General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat makes a good pos 3 offlaner?

What makes a good pos 3 offlaner? in General Discussion

    1.) Should i get farm + level or just enough level is good to go?
    2.) How i counter trilane at lvl 1?
    3.) Should i stay top and keeping my t1 or actively participate in gank?

    tbh i'm confused when i'm playing this role, one game i got my bristleback vs weaver i hold him at top but it also makes me in a deadlock situation where i can't leave my lane either because he will surely get my t1 if i leave, then fight start at enemy t1 bottom where it's 4v4 should i join (i will lose my t1) or i stay (my team fight in risk because having no tanker)


      No The main Goal of the offlane is to "occupy the supports time" If the enemy supports are roaming and ganking- your losnig your lane. If they are ganking you are punishing their core. As far as The T1 goes- it depends on match up. If your team cant afford to give the enemy early gold protect it. if they have a slow pusher and the enemy supports are ganking mid- Counter gank or kill their core. That's how I always do it and it wins me a lot of games.


        whatever increases ur chance of winning the game

        Machado98 #xatubaking

          Just keep supports busy, if you can't get xp at all due to a strong safe lane you can either go jungle if your hero can do it or try to gank mid just to force a rotation

          You can also buy smoke and do the offlane pull to mess with the creep equilibrium, just be careful


            Your mainjob in the laningstage is creating chaos on enemy safelane to disrupt their carries farm. If you keep the 2 supports on the lane you allready won. Given the enemy offlaner does the same, its a draw on the map. If enemy offlaner is not able to keep 2 supports busy, your supports are free to roam pressure mid/safelane.

            If the supports leave you MUST PUNISH them, by picking on enemy carry. If you are too far behind to do that, or got outdrafted (or failpicked), it becomes more compliacted.

            Can you grab something on the lane, and will it give you a noticable powerspike? Stay on the lane.

            Are other lanes in need of your presence, and can you get shit done there? Go help other lanes. Missing out midgame teamfights is simply not acceptable as offlaner, if you not take an important objective instead (Safelane tower; midtower or a kill on a high priority traget).

            Good Offlaners, that are strong in all gamephases and hard to counterpick are

            a) Doom
            b) Pitlord


            a) MK (if enemy is retarded enough to go all melee)
            b) Axe (if enemy carry is melee and supports are not too stronk; esp no slows (!))
            c) Omni (nerfhammer hit him quite hard, so not as stronk as he used to be)
            d) NP (hard to master)
            e) Bristleback (kinda out of the meta right now, dunno why)
            f) Windrunner (can be quite annoying to deal with; gets shit on hard by dualstun or disruptor)
            g) Undying (falls off quite hard, if he doesnt get some tankstuff)
            h) Timber (not as good as he was once; meta has changed; can still work in the right hands)
            i) Broodmother (can be devastating against many lanes)
            j) Beastmaster (nice splitpush, good overall teamfight; not easy to master)

            Might work in lower brackets:

            a) Weaver (needs too much to get things done though)
            b) Riki (can just leech xp and take over later in uncoordinated games)
            c) Clinkz

            "Offlaners" that are shit:

            a) Puck (does almost 0. I can solo a puck as antimage)
            b) Necro

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              What you can do to prevent the enemy trilane from zoning you out:

              1. hide in their jungle, cut the first wave and run in circles for 30 sec, than tp out.
              Pro: their lane equilibrium is fucked up and you get a lot of xp.
              Con: you give first blood when they have stuns + if the are smart they dive your tower with a million creeps and kill you again + your tower lost half his hp.

              2. You can cut their wave at 0:19 (spot you normally pull the small camp as supp) and let the creeps chase you to your tower. You are lvl 2 afterwards and the lane eqilibrium should be closer to your tower. But you need a fast offlaner. Do it in 30% of my LC games. Works quite good. Avoid if they have a lot of stuns.

              3. If they zone you out and you cant get near the creep wave because its perfectly under their tower you can try to pull the big camp on their side to your own creeps.

              some more ideas anyone?

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