General Discussion

General DiscussionReporting for comm abuse in game and reporting player in the channel ...

Reporting for comm abuse in game and reporting player in the channel chat is fascism in General Discussion
Cheesy Wenis

    THANK YOU Potato marshal. I don't understand how these people can compare to saying offensive things to screaming "I have a gun and I'm going to kill all of you" in a public place

    Nobody did this. You're creating a straw man argument or trying to gas light.

    The point is that freedom of speech is limited to the government limiting your speech - corporations and groups of individuals have a right to limit your speech through association. You are allowed to be kicked out of restaurants, refused service at a store, and removed from peoples' homes if you say something they don't like.

    Edited for typos.

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      "Yelling anything bomb-related in an airport can get you in jail as well, depending on the context of how you say it. Threatening a police officer or public official can also get you put in jail (as in threats to harm them)." That is literally the same thing. Doesn't have to be word for word.


        All these people getting offended and disagreeing with FoS feels like Tumblr.

        Cheesy Wenis

          No, those are examples of the government limiting your free speech.

          When you said some speech can put you in jail what do you mean?

          I was answering this question.

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          Cheesy Wenis

            Freedom of speech is not the freedom to say whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. It's freedom from the government jailing you over what you say. This is a key difference.

            Individuals and corporations have a right to limit your freedom of speech through another freedom - the freedom to associate and assemble. As I explained earlier.


              Except for the corporations part you can't do it on the basis of racism, sexism, trade unions, political or religious reasons. Even if I'm wrong on that, dota as far as I know isn't a corporation.

              Cheesy Wenis

                Exactly. There are exceptions for both. That's what I've been saying.

                It's never as black and white as 'I can say anything I want/exclude anyone I want!'

                Cheesy Wenis

                  And let's face it, you're not posting from jail so your freedom of speech hasn't been violated. DoTA is made by a company so it's their house, their rules.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    But then if you have a report system for comm abuse which is also applicable to being toxic, whats the point of the mute button?


                      "You're not posting from jail so your FoS hasn't been violated" You might as well fire someone from their job because they are black and when they say "that's not fair" you can just say "relax you're not going to jail".

                      I Give Ladies Anal

                        Okay if america is all about freedom then why can't they report you as well? fookin retarded


                          You can report me for comm abuse when I reveal the enemy your position and tell the enemy where the wards are. If you think I'm toxic just mute me. Its literally that simple.


                            I may be wrong, but i think the dota devs put somewhere when you successfully report a toxic player something along the lines of "thank you for keeping dota a friendly place(that is, implying thanking you for shutting down a toxic player), and if reporting is made to shut down toxic attitudes, then you really have no right to complain. You're just making yourself look like a 13 year old who thinks the world owes him EVERYTHING, and consequently and ultimately, a retard.


                              DoTA is made by a company so it's their house, their rules.

                              This. If you don't like "fascism", nobody's holding you back from uninstalling


                                I'm not talking about the report system shutting down toxic players, I'm talking about how people abuse the report system. Reporting for comm abuse strictly means advising the enemy of your team. But people use it for players who swear. Which isn't the case cause why else is there a mute button? A mute button isn't gonna stop someone from telling the enemy what your team is doing. That's what the comm abuse thing is for. "Thinks the world owes his everything", really hard to just press the mute button and let the butthurt go huh? You just HAVE to make sure this guy doesn't talk to ANYONE cause if I don't like what he's saying no one should!


                                  "dota is made by a company so its their house their rules"
                                  "Sorry we don't serve black people in this restaurant, owner's restaurant, restaurant owner's rules."
                                  Sounds pretty stupid outside in the real world huh?


                                    qUality ShietPaust


                                      dota is made by a company so its their house their rules"
                                      "Sorry we don't serve black people in this restaurant, owner's restaurant, restaurant owner's rules."
                                      Sounds pretty stupid outside in the real world huh?

                                      Except youre using a highly unrealistic and overly exaggerated example. If Valve started kicking out Peruvians/Russians/Pinoys out of the game based on grounds solely because they are Peruvians/Russians/Pinoys then I might be more likely to agree with you.

                                      If Gaben can fire someone solely because "he is an asshole", then I don't see why he can mute someone for being an asshole too. Being toxic is enough grounds for comm abuse as far as any online community is concerned, and if you can't live with it then you can keep on living out imaginary fascist nazi germany in your head. Just keep your whining within the confines of your own skull.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        It is very obvious that OP is a child who hasn't grasped the societal interactions and nuances of free speech, actions, etc.


                                          An owner can kick out an employee if the employee is harming the business by negative speech. Not because it's offensive but because it hurts the owner's sales. That's a huge difference.

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            an owner can kick an employee for whatever reason they want u fucking moron


                                              I was using an example, you want me to list every single reason? You aren't very bright.


                                                Great memes great trolling proud of you
                                                Hope this thread brings back the old dotabuff days


                                                  And no, not for whatever reason. Not on the grounds of racism, sexism etc...


                                                    Except dota isnt a business(at least the part most of us are involved in), its an online community, and any community is going to have rules regarding conduct, the most basic one is base decency to not cuss people. There will be cussing and it will be inevitable, thats why we have 1. The mute function to keep the offending toxic player from reaching your chat through an indefinite duration of the game depending on the user and 2. The report function to follow through on the toxic player's attitude to discipline and correct toxic behavior. If the report results into a ban or account mute then more or less that portion of the game's design is doing EXACTLY what it's meant to do.


                                                      Why are you trying to apply the Constitution to Dota? They want to make the game more positive and less toxic and by implementing these measures, they give incentive for toxic people to either be less toxic or they isolate them into a pool of other toxic people. This reduction in toxicity is going to make the game a lot more welcoming and enjoyable for the masses and you trying to appeal to valve so that the select minority can continue flaming etc is just idiotic. Well, more enjoyable might be subjective. I personally enjoy when I don't get some guy who starts pinging me and flaming in team chat riling me up making me mute him and playing without communication at all in a 5v5 game.

                                                      Cheesy Wenis

                                                        DoTA is a business. I'm not sure what being black has to do with anything. You seem to be grasping for high ground where none exists.

                                                        Were you banned from DoTA for being black? Or are you just making shit up? Somehow I get the feeling you were banned for being an asshole, which isn't a constitutionally protected class last time I checked.

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