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an idiot sandwich

    1st? yooohooooo

    Carry Potter

      2nd, first time commenting :D

      where lef't

        10139414828th !!! Beat that !!!


          What is this


            lvl 25 talents are pretty boring... oh well


              Wish you had put the best skill/item build, or the build used in that game at least. Also, why he is valued w Chinese teams, but not EU,CIS,NA/SA, or SEA


                ^fair points

                though as for skill/itembuild, there's still lots of variation there (which I def shouldve mentioned)

                Neon Mountain

                  Get pugna and he will be useless


                    Can't win them all I guess


                      I used to counter Lifestealer with Pugna. And it really worked in most of my matches against him. Drain the health, baby!

                      Brünk Hüll

                        65% of people grab the 15% evasion, but the movement speed has a statistically significant advantage. Do you have any guesses as to why movement speed would be more valuable in its current form than the evasion?

                        no handshake

                          Astute, funny, to the point -- thank you for this article sir!


                            Brock Hall stops him being kited as much, which is very important for lifestealer, whereas evasion sounds good but we wont be able to hit his targets cause he can't catch them

                            Beg Lee

                              I hate this hero


                                troll>ls :)

                                Von Darkmoor

                                  Bah Naix should allways be in the games he makes for ganks fights teamfights so sick and tired of afk farming phantoms, windrangers, phantom assasin and im not even going to start on the got damn Alch tinker Boots of travel split fa**ots so sick n tired of it!!!

                                  Fuck watched TI4 yesterday got damn that meta was fine and Alch was divine to look upon Powerthreads and meka and fighting no bounty shit runes only fighting fighting fighting fighting excellent fucking plays and a few fuckups due to skill but still so entertaining i doubt this game will ever be as entertaining ever again or as fun to play but atleast 7.00-> has been a little better than before since the comeback shit mechanic is nerfed slightly and it feels slightly just slightly easier to take Tower 3 but it mgiht just be in my head Ti1 is fine Ti2 is too easy ti3 is waaaaaay toooo hard.

                                  Brünk Hüll


                                    I would have said the same thing if it were a lvl 10 talent, but by that point the cc he needs to catch up to enemies can be provided by his supports or by a naix bomb. An extra 15 isn't even a windlace so it just seems like on paper the evasion would prove to be more beneficial at that point in the game.

                                    My working theory was that the numbers might mean nothing because the majority of people are picking that talent so the winrate for the talent mirrors the winrate of the hero, but there has to be more than that to it. I mean, maybe it is as simple as you postulate, but for some reason that doesn't add up in my head either.

                                    Old Raven

                                      @Brock Hall:
                                      25 MS is actually a lot and helps with one of his larger problems. You don't really want to build SnY just for the ms, so having that talent is fairly nice.
                                      Your sups can't chain-cc throughout fights, ls is fairly often kited even later on in the game.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        lifestealer: for NECROPHOS to poop on

                                        Brünk Hüll

                                          @Old Raven

                                          There aren't a lot of situations these days that you really want to build SnY, with echo blade and helm being as strong as they are. But that's not really the point. You have actually shown me the error of my thinking, as I misread the talent as 15 ms instead of 25 ms, which is more than a wind lace. You can have boots and a half without deviating from your item build, so yeah I see the point.

                                          Still, something tells me that if you can go without the ms talent you should try to. If you can solve the problem through draft instead of by yourself, you probably will be better off in the long run. Something else tells me that this is what a lot of people think and are wrong. The ms gives you a little more flexibility in your playstyle, as it is helpful both in teamfights and for post fight mobility through jungles, as ls isn't the most efficient farmer.

                                          Thanks for the weigh in, you corrected a really important assumption in my argument and it really changes my perspective.


                                            I see Newbee I press Like


                                              KY KLYS KLAN


                                                Soon ember spirit will build orchid to counter him.


                                                  this article didn't go over lifestealer at all


                                                    Lifestealer Lovers :3


                                                      maybe new meta tanker ls xD
                                                      look his talents ohh my god

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        LS is da Power!


                                                          pretty good information there

