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General DiscussionFeels good having green games again

Feels good having green games again in General Discussion

    The good thing about picking support is you don't have someone to fight the role with and hopefully my team carry me this time


      Wp. Support at your level is much harder to do properly than carry

      Riguma Borusu

        don't worry it will be gone soon enough


          Later you will meet noob cores and start losing again, such is the way of dota to keep the game


            I always meet people who can't carry me :(


              my streak ended at 19 :(


                Shame on you
                I never have green days 😏

                Dire Wolf

                  idk dude only way I can get green days is spamming troll warlord, saying fuck the team, muting everyone and farming like crazy. I'm much more focused I guess? Idk, dropped to my lowest mmr ever like 2750, on a 5-1 streak with troll since I said fuck it I'll just spam and farm.


                    My team doesn't know when,how,where to ward smh annoys me everytime we have wards on cd


                      Same but with core sk... saying fuck this every mistake my team makes is actually myfault and if I had been there... we migt have turned it around.... i only get green days when I blame myself for everything.... when I play support I tend to blame my cores more since they actually cant do shit but when I play offlane I take control of every part of the game and its basically my fault if anything goes wrong


                        wow dude dire wolf. you fell into normal skill too? whats happening with everyone lately


                          ^wasnt he 4k or 5k as i remember ... also who else dropped to ns?


                            I've been in normal skill for years


                              blaming team for not knowing where to ward

                              i buy wards myself every single game because im the only one in the team that understands where or when we need them. no matter which position.

                              getting a kill because you placed a good ward = 5xworth it


                                any good 3 or 4 pos to spam every game on HS?

                                Dire Wolf

                                  LOL no I've never been 4k, I barely broke vhs before at times, highest mmr for me is like 3850. My "normal" range is around 3500 meaning I have probably played most games around that.

                                  Idk how I dropped so much, I took a three month break around Christmas, then when I came back I just lost a few, then started picking sub optimal heroes, raged on some games, suddenly went on 5,6,7 game losing streaks, had some awful double downs and that was it. I just lost focus I guess, started trying to play the meta too much instead of my game, I would switch heroes a lot. Played way too many doom games trying to win a daily quest in ranked.

                                  People also seem to understand counters a LOT more than before, like picking sniper, instant spirit breaker or storm pick enemy team. Pick weaver instant axe pick then they usually double up with bloodseeker and lc lol. Troll has no hard counters like that so a lot easier.

                                  Since that low point I played like 20 unranked games which is a couple weeks worth for me, just to do some quests. Now in ranked I only pick troll, had to offlane him once and still dominated lane but lost game cus team was truly fucking awful. We had a tusk who snowballed me and shard blocked me in 3-4 crucial team fights we ended up losing. Like I would be bashing and killing their main carry and he would shard me out of range, or I'd init with shadow blade on thier enigma and he would snowball all of us into blackhole. Fucking ridiculous, worst teamfight play I have ever seen.

                                  Other than that it's been fine. A big part of always picking one hero and one role is focus. I know my objectives no matter what enemy team picks. I know my build and only make slight tweaks depending on lineup. I know when I can take fights. So I don't have to waste brain power thinking about those things and can focus on just farming.

                                  Cookie's guide helped with that, and also with winning the lane. Troll is a very strong laner and I wasn't taking advantage enough. I always start with pms now and run at people til they leave lane. It's worth missing a couple cs to burn all their regen asap.

                                  3 things from cookie's guide I use.
                                  1. Singular focus. Don't worry about team or enemy team, play your game, same way every time with slight adjustments
                                  2. Dominate your lane, be the aggressor, most offlaners can't handle that aggression but they will win lane if you are passive
                                  3. Push lane as soon as you're able to jungle and clear the hard/small camps in addition to lane creeps to accelerate your farm. Most teams won't punish that at all.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    "any good 3 or 4 pos to spam every game on HS?"

                                    Axe is really good.




                                        You win 4 games in a row and you make a threat ?


                                          They're buying wards even if they're not a support isn't a problem but placing it wrong and making it go on cd is cringeworthy


                                            Plein I'm a scrub so I cherish this few wins


                                              leave support role if someone has lower gpm than you


                                                ^lol I had some 300 gpm dude who picked meepo and just removes their barrack 20 mins in


                                                  I am Scrub too :))


                                                    that means I'd be carrying 3/5 games


                                                      Ya dire wolf I took a 1 month break then came back one month then took a 6 month break lost 1500 mmr from 4.5k . It's hella rough after extended breaks to play ranked again . I feel like I'll hopefully get some skill back in the next month and climb back to 3.5k but I have a feeling It'll take me a year to reach 4K much less 4.5 k again I lost that much skill . Escpecially annoying is I seem to be mis clicking my spells a lot when I used to rarely ever do that . I know part of it is my mouse left button is semi broke but know majority of the time I'm just mis clicking .


                                                        my green games didn't last long :(


                                                          streak lose sir :(


                                                            @filthy from 4.5k to normal skill? How is that possible at all. U don't just lose skill man


                                                              Yes you can if you rely on "not missing cs and spells" to win like fx


                                                                Ya , well it's just not any one thing , meta changed when I got back , I literally did not play for 7 months the first 1 month I missed was becuase I snapped my leg in half like not a small break my leg literally broke and the muscles pulled my broken leg in on its self so my leg my like 6 inches shorter unless I pulled it back out .so when I came back I lost 500 mmr . Also when I came back I was kinda jacked up . Anyways I played for one month then decided to quit to play easyier games so I could focus on work [ I immediately assumed command of a section upon returning to work and sleeping more and training for my pt test in march on a broken leg [ of course I didn't have to do the run portion bit it was still harder to stay in shape compared to usual I'm in the military . Any ways 4 months went by like that and I had the itch to come back to dotes but I ended up needing another big surgery and more plates and screws in my leg . I had gotten 4 weeks off work from the surgery and on week 2 I started up dota again I was still pretty drowsy from the recent surgery so maybe I wouldn't have dropped another 1k otherwise however I am unsure becuase my mechanical skills have dropped a lot maybe I would have only dropped to 3.5 k from the time off if i was less drowsy but we'll never know lol. Anyways after returning from this second surgery I am currently in charge of no area or people and would like to dedicate some time to getting my skills back at Dota . Currently learning the mid position I was never a mid payer before I only played carry , offlane or Roamer .


                                                                  Also keep in mind I know a lot of you guys don't have kids but between work and family if I do play dotes it's usually when no ones home or there sleeping so that means less sleep so it probably harder for me to gain back my skills on less sleep .


                                                                    lol sounds like you been through a lot. anyway there's no way mechanical skill makes u a 3k if u still have 4.5k game sense. meta doesnt even matter.


                                                                      Ya I should get back up there with time keep also to put all 4ks in same basket as far as play style is wrong I personally relied less on my mechanical skill and more on game sense when I was in 4 k . Now in this low 3k crap I feel like I got to play mid becuase every one seems awful compared to what I was used to . Anyways I'm sure all my skills have dropped but the mechanical skills is the most frustrating cuz I know what I want to do and what I've done in the past it's just not happening lol .


                                                                        Also I played safelane carry until I was 4K but from 4K to 4.5k I only played offline and and position 4 becuase I felt I didn't have the mechanical skills nessecary to carry above 4K .


                                                                          What playing carry needs more mechanical skills than play position 4?


                                                                            Well i thought so the way I was playing it as a roamed I could effect every lane , seemed like it took more map awareness and strategy than mechanical skill .


                                                                              Earth spirit, IO, chen etc.

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!