Rankingi Plus

Players with Dotabuff Plus can see your world rank, percentile and chart of achievement points over time.

Get Plus Now Ranking

10,023,980 / 25,000,000 (40%)
4/7 PoziomyStatus
Najnowsze postępy
4 PoziomyUkończone poziomy
7 PoziomyIlość poziomów
55Zdobyte AP
175Łącznie AP
Ukończ wszystkie z poniższych:
  • Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Net Worth

  • Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Net Worth

  • Across multiple matches, get 5,000,000+ Net Worth

  • Across multiple matches, get 10,000,000+ Net Worth

  • Across multiple matches, get 25,000,000+ Net Worth

  • Across multiple matches, get 50,000,000+ Net Worth

  • Across multiple matches, get 100,000,000+ Net Worth

Utrata poziomu:
  • Poziom 1: 100,000, completed
  • Poziom 2: 1,000,000, completed
  • Poziom 3: 5,000,000, completed
  • Poziom 4: 10,000,000, completed
  • Poziom 5: 25,000,000
  • Poziom 6: 50,000,000
  • Poziom 7: 100,000,000
  • Łącznie AP: 175

To osiągnięcie zostało wprowadzone 21 Nov 03:34.