General Discussion

General DiscussionCollege 🤔

College 🤔 in General Discussion
Hardy Boy Kels

    Guys next year I'm going Canada to study but I don't wanna be a burden to my parents . Could anyone tell me what's the approx total fees for a whole college thing . Thank you


      Depends on your college and région.


        You will be a burden no matter what, try to do some co-op programs I guess.


          Part time work permit asap.


            drop college go dota pro better


              i laughed more than i should with kormonaras' post after i checked op's mmr


                Co-op bots is nice too, so you don't lose to easy bots solo.

                Potato Marshal

                  My tuition was about $6000 a year at the University of Toronto a few years back, but OSAP would pay a chunk of that that and anybody could sign up for it, not sure if they're still offering it, and I'm assuming you're most likely studying in Canada. But that's only tuition, I didn't live on campus or anything like that.


                    Why not take your a level and go to uni? Or is a level only for asian 🤔Kappa

                    Hardy Boy Kels

                      Nah I'm a streetshitter (Indian) so I get perks for being for being a foreign student right ?krappa
                      @just(winner XD my mmr is shit but then again no one wants to boost it , so basically I'm stuck here forever , maybe I should feed and drop it to 1 mmr . Heard you get 25$ online for that acc .🤷‍♂️


                        I believe you are a student? Then this is not the right place to be asking since dotabuff community is stupid anyway. The proper channel is to ask the university you're going. Have you ever considered emailing them? Sometimes, they will post you the university's prospectus (a printed document that advertises or describes a school) so you can decide what program you want to take in.


                          * Including their total fees

                          Hardy Boy Kels

                            @purfecat maybe your right . But then again , I know many of the guys in Dota buff have gone through university and then asking them will give me their firsthand experience and will get the real answers , not the sugarcoated ones that the college gives you . 🙍‍♂️


                              Dude if ur a foreign students it'll usually be more expensive, however most offer need based tuition, but again u wud have to look at ur college for that.
                              There is nothing to sugarcoat for money, they'll tell u how much it'll cost.

                              Hardy Boy Kels

                                @feelsbadman not the cost dude . About how good the college is . Haven't u seen brochures ? A group of students smiling and jumping n shit XD

                                Hardy Boy Kels

                                  Btw could u explain "need based tuition "


                                    If you ask them how good their college is, i bet their answers will be shit. Unless they got gf 1 or 2, get good result, had nice income. Do u think dota players will get any on of these???

                                    Hardy Boy Kels

                                      @yes . You see I've balanced my studies and Dota . (Failed once though )

                                      Hardy Boy Kels



                                          Exactly. Thats why its better to ask the college youre going. Yes they sugarcoat, sweet talk or whatever just dont listen to them. Only look at what you want rather than what they offer. Btw danish if ur reading these, im confident at typing not at talking xD(ignore this sentence if u dont understand)


                                            What province are you going to go to school? Some are cheaper then others.

                                            Hardy Boy Kels

                                              Province ?@bungmangler could u explain this to me .

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                He's asking which province in Canada. I'm assuming it's most likely Ontario.

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  Also FYI, Canadian universities really go out of their way to gouge foreign students for more money. Buy textbooks second hand if possible, never from the bookstore, things like meal plans are also total scams too. Just pay for the essentials.


                                                    U can rent textbooks from Amazon, super cheap
                                                    Also I forgot this was Canadian Universitys so ignore me


                                                      You can probably get most of your textbooks online for free, especially if they're in English. And its very likely that you can get away with not buying any textbooks at all. I haven't bothered to buy a textbook since first year, and never really regretted it. Speak to older students and ask them which modules they actually needed the textbook for.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        How could anyone possibly answer this for you without knowing the specific college?


                                                          As an international student expect to pay anywhere from 2k-3k per one course (worth 3 credit) normally you need around 120 credits to graduate, oftentimes you need more, especially if you double major, or take up smth like engineering.

                                                          That being said it depends a lot. My estimation applies to fairly well known universities like McGill, U of T, UBC since most people I know go/went there. I am sure there are cheaper schools in Canada, and honestly for Bachelors which I assume is what you getting it doesn't really matter that much where you go as long as it's a recognized university.

                                                          Either way I'd say it's fairly unrealistic for you to finance your way through university as an international student in Canada.

                                                          Also, Vancouver is probably the best city you could live in, but it's hella expensive to rent. On the brightside you might run into Arteezy and squeeze your way into a new EG/Secret Roster

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                          Hardy Boy Kels

                                                            1)What is the credit system ?
                                                            2) which college is best for coding
                                                            3)how is it unrealistic to study in 🇨🇦

                                                            Hardy Boy Kels

                                                              @Btw it's not that I'm gonna finance it myself , I just want to make sure I'm not a burden


                                                                If you don't even know how credit system goes, it's better to google how universities work before deciding to go abroad

                                                                Seriously, you just dived headfirst if you don't even know the basics

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                ma-ku hemburger country

                                                                  I think you could try and look for an agent. They can recommend you the best unis for your course/needs and settle everything for you for free.


                                                                    Do people really shit on the street?

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      If you don't even know how credit system goes, it's better to google how universities work before deciding to go abroad
                                                                      Seriously, you just dived headfirst if you don't even know the basics


                                                                      Hardy Boy Kels

                                                                        @imsexyandiknowit yes they do and piss on walls
                                                                        @hiyori where do I get an agent ?
                                                                        @gloriousfeeding that's why I started this thread

                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo


                                                                          Hardy Boy Kels



                                                                              College in 2017

                                                                              Hardy Boy Kels

                                                                                2018 actually . I'm 12 btw

                                                                                rain markcawat


                                                                                  Hardy Boy Kels


                                                                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                                      I will go to college when I'm 18

                                                                                      Hardy Boy Kels

                                                                                        @rachel same 👋👋

                                                                                        Pablo Escobar

                                                                                          why canada univ ?
                                                                                          i hear ICE is good univ

                                                                                          Hardy Boy Kels

                                                                                            @pablo ICE.?





                                                                                                Hardy Boy Kels

                                                                                                  How is Iceland a good university ? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

                                                                                                  Lea Ivy

                                                                                                    @Hilarious you can go to and there are plenty of people that will help you choose the right college and help you find ways to afford the tuition fees. Typically they cost 20-40K CAD ( 35K exactly how much UBC costs a year, where my cousin studies) for international students, but around 5K CAD for national students. My cousin managed to get a full scholarship as an international student there even though his grades were very average, but his essays got him in. Look for scholarships or any financial aid either from the university you want to attend itself or somewhere else, because you will be a burden on your parents if you make them pay 30K a year. Tution fees in the UK cost more or less the same. You could have the chance if you make the admission officers love you, and Collegeconfidential forums help with that a lot more than dotabuff would
                                                                                                    EDIT: the sooner you plan college the easier you will get in, so if you're actually 12, start doing things that would make the admission officers want to hug you. And yeah, you will need to know what the credit system is before worrying about money...

                                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                    Hardy Boy Kels

                                                                                                      @atleast thanks man

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