General Discussion

General Discussionhero for rampage

hero for rampage in General Discussion

    I have started dota about 6 or 7 months ago, i have many friends on my id and all of them has about 5 or 6 rampages. I am level 21 now and calibrating mmr right now but most of my friend insult me because of my zero rampages I have tried many heroes but it is getting out of my hand now.... please recommend me some heroes and tips for rampaged :)

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      Play Dota -> View Lobbies -> Enter TI7 abuse lobby -> Ez rampage

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        rampages are pretty much luck , anyway most of my rampages are on sven so you might try him


          if u r desperate do japenese name guy's thing




              Definitely not spectre
              Ultra stacks :(


                Who gives a fuck about rampages


                  Kill all the heroes then deny your team mates

                  Story Time

                    take the one hero who can killsteal and that is how u get rampage


                      Story Time

                        ^this needs translation


                          Play alot of invoker like I did and not get a single rampage for all the games. And get your rampage Kill Stealed by this peenoise sniper on your 136th game. And thats how I decided to fucking overkill any hero that would give me a rampage. By the way, sniper only hit the kotl once smh crying now fuck rampages.


                            KATLIAM YAPTI!



                              Parte got a RAMPAGE in a match as Meepo!

                              just now
                              5 hours ago
                              13 may

                              this was before i stopped spamming meepo

                              Player 345068850

                                I still havent got my first rampage.....feelsbadman


                                  lol, just abuse bots


                                    i have rampages with huskar phantom assassin silencer viper and I think one with weaver.


                                      I got a rampage with cm, lycan, and rightclick meme bounty no Kappa


                                        I only have 2 rampages 1st time rampage was the first time I played as Drow Ranger and I can't remember my 2nd rampage hahaha.

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          NOOBers :D no mmr :D


                                            Why even want rampage when you can climb MMR higher than them. Thats the real thing, not the rampages.


                                              ez got 91 rampages as legion commander , 75 as spectre and 10 as outworld devourer.


                                                most mids and carries tbh also some offlaners are good for it


                                                also jdf8

                                                  meepo is a rampage farmer if you are half decent and your opponents are not


                                                    Lol I got my first with silencer. Most of mine are with sniper mid I think


                                                      oh yeah i forgot when i got my rampage as sf I didn't even use ult I just hit them because they where killing unkillable bristleback and I have 36 souls and lvl 4 shadow raze so I easily rampaged with a little help from my team.

                                                      and they said I was ks when I do 200 damage per hit to the enemy.


                                                        You should learn DotA in general. Rampages come after that.


                                                          I'd work on a goal like, "Achieve a 51% winrate for 3 months", if you can do that, I'm sure you'll get a rampage at some point.

                                                          As for answering your question w/o my normal skill advice, I'd say play Sven or PA. Both are rampageable.


                                                            I haven't gotten a rampage in ages then again I just started playing again . Plus I don't play carry anymore . Pretty much position ones or mids should get occasional rampages .

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                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!