General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2's 2017-18 competitive season

Dota 2's 2017-18 competitive season in General Discussion

    Discussions about professional tournaments, Valve sponsored Majors/Minors and other relevant leagues alike of the upcoming season.

    The original announcement of 11 Majors and 11 Minors:

    Schedule of all 11 Majors

    ^One of the unique Minors which will use Captain's Draft instead of the regular Captain's Mode.

    Recent blog post by Valve about the Dota Pro Circuit

    Updated list of Majors and Minors:

    Also, would appreciate input on where tournaments like The King's Cup, which is going on right now, fits into this whole setting, and any omissions that should be added here.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    lebron james jr

      Eg ti8 winners


        I hope that more of the minors are unique like Captains Draft is. Would be interesting to see different types of gameplay. Also Captains Draft is probably the first time that we are going to see the two new heroes in a professional game.


          Also Captains Draft is probably the first time that we are going to see the two new heroes in a professional game.

          I doubt that. Usually new heroes are not added to captain's mode before some balance patches and nerfs. Monkey King was probably the one to be added the fastest to CM after release.

          However, I'm sure there will be a major detailed update (7.07) before the first Minor which is in October. If there isn't, riot.

          chicken spook,,,,

            Ah damn it too much crap to keep up
            Thanks anyway

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              But that's the point, Captain's Draft is NOT Captain's Mode. Now, because it's a minor and involves qualification points, they might make the tournament more serious and don't actually allow those heroes, but normally they are not banned in Captain's Draft.


                Really? Does that mean we're gonna see Techies in pro games again? Fuck.

                Or maybe it'll be entertaining, who knows. It's only frustrating when you're in the game with Techies, whether for or against it.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  No one will pick Techies anyway.


                    Yep Captains draft can have any hero show up. The first professional game with Arc Warden was in Captains Draft 3.0 When Fear played it. Arc hadn't been added to captains mode at that point.


                      Update on the Qualifier points system:

                      15 minors that have 300 QPs and 1 minor with 400 QPs.
                      10 majors with 1500 QPs and the last major with 2250 QPs.

                      Tournaments that don't differentiate between third and fourth place:
                      1st: 50%
                      2nd: 30%
                      3rd/4th: 10% each

                      Tournaments that do differentiate between third and fourth place:
                      1st: 50%
                      2nd: 30%
                      3rd: 15%
                      4th: 5%

                      Making a total of over 11,000 QPs up for grabs for each professionnal player in the coming season. Good shit.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        I thought "the tournaments closer to TI give more points" meant not only the last one.


                          11 minors and 11 majors

                          this is retarded, there's a thing of expectations of a big turnament

                          and that's what the couple of majors did, but now there's more majors and minors than in a guitar sheet


                            can cuki stop talking shit and actually go pro ? (not sure)


                              it's more likely that i'd grow a 3rd leg than go pro


                                there's more majors and minors than in a guitar sheet

                                Agreed, I prefer quality over quantity any day. But you have to realise, Valve is funding 50% of the prize pools for all these events (11 majors and 16 minors), the total for which is more than the combined prize pool for all the previous majors combined, which is a huge deal.

                                There have always been small tournaments in-between the Valve-sponsored events for the past years, the only difference now is, that winning then actually has impact on future prospects for getting an invite to TI, not just a monetary reward. The events themselves will be conducted and managed by the various organisers, so there won't necessarily be a lack in quality. Everyone will want to prove something and do something special.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  I don't know if they're sticking with the "tournaments closer to TI give more points" thing at all. They seem to base the points only on prizepool and the last one is only worth more since its got a higher prizepool

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    Yeah it seems like you are right, looking at the 400k minor.


                                      re: King's Cup - This is going to act as a qualifier for Summit. There's also a few smaller tournaments (online *and* LAN) that're going to also fill up the calendar :D


                                        Na'vi is back? Potential CIS qualifier for SL i-league invitational, the first LAN tournament of the new Dota 2 competitive season. Final series starts in 1 hour from now!


                                        The new/old complexity roster undefeated in the Group Stage for the King's Cup:America, the winner of which will receive a direct invite to the BTS Minor, the DOTA Summit 8. What in the world is happening? This is NA Dota?


                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                            I'm excited to see that Navi qualified for StarLadder. They've got such a long history with the tournament. Mineski's looking pretty strong in SEA, qualifying for Starladder and the PGL Open!


                                              Yeah it's really cool to have Na'Vi "back".

                                              Hope this roster works out for them


                                                so guys which major will there be a released battle pass for it? there are too many majors. Boston majors organizators were PGL. so i believe next battle pass will be release before 5 February and 11 February major tournament in my opinion? what u guys think?
                                                and where will be next major happen?

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  These won't be as big tournaments as previous majors, esl hamburg is the next one and it's only 8 teams, 3 days. They could probably squish it into 2 if they wanted. So yes there are more tournaments but the minors may go kind of by the wayside and the majors are shorter. Like will the pro teams from previous TIs bother with minors or not? Remains to be seen.

                                                  Anyway it'll be nice to have a valve sponsored tournament every month.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    Na'vi and Mineski are both surprising by qualifying for the first Minors of the upcoming season after almost disappearing towards the end of last season.

                                                    As for the battle pass, I think it'll be more centred around the time of the year rather than an individual tournament, much like "Fall" pass and "Autumn" pass.

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      Mineski just merged the old dominance of Mushi teams, with Faceless of last year, who were at least equal to TNC. So of course they're taking control. I hope "Na'Vi is back" isn't just another round of the Na'Vi cycle, where they start to perform in qualifiers after a roster swap, but lose come the actual tournament, then slowly slink back into the tier 2 hole.

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!