Rebirth eSports

Rebirth eSportsKlip

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Recent Clips
-___- gets a double kill!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:12 2 0 144
Anju Inami kills SGLeroy!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:11 1 0 341
RBT gets 2 kills!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:28 2 0 209
Trending Clips
This month
-___- gets a double kill!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:12 2 0 144
Anju Inami kills SGLeroy!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:11 1 0 341
RBT gets 2 kills!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:28 2 0 209
Featured Player
-___- gets a double kill!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:12 2 0 144
Anju Inami kills SGLeroy!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:11 1 0 341
RBT gets 2 kills!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:28 2 0 209
Featured Player
Anju Inami kills SGLeroy!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:11 1 0 341
Anju Inami kills yamsun!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:09 1 0 313
Anju Inami kills SGLeroy!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:10 1 0 159
Aina Suzuki's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:40 7 0 388
Aina Suzuki kills pnd!
pupper pals vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:10 1 0 393
Aina Suzuki gets a triple kill!
pupper pals vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:24 3 0 464
Popular Clips
All time
RBT teamwipes Ev.Ep!
EviL.EmpiRe vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
1:48 12 0 216
Aina Suzuki's triple kill leads to a team wipe!
pupper pals vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:40 7 0 388
Aina Suzuki gets a triple kill!
pupper pals vs Rebirth eSports
joinDOTA League #12
0:24 3 0 464