General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me please.

Help me please. in General Discussion

    So, lately I have had a massive losing streak, as in, I have a 25% winrate in my last 20 games. I calibrated guardian 1, managed to climb to guardian 2, and then have fallen all the way to 1689 mmr. Now, I know all games are winnable, and I should be able to at least win some of the games I'm playing, but I seem to have hit some sort of wall in my play, and I don't know how to overcome it.

    Take a look at my last match:

    5:34 with the weaver never dying. I don't understand what I should have done better here. I know my GPM sucks, and I have attempted to remedy that by practicing farming using cookie challenges. In an empty lobby I can get 100 last hits in 10 mins(static farming 78 or so), 600 in 31 mins(965 GPM), and can get most of under tower last hits(barring the ones where I get pathing blocked). I can do all of these fine solo, but none of them ever seem to translate into results in-game. I also seem to get picked off a lot when I try to shove waves close to base, and can't seem to play from behind at all. I have tried cookie's approach of splitpushing and using my teammates as pincusions, but I can't seem to amass the networth lead I need to win the game by myself. Even with all the lasthitting practice. I don't know, I feel completely incompetant and unable to do anything about it. I watch my replays, look for ways out of ganks that I failed to see, I check items(haven't sundered a linkens hero in a long time), and think about what the enemy needs to do in order to win. I admit I do tunnel vision a little bit early on when in lane, but am working on that. yet my mmr seems to drop.

    I don't freaking know what to do. help me guys. :( considering quitting as while I feel like I can understand the game well, I can't seem to put it into practice in real games. Even when I solo practice.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    chicken spook,,,,

      Learning how to last hit efficiently is useless
      Shitting on opposing laner if you can matters
      Using your gold and xp advantage properly matters
      Knowing how and when to take objective matters
      Knowing when and where to fight matters
      Knowing how to adapt with all the bullshit 9 other people throw at you matters
      Being able to make things happen out of any situation matters
      Just grind more dota and figure out how

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      chicken spook,,,,

        All there is to learn about farming revolves around lane creeps > jungle creeps and eating both whenever you can


          why would learning to last hit efficiently be useless. 40 creeps in lane is clearly less than 60-70. Help me understand.


            Recently in my last 20 games ive had 85%winrate. I jumped from archon 3 to legend 3 but i think its my party mmr. Anyways, the point is ive changed two very simple factors in my games. Ive started to play aggresivley. In a sense that I wont wait for opportunity to 1.) push waves and take objectives when theyre busy fighting. And 2.) group up and make plays that result in objectives. If you can see my last 20 games the heroes are mostly supports but theres some core there as well. But all of them can push waves if left unattended.


              terrorblade is a diffuclt hero to play in the trench. have you tried easier carries like PA, jugg, luna.

              u can just buy shadowblade and never die


                vlads sven xD


                  your item builds are like 0.2k mmr

                  why do you go travel boots after aquila??
                  at min 20 you had stout shield, quelling blade, aquila and travel boots

                  what are you going to do with that? tp to lane to feed there?

                  if you dont see how bad this is give up on dota, you dont have the mental capacities for this game


                    FFS stop buying travsl
                    boots dude

                    you consistently buy travel boots 20 min into the game and run around with power treads and travel boots lmao

                    just play for fun man, dont try to increase mmr


                      Lol. Think we might have identified the problem here..

                      Friendly player

                        What's the point of buying travels if you already can't do any damage?


                          To gank and fail globally


                            To fail globally. Xd.

                            Potato Marshal

                              Get treads on TB and just shit on the enemy tower, what are bots going to do for you?


                                So he can tp to other lane and fail


                                  To fail globally offensive lul

                                  Try another role m8. Carry with hero carry is boring. Try support role with carry hero such as PA with OOV starting item to show to your enemies that you are the most truly toxic PA they ever seen in their life. And also PA with OOV is ez first blood cuz the slows effect is stacks lul.


                                    And also when laning. Learn to both harrasing your teammate and last hitting under pressure. U may learn to going back and forward just to get chunks of gold from creep's death. It is better than staying around creeps while getting harrased cuz u are to close to your enemy heroes.

                                    Free hitting training doesnt work in dota. Play with unfair bots or ask Elon Musk to send u OpenAI Shadow Fiend Mid bot...

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      40 creeps in lane is clearly less than 60-70. Help me understand.

                                      if u have garbage positioning you'd feed no matter how much items u have


                                        Farming well is a start. Next up for you is to learn itemization.


                                          Gotta love the Cuki Challenge people. How many people have been broken. All you do is just get more last hits -> You get more gold (higher networth compared to enemy heroes) -> You are worth more on the map -> You feed anyway cuz all you can do in the world of Dota 2 is last hit -> You proceed buying bullshit items which make you feed even more ("Fail Globally" Gotta love this) -> Enemy gets insane amounts of gold <- This gold is reliable, unlike your Cuki Challenge UNRELIABLE gold. Now you lost. Thing is: You think you understand the game, but in reality you don't know Jacked Shit. :)

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            The first step in improving if you're below legend medal is to post your failures here for people on Dotabuff to laugh at you.


                                              That's right. And then once we have a good laugh we will give some advice


                                                Add me with this friend ID: 153650460
                                                I can maybe help u in private if u want.


                                                  Notice I actually had a yasha at that point too? doesn't show up on item timings. I went BB -> aquila -> yasha -> travels -> manta.

                                                  kinda sad that I post here for help, and the majority of people here decide that they want to mock me for sucking. I am trying to get better, and all people seem to want to do is mock me for it. kinda sad :(

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    Quit rushing bots and just fuck up the lane you're in you crusader scrub. There's a reason you have a 45% winrate on tb


                                                      very helpful, I have tried going treads, but have found that I don't have map presence. If you would be so kind to look at the other games too(I know they suck already, no need to mock), then you can see some itemization. Lol, I already know I suck, but for some reason you want to make me feel worse for it? I made the post to ask for help, not to ask for people to tell me I suck, I already know that already.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        well now u know u suck for getting BOTS lul


                                                          Yes, I do, but no one has bothered to explain why I shouldn't. Just "lul you suck". over and over again.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            First you should analyse "What is the weakness of that certain hero". TB = high armor + hit hard+ decent regen ,but he has very low HP so first items should be items that increase his HP guage such as treads,aquila (wand) and dragon lance to solve his very first problem. (also try to sustain your mana in case of emergency because sunder need a lot of mana early game)

                                                            Second when he could fight. Don't try to fight when your Metamorp still not ready because TB literally can't do nothing in early game without it so you just go farm your items when you can't fight.

                                                            At last try to adapt items and pioritize it. Some game just manta and BKB is better than Skadi when you meet with ton of disable skills. Stat items like skadi is very good but maybe something like orchid,MKB could help you win the fight too.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              Another strong point for TB is "he could use ilusion to stack creeps". Sending your illusion around .30 and stack camp to outfarm enemy is also nice.

                                                              Banana Cat

                                                                try another carry.. like sven or wraith king maybe..


                                                                  So I should try and take a fight every time meta is up, or look to push a tower. Taking a break from farming to do so?

                                                                  I have gone manta -> silver edge before in order to counter PAs, I should try and expand on that thought process more?


                                                                    i think people already explained that bots just let u tp to fail lul.

                                                                    u dont need silver edge on TB to counter PA. u dont need to counter PA so early. get your core items first. then get mkb after u pick up your second big item


                                                                      The PA was snowballing and there wasn't time to get a second big item.

                                                                      The reasoning behind the travels was to prevent myself from running into situations where I went to farm, but then the farm had been taken. the Travels were meant to reduce the time that I had between failing to find farm in one place so I could find more farm in another.

                                                                      Apparently though this is a bad thought process?

                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                        Or better yet, actually buy an item to help you kill creeps faster, so you don't end up with nothing but brown boots and an aquila for a huge chunk of the early game, running between camps slowly whittling down neutrals.


                                                                          travels is indeed viable. but i think it is situational on TB. TB u need to get your big items quick. even if you do decide it is a good travels game (Not every game), you dont rush it i think.

                                                                          let's look at your logic, using travels to find farm, but delaying your items further with a 2k gold item that doesnt do anything except let the enemy PA snowball harder. unless the PA is 6 slotted and 24 0, there's no reason to tell yourself you need mkb after yasha travels. and if so, the games already lost anyway.

                                                                          change the way you play instead. if u are not finding farm in one place, its because your movements are bad. thats all. if u find you cannot fight the PA so you need to get MKB second item, maybe its because of your dogshit item choices like travels without your core item.

                                                                          solve the problem from the core. dont buy dogshit items to make up for bad plays.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            It was Brown boots, aquila, yasha, travels. Not a slow travels rush. Straight up travels rush would be stupid. I agree.


                                                                              look at least get travels after manta. why are u rushing it after yasha?


                                                                                Here was the PA game:

                                                                                It was something I found in a solo session that it increased my farming speed to the point I could get manta + travels by 15 mins, Instead of just manta by that point. So I tried applying it in a real game to see results, didn't work too well looks like lol.


                                                                                  Note I don't rush travels every game.

                                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                                    I saw your replay for your last match, you were just afk farming neutrals the whole game while your team was constantly getting dived by their tower. You barely used your BoTs and just afk farmed neutrals the whole game. You could've had treads at 9 minutes giving you and your illusions (with reductions though) 40 attack speed and 10 damage, but instead you opted for a 17 minute BoT where you occasionally tped to a lane to hit lane creeps after your team lost a fight, then you resumed afk farming neutrals again. You contributed nothing to your team, you barely just finished off the enemy's t1 tower by the time the whole enemy team were starting to take down your mid t3.


                                                                                      note, you should rush travels, in none of your games. i think you might have missed the point. LUL. here's back to laughing at your dumb ass


                                                                                        @jacked i can rush midas travel in a divine game and still win, your point has no validity. Understanding of macrogame + positioning >>> item builds.
                                                                                        On the great average its a good start though to try having items that allow you to bulk you up if you cant manouver around fights


                                                                                          okay, I get it, travels first is dumb and inefficient most games. I was explaining my thought process, not defending my decision lol.

                                                                                          @zen state of mind sent a request. thanks for the offer.

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            you see why it works in a lobby vs in a real game? obviously if u can access the whole map you farm a lot more. problem with getting travels that early is usually you dont have enough towers down, an you dont have map control to do that in a real game.

                                                                                            its good if u just wanna split push. but definitely at least get manta first.


                                                                                              @zen, i dont care what u build in divine games. this guy is not a divine player. he needs to understand the basics first to understand what is more optimal to build.


                                                                                                Yeah, I see it. Would have been better to go BB -> aquila -> treads -> yasha -> manta -> something else. The treads would have helped me win the lane vs the sven, but instead I travels rushed after the yasha, which wasn't efficient.

                                                                                                At the point where I had manta I could have obviously seen that the game was not a travels one, and have gotten an item that would have helped vs the weaver. As I could not splitpush while they are pushing highground, and the 2k gold could have been an ultimate orb.

                                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                  i wouldnt stress so much on what to build, or whether it was efficient. as zen rightly points out, item builds is not the main thing thats going to give u mmr.

                                                                                                  but just dont build stupid shit.

                                                                                                  build the same thing every game if u must (With the exception of items u need to absolutely counter something).

                                                                                                  build the same thing and change the way u have to play accordingly. so if u are not farming well > dont buy travels to compensate. practice better farming patterns. don't buy shadowblade if u keep getting caught out. you wont learn that way.

                                                                                                  just go manta skadi butterfly every game and i guarantee youll be fine.

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                                                    BoTs was useless that match because all your lanes were lost and getting pushed in while you just let your team go 4v5 while you hit neutrals. You barely split pushed and have a terrible habit of just rushing big items like manta into skadi most of your TB matches and almost never get items like pike. You rely too much on dragging matches out for 30+ minutes and spending too much time on neutrals to get big late game items when your farming efficiency isn't even very good.



                                                                                                      if item builds aren't going to do it, then what does? I can do well in lane in most of my games. So what do I need to learn in order to get better then?

                                                                                                      Yes, my item builds need work(although everything does) so how do I evaluate what to build?(I know it's a complex question)

                                                                                                      If my farming efficiency isn't good, but I can do well in practice, how do I get more efficient in real games where we all have to split farm?

                                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                        getting objectives. win a fight > Push with team to get objectives.

                                                                                                        if u cant win a fight, learn how to keep split push pressure high until u can catch them out of position, win a fight and then get an objective.

                                                                                                        to be more efficient in real games, u have to be better than ur teammates, get the good farm before they do, plan your routes in advance by looking at lane equilibrium and the clock to see how much time before next spawns. the difference with lobby practice and real games is that u need to stay safe. if u find ur just scared and hide in your jungle all the time, you are farming wrongly. you need to know how to apply lane pressure on enemy side of the map.

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