General Discussion

General DiscussionCan we please take turbo a little more seriously?

Can we please take turbo a little more seriously? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I realize turbo is the fuck around mode for most people, especially useful for testing builds against real players. But can we please not do totally ridiculous shit and throw games? So you want to go lich carry, fine, all for it. Dagon riki why not? But can we please stop using hey it's turbo for making mistakes? People use it as an excuse to play awful and do really dumb shit like it doesn't matter, and it does. Turbo is fun, it should be just as viable a game mode as a normal match. Would you go into a normal match and throw and say hey it's not ranked it doesn't matter? Fuck no, you would still try to win.

    Example: Guy picks anti mage and rushes aghs against a legion commander. First aghs is complete shit vs legion cus you will reflect the duel and duel him. And rushing aghs is retarded anyway.

    Alternative: Ok so it's turbo and you don't feel like going standard bfury build, why not mjollnir? Or just go fighting build with vanguard + manta? So many options but aghs rush is probably the worst idea there is. Guy laughs and says it's turbo who cares.

    Try alternative builds, try different heroes but please still try to win and don't use turbo mode as an excuse for feeding or being intentionally stupid.


      nice abandon bruh

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        Would you go into a normal match and throw and say hey it's not ranked it doesn't matter?


        Riguma Borusu

          I don't need to care so I won't.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            overwhelming majority of people consider turbo a casual fuck around mod, and it is true at least by the virtue of it being imbalanced as hell and lasting ~20 min on average
            i dont see why they should treat it differently just because some minority is salty they dont get their ranked experience in the mode


              ^some 4k guys in UNRANKED was trying to take my carry position after i marked it cuz he was high mmr
              if it was ranked id be like "why r u matched with me? but sure"
              but ur using mmr to justify something where mmr doesnt matter

              its similar here, who gives af its turbo


                If people took turbo mode seriously it would be completely retarded and unbalanced.

                Riguma Borusu

                  the most annoying thing I find in turbo are people who tryhard really hard and pick heavy pushers or obviously broken shit because their idea of having fun is necessarily winning


                  I prefer antimage blink ethereal to that shit honestly

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    I don't need to care so I won't.

                    hey isnt that the bloke who wanted all russians to gtfo from eu servers?

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      but yea people picking np in turbo and suiciding in ur building 20 times until they get megas is :bc_ok: :bc_fire: :bc_fire: :bc_100: :bc_ok: :bc_100: :bc_ok: :bc_100::bc_100: :bc_ok: :bc_fire: :bc_100: :bc_100: :bc_100: :bc_fire:


                        but yea people picking np in turbo and suiciding in ur building 20 times until they get megas is :bc_ok: :bc_fire: :bc_fire: :bc_100: :bc_ok: :bc_100: :bc_ok: :bc_100::bc_100: :bc_ok: :bc_fire: :bc_100: :bc_100: :bc_100: :bc_fire:

                        Riguma Borusu
                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            id argue that it makes u a moron rather than an asshole but alright


                              Turn your name into russian and enjoy them speaking to you when you don't get a single word of what they're saying

                              Riguma Borusu

                                No, in this scenario, a moron would be a person that does not realize the hypocrisy. I am fully capable of processing it, but choosing to disregard other people's ideals because I find them as less important (naturally) is what makes me an asshole, or, you know, an ordinary human being. Most humans don't give a shit about what others want and will push for what they want anyways. People on the extreme end of this spectrum (who do not care about hurting others) are known as psychopaths.

                                Most people don't realize their hypocrisy, which makes them morons and not me. Though, it still makes me wonder if it really is hypocrisy - I never said I cared about everyone's ideals in first place (which would make disregarding other people's ideals hypocritical), I only care about mine, because fuck other people, so I am pretty consistent in my logic.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  ure still a moron
                                  "im so smug and logical and understand everything but i just want to be an asshole because im le h0mo rationalis of hell xD get owned btw"

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    btw cool word filter as always dotabuff, doesnt prevent me from calling people morons and retards but at least i wont call any1 "h0mo" :bc_ok:

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Moron would imply low intellect, can't you at least think of a better insult? I mean, when you see someone writing things like a 13 year old edgelord, you don't call them a moron, you call them out based on what they really come off as.

                                      And I think you actually agree that there's no purpose in respecting wishes of random people online, like, I worded it in a very strong way, but you didn't really disagree.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        Didnt read anything lul
                                        Ppl even throw their 6k ranked game when they are in the mood to

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          i dont care if an insult is accurately applied as long as it is an insult, when people call other people fаggots they dont rly care if that is the truth

                                          ure not a smug "rational" smartass u want to perceive urself as, u are just doing damage control by pretending to be careless rather than stupid


                                            IQ BATTLE PogChamp

                                            yung griphook

                                              Eh, If I'm playing and drinking on Friday night or something I am playing a normal game. If you wanna try hard and win, play a ranked game. I don't wanna ruin someone's ranked match. However, if I die because I'm doing some yolo shit in a non ranked game and you're mad about it, you really should be mad at yourself.

                                              Non-ranked is supposed to be a more relaxed environment. If you only care about winning, you should be playing a ranked match.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                @2x null garbage

                                                I don't think you quite understand what stupidity entails. Just saying someone is stupid doesn't make it so, you know. I wish I could project wishful thinking into reality, but that'd require some sort of magic.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  way to miss the point and use fancy condescending vocabulary, retard


                                                    "im so smug and logical and understand everything but i just want to be an asshole because im le h0mo rationalis of hell xD get owned btw"


                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      If you consider this to be fancy vocabulary I feel pity for you.


                                                        If you consider this to be fancy vocabulary I feel pity for you.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          The abandon was cus I had to leave, not cus of match quality. I had ~30 minutes to play dota before an appointment and thought I could fit a turbo game in there. guess I was wrong.

                                                          I'm not saying you should try hard, or pick broken heroes in unranked, just please don't use eh it's turbo as an excuse for being an abject failure at dota.

                                                          Like don't build fucking aghs rush vs lc on am. Don't build fucking midas in turbo mode ever.

                                                          Do pick whatever hero you want, whatever lanes you want, whatever role you want. Go deso carry dazzle I don't care, just don't be a moron about it. There's a big gap between try harding and not giving a shit whatsoever, all I'm asking is to be somewhere in the middle.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Why would u play this shit mode anyway.

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              the mode is not balanced at all why should anyone fucking care jesus christ

                                                              it literally does not matter if you win or lose

                                                              it has no bearing on anything

                                                              it does not even impact your winrate on dotabuff

                                                              this is less like unranked all pick and more like dota imba

                                                              have you ever played a random pub in cs go? go to a casual server shoot some people spend all your money give the enemy all the weapons they need if they are behind

                                                              have you ever played dota imba? disconnect at any time, do whatever you want

                                                              nobody cares
                                                              nobody should care

                                                              if they do they are retards because they care about something that literally does not matter or impact anything except your personal enjoyment (and maybe people play those modes because other modes don't allow them tp TP fountain as NP, who knows, are you telling people not to enjoy playing the game the way they want? maybe that am really wants to do the aghs rush and he can't do it in ranked because it' stupid)

                                                              if you want to care about winning a game go play unranked all pick
                                                              maybe play ranked

                                                              you can't whine about people forcing their view of how a mode should be played while you're doing the same fucking thing

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                calm ur tits


                                                                  Would you go into a normal match and throw and say hey it's not ranked it doesn't matter?

                                                                  i literally do this everytime i queue into a normal match


                                                                    idk cant you theoretically pick 5 carries in turbo and still be relevant with ur hero even if you get less than 1/2cs from constesting creeps with the other carry

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      I played a game where we had wk sniper void safelane

                                                                      we won

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        Dire Wolf sucks at dota
                                                                        2500 games
                                                                        Shit MMR
                                                                        Reason for taking Turbo Mode seriously

                                                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                          Had one game where 3 of us were playing normally but the other 2 hard carries just farms all game and throws the game in the end.
                                                                          Pisses me off really. "It's just turbo mode" But people play it for 20 minutes and you just throw a Rapier for them in the end.
                                                                          If turbo mode should not be taken seriously at all, valve should at least let it be safe to leave anytime and match won't be score so I can just leave the game when people start throwing and it's no fun for me.
                                                                          But hey, we're forced to play together for 20 minutes just to watch another guy throws all the 20 minutes effort we've hold for them.
                                                                          Even had a mid saying "I wanna sleep" and just proceeds to throw at 15 minute mark.
                                                                          If they just started throwing earlier then I'm fine just going with the flow.

                                                                          I play Turbo because there's no need for support.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            I just played a turbo mode match, my phoenix was crying about the medusa random (so we had a guy random medusa alright), the enemy picked 3 mana burn heroes, so I immediately picked WK.

                                                                            Because fuck you, that's why. The moment you start crying in turbo I will grief you, and there's nothing you can do about it except cry more.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              This RPQ knows whats up


                                                                                RPQ Sama is best XD


                                                                                  I don't mind if someone want to practice new heroes and trying to build reasonable items that is not in META because it's better than you meet him in 60 mins game as support.

                                                                                  What i really concerned about is "Don't use TURBO mode mentality in normal all pick game!!!" I met some certain idiots who 4th pick Luna 5th pick sniper after invoker and Slark and yes they can't do shit after 50 mins game except AFK jungle and feed other team.


                                                                                    I just played against an am, troll, sniper, dp, clock
                                                                                    Picked pa, matched against sniper mid, went godlike at 11 min, was one shotting people with dagger by 25 min


                                                                                      The point of turbo was to make a casual game mode for casual gamers who just want to have a relaxing fun game.
                                                                                      A harsh reality is that for some people, winning is not very fun, and just doing whatever you want for the meme value is more entertaining.

                                                                                      Play normals or something if you want to try. You should be glad this means that those same shitters aren't going to be in your ranked games because they're too busy playing turbo.


                                                                                        I just had an AM complain in turbo because he had no farm. Not sure why some people take that mode so seriously. Its meant to be fun and winning is just a bonus.


                                                                                          Yeah people who care about winning in turbo should take a moment to reflect on their priorities...


                                                                                            I don't mind if someone want to practice new heroes and trying to build reasonable items that is not in META because it's better than you meet him in 60 mins game as support.
                                                                                            What i really concerned about is "when im stomping the enemy my team just farm all the creep doing cookie challenge and farm daedalus and rapier and die by enemy"



                                                                                              ^ i mean this ember and sniper
                                                                                              And try hard void 1 man chrono me and permabash

                                                                                              Friendly player

                                                                                                ^^ that is the reason why turbo was made.


                                                                                                  They should make a ranked turbo mode. Then getting mmr would be so much easier. What do you guys think?