General Discussion

General DiscussionIT’S OFFLANE!!!

IT’S OFFLANE!!! in General Discussion
Putsy McCoy

    Why!? Why everytime I pick omni or bat and highlight the offlane in my 2-3k scrub unranked matches do other people assume I am playing support?????


      Pick Anti Mage for offlane and complain no one is supporting you

      Palmen aus Plastik

        well that is probably because everyone else picked core so they expect you to take the role of support because omni is a better support than Spec, AM, Medusa etc. right? I know it's unfair, but that is the only plausible reason.


          just -mute-
          fucking use these things when valve is giving it :/


            I once played arc warden on my 1k account. just cause magicky things come out of his hands instead of swords or bows. they thought he was a support XD


              Lol i play arc with 1k friend Going 13-2-7 and 3 Goon reported me because IM not support
              Good ol' Times

              Putsy McCoy

                I mean. Dual offlane shouldn’t be the assumption anyway. If someone highlighted offlane, it should be assumed that whatever hero he chooses is offlane.


                  The Dunning-Kruger Effect


                    Well, that is usual. Yesterday I went into a game and people tagged mid, 2 bot (safe), 1 offlane so I first picked SD to roam, because it is fun to play him that way.

                    Surprise, surprise, they pick 4 cores and force me to go support. Because why not. Nobody bought a single ward, nobody bought smoke, anything.

                    Instead of letting me pull and create stacks, carry decided to participate in my pulls as well, because, hey, why should PL stay in lane and kill creeps under tower (uncontested), when he can be killing small camp, which is pulled and share XP with support. Of course, h ignored the creeps hitting the tower.

                    So from freefarm (zoned undying to his tower and pulled every minute or so), he made situation his support was starved in levels and items, and his tower was 1/2 health.

                    Yea, something you can expect from idiot with "carry or feed" in the name. Free farm carry who end up 11:8.

                    That's why I play roaming support/offlane support. Carries are usually completely retarded, while offlaners are happy with some help and support is excited he is not the one buying all the wards and smokes.


                      Heres a tip:
                      1.Pick a strong hard to fuck up hero... say omni
                      2:mute them and build whatever the fuck you like. Share farm with offlaner because you marked it first and that antimage obviously shouldnt be in the offlane anyway.
                      3. Theyre gonna run around fighting like its Tekken and youre gonna push and get towers/objectives.
                      4. If youre legit better than them youre gonna climb
                      regardless of your team

                      Also: be aggresive, go assume the opponent is retarded and kill them. They probably are. Your team will follow if your decision is right.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        Haha I JUST had this problem. I marked Dark Seer offlane, our last pick goes Sven, then when I raged at him for such an idiotic last pick because we already had Pango and Invo, he said "wtf you are support".
                        L M F A O W E L O S T

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          rofl why the fuck do u care omni is free win no matter what anyway xD

                          Cancer Malaria

                            well people in 2k-3k are casual players, they never really follow up to date meta or even watch any pro-plays. so they just look at dota in game that classified omni as support, thus assume its support, cant blame them for just playing the game for fun and not for serious purposes


                              if your hero has the least physical damage youre the support, at least here in SeA


                                Stabby stabby pain dude=carry
                                Magicky zap poof spell person=support

                                Sea train of thought.
                                Sea player here btw

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!