General Discussion

General DiscussionValve is killing dota

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Valve is killing dota in General Discussion

    Right now I dont really see what will happen to d2 in the future.

    There is no solid mm, Valve is killing all the rankings, newbs are happy.

    Great game is turning into shit ty to Gaben.


      keep in mind.. this game is still in development.
      and if u want to know the final outcome, u may take the TF2 as an example.
      and why ppl balme something that is totally free and u have free-willing to play or not.
      if i were u, i will just delete the game instead of taking shit about it on its forum.

      C o F

        "There is no solid mm"

        You won't say the same once, or should I say IF, you end up in the High bracket.


          Well for me there is no alternative moba. Still, game can be so better if there were stats.

          Righteous Path

            Like in Heroes of Newerth. No wonder that game is leading the market. No violence, no bad language. Its not like your getting steamrolled just by people checking your stats. League of Legends, being judged by kids... Yeah, good times. Too bad Dota 2 is in beta, what wasted potential. Sometimes I wish IceFrog was hired by EA, what a marvelous game that would have been. Its not like Dota 2 is OFFICIALLY working under an anomaly of a Free 2 Play model, one that you can even say Truly Free... Its not like you needed Warcraft III to play DotA... Its not like you can't have fun without stats... What a bummer... Its not like the game is in beta, ... oh wait I said that once. Yeah, VALVe is somehow going to make a private rating system that will amalgamate you will all skill brackets, never knowing that you are playing in a different skill setting... Or even worst, never create one that respects the privacy of players, thus destroying any chance to see Dota 2 being played competitively by any other players than Na'Vi... Talk about the greatest fear in this story, a true antagonist, VALVe...

   there more to say ?...

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              Dota is not about having casual play with shitty newbs. If you like it, you're nothing more than a shitty newb. No stats = shitty games everywhere.

              Righteous Path

                Did I mention its in beta ? Oh yeah, sorry, I am an old fool, please do forgive me for my bad memory. So, young man, don't you miss DotA, when IceFrog was working on it, yeah so do I. That idiot named IceFrog controlling VALVe's each move on Dota 2 is destroying the game... what a shame... he should be in prison for THE CRIMES HE HAS COMMITTED TOWARDS US, THE FANS, we don't care if its in beta, it should be done, we ain't got time fo dat ! I mean, the world revolves around us, we da kind of da world fools. We no need be playing with dem noobs. Game were never meant to be fun. Only a handful of people are able to play a game, they must be introduced in Gulags from birth, trained till they become elites ! Yeah, who's with me for the new world order ?

                Sarcasm aside: Kid seriously ? I am amazed how you aren't up all over my face with your DBR - League - Percentile, trying to rub your superiority all over me. I know VALVe are working on a competitive scene, but sometimes I wish they didn't, simply because this game would be a much better place without people like you, the scum of the earth. Trust me son, if you quit now, before VALVe implements a rating both competitive and newb/privacy friendly, you will not be missed. By anyone !


                  Limited stats (in public) means that there will be no discrimination among players. Currently DoTA2 only shows the wins and level of your teammates/enemies. That IMO is enough to tell you the experience of the players on that particular match.

                  In HoN, its so common for people to judge you because your KDR is <1. I have experienced that already. MMR is the DBR in HoN and trust me if you're in the high 1700+ bracket and you have less that 1 KDR you will most likely be treated as an inferior member of the community and that is why I switched to DoTA2 asap.


                    If you think that having no public MMR means this game is going to be shit, you obviously think you're "pro" and still solo queue games. If you were in a higher bracket or in a 5 man team, you wouldn't be complaining.
                    Dota 2's matchmaking is fine. I can tell you're angry because u get teamed up with noobs. THEY ARE IN YOUR MATCH FOR A REASON.


                      Are you stupid? Check the patch first before you start complaining.
                      First of all all pick pubs are anything but competitive, secondly there are files on the new patch that indicate that they are planning to implement a team ranked ladder.

                      I think Gaben, the CEO of a multi billionaire company knows a bit more about games then a 14 year old basement dweller

                      Righteous Path

                        You'd be better of trying to explain that to a 4 year old than the guy who opened this thread.


                          akonnriddick, you talk too much for a bronze shitnewb.

                          Wiggles, we dont still know how this new ladder by Valve works, it can be also as well as retarded as their mm.

                          Think before you post something, the thing they are going to implement something doesnt tell when and what, retard.

                          "Team ranked ladder"? Lol. Another great idea by stupid Gaben.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            I start getting the reason why Valve does not communicate with the open community.


                              MIY337, yeah, its easy to get. Because they dont do a shit.


                                @lie to me agen fagt

                                Dota is the same game with or without stats. There would be no gameplay changes if they implemented stats.

                                You can always fire up WC3 dota which is basically the same game, aside from a few mechanical differences. You can join leagues and you won't be playing with "newbs". Hell, just play wc3 dota and you won't run into "newbs". You won't have people complaining about Troll being OP after letting him farm 300+ creeps.

                                Basically, switch to wc3 dota for your mm needs or QQ/stfu about dota 2 as no one really cares

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  @lie to me agen fagt

                                  Valve openly state that their internal rating is crappy and obviously they are changing it constantly. They will show it eventually.


                                    Akonrideadick only posts to incite hate and flames.