General Discussion

General DiscussionConspiracy theories/questionable matchups?

Conspiracy theories/questionable matchups? in General Discussion

    Good morning friends, before you all jump on my throat let me explain myself, first of all i havent created this smurf for "pwning noobz LUL" as you can see i dont pick pub stomping heroes just heroes im really terrible with thats why i created it to learn to micro better, expand my hero pool and most importantly not feed on my main account wich isnt that high btw im just 3k trash (legend 2 atm) so logical choice would be falling 1-2 brackets lower, i did 2 because i really suck at micro and i thought I would be comfortable there.

    Before you ask "WTF play normal matches?" thats out of the option because normal matches are not really dota matches, people there dc all the time throw of purpose draft some random stuff in ranked people generally play somewhat serious tho that may not seems so either thats why im writing this.

    Anyway through my 200-ish games i have noticed a pattern, my teamates cant draft, when i advise them like "yo dude they have axe going full physical melee is bad idea" i get flamed and they insta pick PA anyway, i didnt mind that i was like "fuck them ill just play my game" but problem is, this pattern repeat from game to game! When i loose i loose very hard and very fast and when i win i feel like i won dota major finale because it was that hard! Literaly every game feels like 1v9. I mean its true i fucking suck with those heroes but not as nearly as people i get in my team who lets say play on their best? And funny or not oposite team always counterpicks smart, has support and ports every time to stop my rating atempts, kinda feels like im in a candy camera show tbh. Im starting to get paranoid!

    So what should i do? Should i just get serious play heroes im good with and pump it to "Archon" bracket or theres some weird shady dota 2 conspiracy to put you in these weird "dota gods vs filthy peasants" matchups? Im kinda confused atm, but you can check doto profile its all there, so i dont really make this shit up.


      Dude people in any bracket pick what they want, it’s no surprise tbh, offlane jugg battlefury at 24 mins? No problem I don’t know how to draft. Jungle Legion like a neanderthal after all the nerfs to jungle? It’s fine I’m not playing support. Legend 2 btw. Just deal with it, some heroes just do well in pubs because they thrive in the chaos.

      Pale Mannie

        just everyones usual red days after green days. nothing new. but still i sometimes have this feeling too until i look at my previous matches


          Oh yeah i forgot that, thats my favourite, "that guy took my safelane? NP ill go pick carry and go offlane, what can possibly go wrong LMAO!" "WTF you are legend 2? Im legend 3 i should carry this, so what if my gpm is only 400?>>???"

          Doing jungle in this patch is suicidal unless you are WK, fuck that hero! I swear im not even playing on my main unless its party with friends...

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            tl;dr or idc

            SASA POPOVIC

              just everyones usual red days after green days. nothing new. but still i sometimes have this feeling too until i look at my previous matches

              Red days curse is real man, i think there is some scammed involved i literaly feel like i have gone to gun fight with a spoon in my hand? ITs far too convenient...


                Someone once told me "in order to get out of a certain bracket, you need to have 1.5k more MMR than them in terms of skill".
                I find this true, as I can't easily climb 1.5k mmr games but i can easily climb 1ks (I'm 2.5k ish)
                My RL friend who is 3.5k thought he could stomp games with my account, but couldn't do much better than me.

                lower brackets are a sh*tfest can't learn anything here worth learning -.-


                  heres ur tldr low rank players are bad at dota. this blows my mind because i have a tiny brain thus its an international conspiracy

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