General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do I need to do to get in high and superhigh bracket?

what do I need to do to get in high and superhigh bracket? in General Discussion

    I really want to be able to play with the best and try if my skills are good enough. Unfortunately I always get stacked in normal only. Pro's out there can you give me advice / criticism so I can be better. I play alot of supports and what I'm trying to do now is see my hero performance on the heroes played tab usually it appears after using a hero 5 times is that going to help me go up the ladder?. I noticed also that it's very hard to win games now it takes so much effort just to win and I get exhausted after every game.


      I don't belong to high tier but try and find someone who is already in high/very high when they solo queue and party with him. Be warned though, be prepared for really hard games and more 1 sided stomps.

      Source: Experience >_>


        well that's really exciting and challenging. Hope I can get to play there soon. ^_^


          Your performance bars don't mean anything, they are broken and completely meaningless for now... And about playing multiple heroes or each hero a set number of times, while that will help you improve and indirectly raise your rating eventually, it also has no real relation to your MMR.

          Now on how to actually get to very high, I don't think there's any secret advice people could give you to it... Most people there, myself included, are not really outstanding players, they just usually get the basic things right, and I really mean the very basics, laning, when to gank, how to teamfight and so on. And that comes naturally with practice.


            @Battou Thank you for an insightful advice. Question though do you play solo or you play with friends? For example I play with a fried who is just starting to play dota is he going to be mixed with my skill bracket? or I'm the one going down a bracket?

            So basically dota 2 is gonna know if I'm suitable to play on the high / super high bracket if I play right and well. Hmm... But how to know if I'm doing ok if the performance bars are broken?


              I have about 50-50 between solo and duo queue games, and very rarely play with more then 1 friend... But if you do group up with a friend, then MM will put you somewhere in between your ratings, but closer to the highest one.

              And uh, it's not like the game checks "if you're doing right and well", as that's not really possible (and this is the reason the performance bars didn't work)... It's more of a matter that if you do those things right, you'll start winning more often.

              Some people say that the game also takes your stats into consideration and not the outcome of the game, but that's something I doubt (though there's no way to be sure yet)... My stats are mediocre, at best, but instead of worrying about jungling some more to get a high gpm, stretching the game to net a couple more kills, or escaping a teamfight alive while my team dies, I just worry about what I can do to win the game.


                if u play with a friend that just started u will go down by a bracket. MM high or very high depends a lot on your winrate as well, my recent MMs has been like half high, half very high.

                If u wanna go up just keep winning


                  So winning is the only option. Might as well party up with super pro's and stomp some games buts seems thats rather unlikely don't have pro friends :'(


                    Play solo, it will bracket you in which bracket you belong to. I've monitored my games and I noticed that when I play with my friends I am bracketed in normal to high but when I solo queue I get bracketed to very high 100% of the time (I used to play competitively back in WC Dota locally).

                    Just play and learn the game, when I have games in very high the people usually have the skill but are lacking in late game decisions which I normally assume, like when to push, turtle, or initiate team fights.

                    Good luck and keep playing!


                      @Rufio- thanks for the encouragement. Maybe we can party up and teach me some tips and tricks

                      DerMaddi : )

                        As far as I know:
                        The performance bar show (your kda compared to your team) compared to other people with that hero. For example all your mates have 0/10/0 and you have 20/0/0 then your stats compared to the worlds stats with that hero are 20/-10/0. You get up in a skilllevel if your performance is good --> you had good stats the last games. I can't tell you if they put an emphasis on any of the kda's. Your winpercentage doesn't influence your skilllevel.

                        I made a second account to play with beginners and explain them the game.
               (Sven) lost
               (Enigma) win
                        After this two games my skilllevel increased from normal to high altough I had 50% win, but I had good stats.

                        DerMaddi : )

                        ps.: stacking with very good players is no fun, because you will get in the beginner pool and he will probably just rape them, better let him give you some hints while watching you in a private lobby. imo



                          sure bro, check my last 2 games. Played with local pro players too like Kimo and Joven

                          LETS PLAY L4D2

                            @DerMaddi, since you had a new second account, the matchmaking can only put you so low based on your high kills death assists cs denies gpm etc. That is why on new accounts, you can jump up to very high skill bracket your second game and eventually it will come down to the skill level you are at after many games.

                            @BrisWinter, party up with friends who are high and very high and just win a lot, that is the only way of increasing your skill level. I suggest you play a soft support if you queue up with very high friends. Leave hard support and hard carry to someone else

                            Grill on fire

                              I normally jump from normal to high when i have +20 wins, only trend i noticed. Now i got +40 but still in high and i'm happy, coz at very high you get a lot of tryhards and little fun


                                Play alot! I was wondering the same thing and I just checked at watch games - my name - skill level very high- and it turns out I had today 5 matches in the Very High queue. I got 30 wins more then losses and 13 abandons, so not sure how you get in.

                                EDIT: yes it matters if you stack or dont stack. If I stack with friends, I get into the high bracket. If I play solo, I get into the very high bracket. Just play solo and you'll see yourself rising in the ranks. It can take a while though. I had to play 1k hours to get into very high, but hey, Dota is my first MOBA :D

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  Different experiences for different people. Thanks alot for all the feedback. I'll just continue on feeding then and maybe with some luck I get in high / super high. ^_^


                                    Depends on how you do in your games. You can get into very high after less than 10 games.

                                    From my 10th game onwards, I was put into very high


                                      i am not sure if i am in high brackets a not, there was a game where i played with 430. and of course i got trashed badly. and another game was with LGD, due to bugs i could not get the replay just yet.
                                      match id 29987809

                                      and of course its a very good experience to play with players like them, somehow even though you lose, you still feel happy, and of course if you win that would be a bonus. :)

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        personally, for me to get into high brackets is to find a team and practice with them, and keep playing games with them. cause i done that with mates and one night we happened to win 6 games in a row. surely enough our last game we lost, i went to recent matches and it was a high ranking game.

                                        ●——√\~—● ID ♪

                                          so hard to play solo to get high or higher


                                            Hi all, sorry for the noob question, but how you know which bracket belong a match?

                                            mishmash III

                                              To get into the Very High level, you need about 300 games WIN on average to be almost permanent in very high zone but even with 100 wins you can be in the very high but you need to perform well for each game, i noticed that if in my team i get lets say top 2 in terms of gold and exp then youre doing well.

                                              Also consider the performance bar, the performance bar shows in terms of the players around you, whats the average for GPM and EXP for the hero so if your performance bar is very high means you have performed better but of course its still not a good indicator because performance bar is broken.

                                              Again it comes down to the people you que together with, and of course your individual performance in each game but playing with pros like LGD and DK is very stressfull.. so wish wisely haha


                                                Got into "High" after ~ 50 wins, and into "Very High" after ~ 80 wins. Just keep winning while having a greater impact (kda) than here:

                                                P.S. From own experience, it is easier to advance while playing solo, since you will be matched against 5-man stacks much, much less often.


                                                  I was playing 5 on 5 with high level friend of mine, and my win percentage dropped from 56 to 54 bcoz of that, well that's my fault for using hero i'm not used to play at dota2 yet, and i didnt know he got nerfed :<

                                                  poopkid 420

                                                    Every single "very high" bracket skill game I have played has been the very epitome of antifun, almost without exceptions.


                                                      @sideney, Go into dota 2, search for a replay, enter your name into it and limit the game level to very high. Thats the way i do it lol


                                                        there are some restrictions:you have to have a specific number of games played(unless you started stomping games 20-0 etc on your smurf account),you have to have 52%+win

                                                        the rest is all about how well you do during your games.


                                                          Ask yourself, at 48% win rate in normal do you deserve to jump up to high/super high? Will you be able to hack it at those levels? will you have fun at those levels? I normally smash normals but struggle to have the same impact in high games

                                                          GeT_RyE the destroyer

                                                            for all of you that are wondering what kind of qualification for u to get very high level quee games?
                                                            simple you just need to be pro enuff i am sitting at 50-52% win rate and(solo match making,i get drop down sometimes to high lvl if in party with lwr lvled players) always playing at veryhigh level quee it does not matter if you have low or high win rate it depends on how skilled u are im very well impressed how valve sees to it and im also aware that i am an imba or semi pro player(not boasting)

                                                            Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                              Everyone has some heroes they really play well. You may already be good enough to be in High consistently with your best heroes.

                                                              For the next 20 games, pick only Nyx, ES, Lycan, DP, Zues, or Luna. You will be able to win harder games more consistently this way and get into High games.


                                                                Not sure what's the MM algorithm, but in some games win rate does not seem to be a big factor.


                                                                Very high solo MM game, where 3 of 5 visible players have less then 50% wins.


                                                                  u need to stop suck


                                                                    Yeah its weird, I jump between high and very high bracket a lot. Not sure what gets me back into very high but I assume its after a winning streak?

                                                                    Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                      If you are not ready for Very High, it probably will not be as fun. Although there are sometimes people in a very high game that don't belong general Very High games everyone will be fairly experienced and able to execute abilities quickly and smoothly. Besides this 5 man stacks with any skill are going to be in Very High and facing a decent 5 man stack with random people is usually not fun.

                                                                      However I really enjoy my Very High games the most. I like being able to count on players on my team to see the map, port into towers, farm well, chain stuns...I usually play support and when there are people worth supporting its a lot of fun. I can't take crystal maiden and go pwn a Normal level one is able to take advantage of the map vision and ganks I set up or the extra mana.

                                                                      You are going to play some games in each bracket no matter what MMR you have unless you only play solo matchmaking. This week I played 8 in Very High and 8 in High. You will move around depending on who you que with even if your MMR did not move.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        superhigh bracket > very high bracket


                                                                          read my how to get in hyper mega high bracket guide


                                                                            @akoctolitz looooll u think u are a semi pro player . hahahaaha kda 2-3

                                                                            dookie daddy

                                                                              I stand with rain, don't make statements about how pro you are when all your carries have 2* or lower KDA.

                                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                u wouldnt want to trust me
                                                                                the enemies are strong as fuck


                                                                                  I can tell you im one of the best if not the best sf EU still my avg KDA is 2.77
                                                                                  (though i do ruin games for motherfucking shits and going 0-30 time to time or quitting...but still)
                                                                                  just played with RoX.solo or smth like that... he had pudge and was awful... fucking trash and the other 3 fucking russian like 0 teamplay fucking motherfuckers. They even called lanes and it ended being more fucked and the enemy wasnt even that great. Why i randomed? bcs i dont give a fuck about fucking noobs going random when they dont got the skill so i randomed to not help them as much as i could so as to make them lose for fucking randoming in my team (3 of them before i picked).