General Discussion

General DiscussionPUDGE MID

PUDGE MID in General Discussion

    why is pudge mid not viable anymore? as far as i can remember pudge did not receive any huge nerfs in the previous patches


      Pudge is a roamer . wtf are you talking about?


        back in the day, pudge used to be popular at the mid lane


          Popular as someone who loses the lane all the time unless somehow the opponent fucks up and feeds


            Yeah a melee hero with 280 ms 0 armor is really good midlaner that hasn't been nerf yet

            stupid fuck 2000

              pudge mid B R O K E B A C K


                Popular as in "navi was so fucking good that they can just pick a dogshit roamer hero on mid and win because Dendi is just so good on the hero and people just copy it thinking that it is legit"?


                  People who say pudge mid was viable should think that NO OTHER TEAM did that shit back then


                    Yeah I remember those days in the past when Pudge was a popular midlaner but you know as time passes people realize some things and that Pudge is not really an effective midlaner but very effective as roamer.

                    Also I only experienced this Pudge mid games when I was still a 2k pleb, well not like there is a difference between a 2k and a 3k tho haha.


                      I say it's not him it's the game that changed, heros like pudge went mid for fast levels but now days there's a lot more gold and xp available so it's not necessary and much better to have a more mid/late game core hero take him.

                      At pro level you see a trend to much greedier supports because it's harder to punish as it once was. Greedier supports also promote self sustained carries who don't need to be babe sat.

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                      Potato Marshal

                        Pudge was like the most popular mid hero along with sniper and drow when I first started playing. This was also back when sniper's take aim had less range and nobody leveled shrapnel, so Pudges could just walk ahead of the creep wave and scare sniper/drow off. Though this was probably more due to low level games than the current meta at the time.


                          Pudge used to be good mid because back in those days, mid heroes usually gank when they have level advantage. This is no longer the meta and players soon realised that mid heroes benefit and scale better if they take objectives instead of roaming and they also come online faster this way (snowball potential). Pudge tends to fall off easier than other mid heroes especially into late game. Not to mention that if mid pudge is missing, it usually means he is ganking somewhere and can easily be avoided.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Pudge never was a good mid in first place. Winning the lane was always preferred, and there were a bunch of other heroes who can either do more with levels, gank better, scale better, and push buildings/kill multiple heroes.

                            I mean, a fucking shadow shaman was ALWAYS a better mid than pudge, and people actually played him mid for that reason. An early level 6 on SS is devastating, where pudge is waaaaay scarier if you DON'T SEE HIM ON THE MAP.


                              A slow, low armor melee hero who has no way of harassing except by hurting himself, and has no kill potential statically in lane, I literally think pudge is the worst mid in the game. And moron 1k dipshits either give me free wins when they're the enemy, or end up playing as a roamer and thanking at lvl 4 and winning the game and then my team blames me. Basically whenever I see a mid pudge win it's cuz they didn't actually mid, they just ganked the shit out of my team, or I fed them retarded kills I shouldn't have.


                                you do realize that he was kinda popular around ti2 right , like in a meta before 5 years and only done by a team that is considered dead atm


                                  yet last week i still got 5-6 games where people wanted to pick pudge mid and 3 games where they actually picked it despite 4 people asking them
                                  not to.
                                  2 of these were ranked lost all of them

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    There's the misconception that pudge got moved from mid lane into roaming, when the reality is that he got moved from "not being picked ever by anyone except dendi" to "being a decent, situationally picked roamer".

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                                      miracle once picked pudge as mid in a pub game but i forgot the match id

                                      Yung Beethoven

                                        Pudge used to be a midhero since his hook had an incredible short range on lvl 1 years ago. Which is why you played him in the midlane to get exp and go ganking afterwards.

                                        Nowadays he is played as a roamer since he doesnt need that much lvls to be sufficiant in ganking. His lvl 1 hook is as long as the old lvl 3 hook, which means that you had to be at least lvl 5 to gank ppl.
                                        And since he doesnt need that much lvl now you dont play him mid, since he IS and WAS never a good mid. Playing him mid means that the enemy team has won their mid automaticly.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Increased Meat Hook icon.png Meat Hook max distance and cast range from 700/900/1100/1300 to 1000/1100/1200/1300.

                                          ^just for reference


                                            pudge is mid if you're living in 2012

                                            yung griphook

                                              He has no armor which is easy to abuse in a 1v1 matchup. He also can't truely wave clear like other mids can. Pudge gets his value from killing heroes and saving allies, so its best to let a hero go mid that needs the farm and have pudge roam or fuck with the offlaner

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                                                Any hero is ok in mid if you are good

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Any hero is ok in mid if you are good



                                                    Do u know old pudge hook has 400 range at lvl 1? Really the most useless skill at lvl 1 in dota

                                                    Thats why he need midlane to farm fast exp till lvl6, then he can go roam


                                                      He was buffed. And doesn't need much to be successful, you see. Putting him mid just to lose however is such a waste

                                                      all role player

                                                        now hook speed is nerfed :(
                                                        pls never pick pudge mid. its guarateed loss


                                                          Wait pudge mid is a viable mid since in SEA people first pick pudge and say that they are going mid.


                                                            if someone picks pudge mid I pick viper, hit level three and then beg him to hook me.


                                                              up to about mid 3k pduge mid is fine bc you just run at people, eventually however, people understand how to deal with a pudge then you become worthless at that point

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