General Discussion

General Discussiondotabuff plus

dotabuff plus in General Discussion

    If I buy dotabuff plus can I see my friend's DBR? and everyone else's too?


      Why would you want to pay to be an enormous fagboy nerd.

      Капитан Кот

        yeah, i'm interesting too


          lol zicco is obvious bronze

            Ten komentarz został usunięty
              Ten komentarz został usunięty

                No, DBR is completely private aside from the top 50 list.


                  paid the 6 bucks

                  money paid to valve thus far : 0$

                  money paid to dotabuff : 6$

                  dotabuff deserves it more since they dont attempt to make the game casual as fuck

                  after upgrading to plus, i cannot see other peoples DBR. thanks for crying people

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    daggius from dxd lol. plus doesn't seem worth it if we can't see other people's dbr

                    ANeMiA GRaViS

                      But you can see if you are improving .... there are some nice features in plus and i think its worth 6$


                        Some of the features are actually pretty cool. Hero rankings (top 50 per hero), soon-to-come (from some other thread) personal hero score, and charts showing your performance over time. The dashboard is kinda pointless unless you like facebook-style following people.


                          if "plus" gave members a look at other peoples DBR then dotabuff would be swimming in cash