General Discussion

General DiscussionDelete match from list

Delete match from list in General Discussion
Mahou Shoujo

    Hello. I played this match - a few weeks ago, and I and Lone Druid were left 1x1, so I owned him easily and had 1.5k GPM, and what is a bad thing - now I can't remove that match from my records page, so highest GPM is from this game, ofc I can't beat it in normal one. And I don't like it, of course, it's some kind of cheating. So how do I remove it?

    dookie daddy

      There is no way to remove your stats, your only hope is that when DotA2 goes public (not BETA) they will do the ever feared "stat reset"

      Other than that I have no clue, sorry buddy.



        Removing stats from this website shouldn't be too big of a problem, but there has to be an admin that cares enough..