98% Wsparcie
Rozkład jako Wsparcie:
77% Safelane
16% Offlane
6% Roaming
1% Dżungla
0% Mid
Rozkład jako Core:
100% Mid
0% Roaming
0% Dżungla
0% Offlane
0% Safelane
Przegląd | Liczba ostatnich trafień | |||||||
Bohater | Mecze | Wygrana % | KDA | LH | DN | GPM | XPM | |
Earthshaker | 1 | 100.00% | 4.56 | 130.00 | 4.00 | 469 | 712 |
Liga | Bohater | Wynik | Drużyna | Czas trwania | KDA | Przedmioty |
Wygrany mecz | Południowo-Wschodnia Azja | 38:53 | 11/9/30 |
Avery "SVG" Silverman has had a unique career. He has played with many different teams around the world, served twice as the coach of Evil Geniuses, retired, and now is back with the team he’s found the most success with. SVG was considered one of the best supports in North America early in his career, which started in 2015. He’s also known as one of the best Elder Titan players in the world.
Today, he’s the captain and position 5 of Quincy Crew. Through the spring and summer of 2020, the team has dominated the North American region.
Okres czasu | Mecze | Wygrana % | KDA |
Od początku | 1 | 100.00% | 4.56 |
Drabinka Ligi | Mecze | Wygrana % | KDA |
Premium | 1 | 100.00% | 4.56 |
Frakcja | Mecze | Wygrana % | KDA |
Świetliści | 1 | 100.00% | 4.56 |
Drużyna | Mecze | KDA | |
Team Thunderhi… * | 1-0 | 4.56 |
Liga | Mecze | |
The International 2022 | 1-0 |