General Discussion

General DiscussionValve bringing Chen back to meta

Valve bringing Chen back to meta in General Discussion
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    Chen win rate increase to almost 50%.

    Chen in recent patches received 4 straight buffs. Starting from his ultimate, talents, skills and on his base dmg ending.

    Early game raapist is not any longer useles in late game. Im looking forward for more Chen picks on Majors. Its always fun to watch.


      hes useless for the first 90seconds in the game. by then ever other hero is one level ahead of him.


        Chen can stay with pudge for fountain hook

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          U cant fountain hook anymore - checked it.


          He is not useless. You start wherever you are needed. He has very long attack range like Pugnas, so your job in the first minute is harass a bit. Then it all depends.

          Till lvl 10, Chen gains level very slowly. But then you can decide whether to take +35% exp talent which in mid game can lead to having same level as your midlaner or +spell range if you had very good early game.

          From what ive seen many very high mmr players often go for midas on this hero. Ive checked it myself and with midas you can get simmilar timings on items but you have midas on top of that. But on my ancient rank people always blame me for picking Midas. Anyway I think they only go for midas if you know you are going for mid game.

          Like honeslty why do people even comment on Chen itemizing when they never play this hero themselves - its the downsize of playing Chen. And ofc - gg we lost when you pick it.

          But ..... if you play right you get countless commends. Very fun hero and becoming stronger.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Whatever doubt I'll see him in my games


              I wanna try getting a bunch of golems and pretending to be a camp then stun a guy forever


                kuroky played midas chen in midas mode. he had highest networth at 10min, bunkered almost 8k gold and ran around being useless.

                i'd not play him position right now tbh, hes more an offlaner imo. like a shitty version of bestmaster, but can transition into a rightclicker eventually

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                  Melt you have 0 Chen games played. How the heck can you contribute to the topic in any way ? I have at least 300 games with this hero and its very strong in the right hands. This is the same shiet I see every game. People talking about a hero they have no idea of.

                  He is played as pos 4. yes you start on offlane most of the times but you are not an offlaner. Also what people dont get is that he is a support-like hero. You can carry the game with him, but its not your role.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    maybe i have 0 games on him because i have an idea of him :thinking:


                      Dominate 3 small prowlers and a satyr. Noone can stop a push with 50 regen.

                      kunst 2

                        I read somewhere that you still can use fountain hooks but with VERY close timings, even harder than using tp after relocate.

                        Cheesy Wenis

                          Chen for carry 2020


                            Chen is ok, I can confirm.


                              I love playing Chen, but I rarely buy Midas. You need to know the timings when you should push and finish the game or else you will just be a healer and aura carrying hero.

                              Tried using Chen but the current meta (picking medusa / luna / etc.) won't allow you to pick him often. Your creeps will just feed these heroes during clash.


                                Chen is always op if you can micro the creeps
                                I have 100% win rate with chen ranging from <30min fast game to >60min long games


                                  I have 100% win rate with chen ranging from <30min fast game to >60min long games

                                  You have 3 games with Chen haha. Try spamming Chen, I assure you will lose even if you are good at microing the creeps.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!