General Discussion

General DiscussionDiffusal is now balanced

Diffusal is now balanced in General Discussion


    Old diffusal (pre-7.06f) was strong. For 700 gold, you'd basically get 5 extra agility (since the recipe bumps up the agility from 20 to 25), and purge charges.

    With the nerf, you're down to 20 agility, which means the 700 gold only pays for the purge charges.

    And I think it's fair, and here's why.

    It ultimately comes down to how much recipes cost in general. Euls recipe is 650, and it gives you unlimited cyclones, on top of +50% mana regen and +20 movespeed on top of what you'd get if you just bought void stone and windlace. That's a lot of value for money.

    Diffusal is also a good counter to Necro, who without any doubt is one of the strongest heroes in the current meta.


      how does your "here's why" section in any way validate your argument


        They should make it that you're able to keep buying those recipe's to get 8 diffusal charges.

        Because when you buy the normal diffusal and then the upgrades it's only 16 charges and after they're all used you can't rebuy like you can do with drums.


          "how does your "here's why" section in any way validate your argument"

          yea cuz saying "here's why i think my argument makes sense" automatically claims validation right?



            ^H I think the cap on 16 charges is fair because the purge charges are, arguably, more useful than the drum charges.

            you can effectively completely disable necro (or pugna, or any heroes running away) with purge. You can't do that with drums (although the IAS and MS does help a lot with pushing).

            But I see your point. Euls for example can be used infinitely.


              You're also paying for slot efficiency. Plus, when you upgrade it, you get an extra 10 agility, just for 700 gold. But yah the main selling point is the purge.


                your here's why literally just gives us extra facts about dota without in anyway telling us how that makes diffusal balanced. your here's why in no way validates your argument


                  Your "here's why" just doesn't make any sense.
                  Here's why


                    If we follow your argument that the 650 gold recipe for euls is just fine since it gives unlimited charges to eul's, shouldn't it also follow that the 700 gold should also give unlimted charges to diffusal since we're not getting extra agi bonuses anymore anyway?

                    meteor hammer

                      diffusal has way too low cd, its usability is gated by 16 charge total

                      if u want to purge 5x in 1 fight for 3 kills there is a huge drawback, which is staring at people who ghosted without hitting later on in the game, but for that 1 fight u are basically mega cancer and have viper slow on top of ur heroes skillset


                        ^are u suggestin that a eul's cyclone = purge?
                        that's a stupid statement.


                          Why is that a stupid statement? Eul's defbuffs enemies, am I wrong?

                          meteor hammer

                            viper slow

                            read please

                            meteor hammer

                              im saying diffusal cd is balanced because it's limited to 16 uses total. they cost the same but euls has like a 25s cd and diffusal has low cd but limited uses so ur wary to spam the shit of it

                              even still the 2 are very not comparable, if u had euls on a 4 second cd with 15 charges ur supp would buy it and perma cyclone their bs or troll or whatever for 2 fights and win the game

                              purge+slow on a 4s cd isn't that bad because skills and dispel items remove it, countered by force and other mobility skills and the guy can still hit and fight u


                                The main selling point is not just the purge. Illusion heroes like Phantom Lancer and Naga Siren can burn down enemy entire mana pool quickly.

                                This nerf will definitely hurt these heroes more than anything else as they also want the stats to bolster their illusions.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  Decrease cast range down to melee range, add 2 more charges per level.


                                    The diffusal existence alone will prevent anyone playing medusa and/or WK since the item have great stats on top of manaburn + purge, meaning that any core could buy it and get away with it, even someone who usually didn't bought it, like sniper drow

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      You people are barking about the 'heres why' statement without understanding what OP is trying to say. I see the point, and I do think diffusal needed the nerfs it has gotten. I don't think it's super weak either. I suggest, introducing a diffusal level 3. At the cost of a recipe bought after level 2 giving 8 more charges and equally scaling stats. It's an item you will need no matter how late the game but will feel slot starved holding a relatively low cost item.


                                        yea it was way too cheap for the agi it gave and the utility. it was necessary nerf


                                          I'm pretty sure if your here's why didn't make sense your point won't be understood

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            OP's "here's why" statement made sense imo. He was talking about how Eul's recipe has a lot value for the gold it uses, and how the "gold value" made Diffusal too strong if it gave +5 Agi with just a 700 gold recipe.


                                              Another nerf for difussal it's void nerf too... Both carry and offlane.
                                              Yeah carry deserve this nerf, but not the offlane void.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Shiva recipe gives you 5 armor, 5 INT, an active that slows everybody it hits by 40% for 4 seconds and deals 200 magic damage on a 30 second cooldown and a permanent -45 attack speed aura to enemy heroes, all for 600 gold. That is why this comparison does not make sense. Yes, I know this is a late game item and has a shitty buildup while Diffusal and Euls are midgame items with decent buildups, but losing 5 AGI doesn't make the item balanced, almost nobody bought it because they said "Oh this recipe gives +5 AGI wow", the utility of the item is too big.


                                                  I disagree with your argument because you're not just paying 700 gold for purge. Upgrading from the base components gives you 8 purge charges, +4 intelligence and the ability to burn 50 mana per attack which deal an extra 40 damage per attack (since you deal 0.8 damage per mana burnt.)
                                                  Yes the extra 40 damage only applies as long as they have mana to burn but its still ridiculously strong for 700 gold. No other item in the game offers that sort of value. This is the problem with it: that if offers huge utility while being a great DPS item for cores. If Euls or Shivas also gave you 40 free damage then they would be imbalanced as well.

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