General Discussion

General DiscussionGOAL: 60% WIN RATE (SEA players only)

GOAL: 60% WIN RATE (SEA players only) in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)

    yeah judging through 1 vs 1 plays lol. so 1v1 = everything?

    Ming (Zufälliger König)

      good , niggers have long dicks but brainless lol.
      guess you're of them


        so a 1v1 match happened here? lol..


          oh damn. you played against a 70% win rate player who has over 1k matches. LOL

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            oh well, i said i wasnt good at mid, he wanted it anyway. so what if he won against me? lol
            e-penor grow longer?


              srlbonfjkpwyi yan did u pawned that big mouth?

              packet canceled

                u mean dunked?

                well yeah

                Losing to a cm who literally just stutter (spam stop) and let him free hit yet kill him..

                I don't know

                ;_; forgive me Ming

                Training in Progress

                  Lol, what a cute guy. ASK people for 1v1, loses. Then cries that he's boasting about his win. You are 100% autistic i must say.

                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                    uh, i'll quit dota if you can screenshot where I ASKED for a 1v1 with him.
                    you have my word. go do it

                    packet canceled

                      based ming

                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                        well i do admit my mid is bad, but oh well. i didnt ask for a 1v1. u did and i accepted.
                        know what, those 2 trash smurfs wouldve ran away

                        Training in Progress

                          lol guess what, fuck you guys. got the balls add me and play a game.
                          any other crap you comment here = trash talk

                          end of story

                          I really don't know who typed that, but it says Ming, so i assumed its you. So are you going to quit dota? But even then I don't really care though, i won't meet you in matchmaking anyway.

                          packet canceled

                            Let's be honest here.

                            The result would not have changed had the players changed.

                            Given your skill level, I think even a Medium Bot can beat you in lane.

                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                              lol, i woudlve guessed english isnt your primary language.
                              when i said, add me for a game, i mean we play together, not against each other.

                              well, too bad. your english level was so low you misunderstood

                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                ok, i shall go train on medium bots


                                  Ming, u are KEYBOARD Warrior.

                                  Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                    not enough to make me quit dota. wheres the proof i asked for 1v1? no proof dont talk to me trash


                                      ^ LOL!


                                        u are going too slow...


                                          Add me I've played with before


                                            this is just retarded , i hate people like you, win every game ? this will not make you better, any better.


                                              It's not actually about the winrate. Win more, get matched with good players and eventually increase your skill :)).


                                                Winrate isn't 100 percent indicative of skill, especially if you stack. However, how many high-tier players do you see with 46 percent win rates? ;\


                                                  i want to join, can??


                                                    add me:
                                                    BlackXargon_ (serious)
                                                    BlackXargon (casual play)


                                                      play 100 games still 60% count me in . it means ur pro


                                                        on my longest losing streak so far.. 3 games straight.
                                                        last 2 were very high tier games.
                                                        but learned a lot during those 2 games.

                                                        still, teamwork and movement > skill




                                                            Hi I'm interested in increasing my winrate as well - I've added you on steam


                                                              im on 5 losing streak on my smurf lol 3 games are fountain speed down close game


                                                                I'm at 53% in 326 matches.


                                                                  Love this thread. Go BlackXargon!! I am cheering for you.


                                                                    hayz.. lost another one. tried to command the cocky carries and they even flamed at me @ the last minute saying he'll give x amount of money if we lose. they backdoor-ed us and we did lose. hayz.. just one of those games..


                                                                      bump up

