General Discussion

General DiscussionPos 4 Windranger

Pos 4 Windranger in General Discussion

    so I noticed that pos 4 wr is pretty good right now,as I mainly play pos 4 now,can someone give me tips or ideas on how to play wr as pos 4,I usually play tusk willow as pos 4,but I already got bored in playing them so I wanna learn a new one before I recalibrate thanks in advance


      just buy oov and right click people


        2 1 2 is the meta rn and she got a 2 second stun, escape, and nuke with relatively low cd


          windranger have high pickrate what hapen?




              lol nah still 50%wr


                Dual offlane meta is lit


                  Literally the new nightstalker man. She's a pos 4 who can control early on and transition to core.


                    For position 4 I would suggest going oov, phase, one javelin, dagger, force. For skills E,W,W,Q,W,Q,W,Q,Q,talent,R,R etc. Ulti when you get your javellin or when you find DD rune, as you dont do pretty much any damage early with ulti, untill the javelin/lvl2 ulti.

                    Wind is insane now.

                    I have 18:9 in last month and that includes lost games like these:
           - 34:12:15, but drow had so bad game she couldnt do anything and I couldnt close the game by myself. When drow become decently big, she still got raped by AM.
           - 11:7:13 - timber sat between T2 and T3 offlane for first 15 minutes and left PA get all last hits under tower. + tinker cancer.
           - 21:14:10 - mirana became insane (higher GPM than dusa, storm or jugg)
           - 20:17:18

                    Generally wind is killing machine. Even as position 3. I am playing very aggressively with wind, so I die quite often. :)


                      I'm pretty sure you just go maelstrom blink as wind regardless of ur position


                        run her as pos 5 with oov
                        buy tranq and then mael


                          I have more success with her in this position because of her pace, she wants to win a lane then pick off people later on. Basically like a Mirana with more stable laning. And with a maelstrom she can pick off a lot of heroes. She does things only a few position 4 heroes can which is win a lane then smoothly transition. I exclusively play her as a 4 or 3


                            Essentially waifurunner got buffed by the damage increase of maelstrom and the proc no longer can miss, mix it with dual lane meta he become a monster in laning phase, heck even with 3-1-1 setup she still decent if the enemy pick weak support such as pos 5 earthshaker or clock

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