying to point out that this game needs bracket, ladder or even divisions like in LoL.

        And you are playing pre-made so you cant see the dark side :)

        vapour trail

          The game literally tests your skill to see if you can win even in the worst of situations. That's why you don't see people with high winrates complaining. P.S. amount of wins don't matter, in case you weren't aware. Someone with 20 wins could be better at the game than you.


            Probably, players still think that each person has only one account.
            Bliss: “I am not saying that I am amazing at this game, I am just above average”
            I don’t want to be rude but the player with the average skill of the game simply cannot have win rate lower than 50%. Yes, and this is just my opinion so no offense.

            vapour trail

              ^ That as well


                For me is quite ok, considering I quit playing ar and lp. The only situations when in my team there are players that don't know how to play their heroes seem to be when one good player is in party with a newbie. Usually I'm fine with having a new player in team, as long as he listens when we say "b". The experienced "rambos" seem to be the bigger problem... if they have like 8-1, many of them go frenzy and start to die allot when we are somewhere else on the map.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Easy man. Play with noobs pick a carry and start owning everyone with a kda of 30+ then play in "very high" skill bracket where evrryone knows what they are doing n u will never see a team with 5 carries. If u are playing with teams where there are team of 5 carri


                    I suggest you to play heroes that are universal. In this case you can be usefull in all stage of game. For example: Potm, nessage, slardar etc. These heroes can gang in early game and rule in late game. Buying wards is not so expensive.
                    On the other side u can play jungle and gang lines - naix ofc, doom, furion, axe.
                    But the best thing you should do is go mid. Mid hero makes 60% of game in pub. If you really cute, you will own mid and rule other lines.



                      I am not saying that if you have 10 games, you are bad but you havenet seen most of my games, there were ppl that were "rushing" mjolnir on windrunner or getting two orbs.

                      Mostly I play supports now, or offlaners. Look at my last BH game, I was 8/0 ganking everyone on the map, (and my friend Matt. was 5/0 or somehting) every single enemy carry. But my teammates were just dying all over the place feeding anti-mage, wihout any reason. They were going into the jungle and Dying one by one, and then I started to die, BH cant just kill farmed AM, or Necro (Necro becomes tanky as hell).
                      Next game was pre-made sven with some ppl that wanted to "pubstomp". Sadly they feeded FB, feeded mid, feeded top, they want me to play carry sven but bane took all the kills, creeps, I am not mad I just cant understand this behavior.

                      I can win the game, just by getting mid / ganker like QoP, Balanar, Invoker QW, but my team must react to ganks, help pushing do something in team fights.

                      The patter is mostly this:
                      I am commiting to gank, and I am killing enemy carries, but rest of my team is apparently contesting in amount of kills with me, so they are starting to gank on their own. Leaving the lane and feeding.

                      And I saw many, good player that are better than me, I mean much more better, with win rate lower than 50%.


                        Just be a better player and get to a higher skill pool, which is certainly impossible for noobs, such as you.

                        No hard feelings but just play your game, try to improve yourself and maybe one day you will get into a higher pool. Otherwise find +4 and only go as 5.

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                          tl dr


                            I cannot believe that the cause was only in the team. In the evening I often watch games and if you want I can watch some of your games and comment.


                              I would love to be judged :)
                              Few hours ago I played 2 games on US East, sometimes spikes disconnected me from game, 2 times when I was about to black hole, but the games were good. I've made many mistakes and that suprised me alot. Mainly when I was playing the second game as ES, I was so sceptical that I wasnt even thinking what to do.

                              Why are you even adding comments like this ? If you dont want to read it, then dont. No need to waste your time.


                                cuz i can ? and why ur qqing jut play with fucking stack and u dont get any of these problems


                                  I'm not qqing. I was just mad, but now I play on US and we are winning ever game.


                                    Well, then you can add me on steam and if I have enough time today, I’ll watch your game.


                                      Add me aswell.


                                        @bliss ofc ur winning cuz skillcap at us servers is twice lower than on eu

                                        Rage against the machine

                                          I can partially agree. Last ~50 games are just horror for me. I really do think I play good, lots of experience etc, but I just don't know what to do in MM when I solo queue. Which mode, because in every 4-5th game there IS a support. I, as usually the best player in my team, am forced to support, because we just can't play without basics (courier,wards). It's really sad, and I'm just waiting when will it stop, but it's just getting worse and worse.

                                          PS I play on EU west


                                            Well in most of game I need to agree with you. But the overall game experience is better, peopels are not raging, they are using mic to communicate. And this is the attitude that is missing on EU.

                                            I am / was also playing on EU West, but for now I'm playing on US East.


                                              Bliss is this your second account or wtf? I'll qoute :" But after more and more ppl were added" This sounds like you've been playing the beta for quite a long time , looking at your games shows the opposite. I play the beta since 2011 and have rarely problems with such people, easy enough to figure out that 2011 were only dota 1 players, and the new players later wouldn't get queued with the old ones. If you play 3times your amount of games, you'll get rid of these scrubs and have a fine time. Until you accomplish this, well I heard it's quite hell :)


                                                I was playing dota 2 since 2011 - Two or 3 months before beginning of 2012. It was hard to get a key :). And yes this is second acc. I won a few games, on this account and I wanted a fresh start. So this became my main and I sold old account, since I had only some trash games on it.
                                                But I must admit, I wasnt playing to many game back in 2011, and in early 2012. I played about 100 - 150 Hours only

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  cuz its overun by retarded balkan trashes russian fucktards and other illiterate monkeys who skips school to play dota while americans has native english language so that makes alot of sense