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    So make just one MMR for solo and party!


      counter pick is real bois


        making thoughts about random pick gold gain etc. is actually completly away from the goal
        maybe u have a look at the community what they really want and need ?
        maybe u finally reset ur 3 years old running bugged and abused mmr system, start then with new system, ONE MMR ( because this grp and solo mmr shit is in esport competitive epic and there are reasons for it, because its shit as fuck ) and we can have normal games because ppl are calibrated at their real mmr
        then maybe do something to punish game loser on purpose harder, maybe remove russians from europe servers
        these are points what the community wants and not another thought about random pick and gold gain, so stupid really
        meanwhile a lot of ppl dont play ranked anymore because ur system is bullshit
        much better is, bring next year a new VIP MMR system, where u can instant play at lvl 0 ACCOUNT, fuck up the system HYPPPPPEEEE

        Alien Righteousness

          Let's not pretend that "analysis paralysis" is a legitimate reason for having the random button in ranked.


            idgaf What happens to all pick, but make the whole ordeal quicker. Waste of my fuckin time


              People who random should be eliminated from this Planet