General Discussion

General DiscussionAntimage unplayble

Antimage unplayble in General Discussion

    Suddenly osfrog did it. He killed the hero completly with all the nerfs last patches. Agi heroes less strength, 300 gold battlefury recipe. 7.13 I could still get away with the pick but its literally impossible to compete with other carries now. Only 1 person failing on your team means you can't come back because the game pace is so straight forward, and hero is so fucked up with his low strength, low everything.

    Ty osfrog. Buffing hero to imbaness when I took a break from dotes and then hit him with the nerfhammer 10 times in a row....

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Solo Leveling

      why play antimage anyway when theres tons of carries that can end the game in half the time

      Pale Mannie

        :laugh: :bc_ok:


          here's my guide how to be the best AM on dotabuff.

          1)watch a random anime
          2)select your favourite waifu from it
          3)find her picture on the web
          4)change your steam avatar to the picture you found
          5)open dota and select AM in your next game

          wtf is this complain man? you expect to win on AM without being a weeb? how long have you been playing dota?
          900 games and you still don't know the basics... kinda sad tbh.


            Its the most fun to play hero. The game is from start on a "catch me if you can." The high mobilty, and beeing on your backfoot from start on is thrilling. But nowdays its more than beeing on your backfoot. Its just beeing in a 10m deep hole, and you have a spoon to dig yourself out of it.

            Sad thing is, that most enemy teams can catch me now and farming faster than everyone is simply outweighted by fight as 5. Creepgold nerf, battlefury nerf, and strength nerf just too much to handle now.


            Sry man, im 31 years old. I do not understand your "fancy" language. Get laid, might help you and your "anime" stuff.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            Player 345996680

              :d yea need buff antimage


                Why pick auntie mage when you can pick the manlier meepo. Am is for cancers


                  Its the most fun to play hero.

                  get help


                    Anti mage is just shit g*y hero , don't pick it :))) go for other carries like Spectre , CK , Pl etc.


                      @ Gopnik
                      Anime watchers will always think they are cool and funny.


                        So sad, Get laid bruh.


                          Watched some of my friends game last night. Enemies picked antimage and Lich and got dual laned by bloodseeker veno. All other lanes won by my friends so the bloodseeker and veno were able to shut down AM completely.

                          All get shadow blades and orchids. Enemy AM gets 30 minute battlefury, and goes 0-14-2. Never seen a more beautiful game.


                            AMs unplayable in general, meta is back to cancer dual lanes as well which makes him even shitter. Oh well I just pick jugg now.

                            SASA POPOVIC

                              How do you balance hero like antimage? He is either broken or useless. Also AM falls into category "requires team effort and coordination to deal with"

                              Heroes from that dreaded category will always be pain and tear makers in sub 4k MMR where 90% of people plays so good luck!


                                don't u like pick anti-mage for the reason of pressing W and mass raping creeps not for good stats and laning?
                                what is this "competing with other carries on antimage" that you speak of?


                                  Am has like 1k hp at 15 minutes he can't even split push safely since he dies to a stun and 2 nukes

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    close to 50% globally and almost 50% on high rank, I suggest ya all git gud. Also pick him only for counter, like you would with any carry in my opinion.

                                    Story Time

                                      now AM is relevant only when he can blink in and smash with his ult some hoer without mana but big mana pool like Storm or Silencer. If he cant then AM is not relevant, however can still win, but still not the right pick. OSfrog just makes the heros to be more about their own role in game and less like other heros


                                        Am really has a bad time this patch coz of the popularity of dual offlane,

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!