I'd just go soul ring aquila - 1740 gold and you get 9 strength, 9 agi, 3 int, 10 extra damage, 2 armour aura, 2hp regen, 0.5 mana regen, 150 mana on command ability, and only cost like 150ish gold more. You can get casual windlace if you feel you need the movespeed.
That will be one noisy rumble if you and your illusions use the drums at the same time.
drums is good whenever you feel like you have to join fights early.
if you buy drums and keep farming/splitpushing nonstop its not a good choice
In my opinion, i would rather get pl his diffu/manta asap. Because i dont think he really benefit from the AS that drums offer and he would eventually got the AS/MS from his core items anyway. I think TB/CK would be a better option.
(Not much of a fan for illusion based heroes)
Ps: how about medallion on pl? Xd
I have an unexplained love for drums. I get it but not on cores because it clutters up a slot. But sometimes I do and my team asks why in a flame-y sort of way lol. Love that item, it saved my ass countless times
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