General Discussion

General DiscussionI Just Facing Superhuman Tinker, Brother

I Just Facing Superhuman Tinker, Brother in General Discussion

    I facing pro tinker player last match, brother. No waste move(blink laser dagon hex soulring perfect combo) fear, no hesitation just like human being, even though i pick riki..felt he was more like a robot/machine. My conspiracy just wonder if america founding superhuman just to play doto

    Ok, enough with sarcasm brother. Im tired of this bullshit cheater/scripter spreading cancer on sea doto, its like 5man carry 1 jungler strat sea was not cancer enough. Logic, if this kid really pro, why he stay at 3k?! No wonder dota2 was dying

    I mean these cheater kid having almost zero scd reaction time. Its like using gun on fist fight. How this bullshit even fun, brother?!

    Bloodseeker using nullifier to me when im dismember him. Its not even possible logic because i blink from the base and hook from the fog, because u need at least pointing and clicking ur fcking mouse to me yo fck


      i love you man

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Its a script. Theres also a bullshit game where I was also a Riki and theres a Tinker.

        This is what happened:

        I'm waiting for the tinker to travel in a wave of creeps when he was almost caught by our Bat Rider. He flee on the way to their fountain when I immediately blink to him when...

        poof, insta hex.

        Didn't even have an opportuniy to cast my smoke lol. After he hex me, after 3sec he magically blinked out.

        I watched the replay. Sure enough his mouse wasnt even on his hero when he hex me.

        We won that game though.

        Second, I'm the Tinker and I've faced a Arc Warden script user. Our PA blink and instantly hex w/o even landing a single attack. Our sven blink instantly hex w/o even casting his stun. Watched the replay, and ofcourse his mouse wasnt even near us.

        We still won that game though.

        P.S. Script gives you a huge advantage when use right, but doesnt mean you'll always win. Script user are also prone to Lotus Orb.

        Still, I'm wondering why Valve still allowing this cheats.


          I dont believe in scripter


            I believe in the power of friendship


              then you shoulndt face me
              if ur scared from a 41%winrate tinker


                brother abdal you are a legend

                lm ao

                  I love you brother

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