General Discussion

General DiscussionPatch 7.06

Patch 7.06 in General Discussion

    Ok, so obviously, there is gonna be a new patch coming after this Kiev Major, so what do you think are the changes are there gonna be made after Kiev?

    Few things I want:

    * Morphling's Replicate has a basic dispel.
    * Change Shadow Demon's level 20 talent into Demonic Purge has Break.
    * Reduce Magnus's Empower duration.


      arc warden bug fixes


        Tinker heavy nerf


          I don't Tinker is that strong, there are many heroes that can easily counter Tinker, the best counters are all the Spirit heroes ( except Vengeful Spirit ). Buying Shadow Blade automatically makes you a counter to Tinker


            shadow fiend nerf


              PA dagger nerf


                I hope they would jump to 7.1 lul


                  riki nerf

                  Giff me Wingman

                    heavy arc warden nerf.

                    N0tail made arc seem broken

                    Heart tired

                      Change back the old meepo's net that can cancel tp plsssss

                      doc joferlyn simp



                          Cuz supports are like the modern days black people

                          Pale Mannie

                            diox spirit release

                            Fee Too Pee

                              Dazzle buff a little maybe pls

                              Other offlaner heroes buff

                              Keep cancer heroes like storm weak


                                all top picks nerfed all low picks buffed as usual


                                  Sf will get a small nerf I think
                                  Morph buff (hopefully)
                                  Jug nerf
                                  Am buff
                                  Axe nerf
                                  Cm nerf
                                  Lycan nerf
                                  Venge nerf
                                  Riki nerf
                                  Troll nerf
                                  Not any huge nerfs but small balancing

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                    Earth spirits gonna get his movespeed nerfed again for no reason. Honestly why the fuck nerf his ms when you can just nerf his base dmg if clubbing people to death early game is too strong. damn you ice frog


                                      midas nerf

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        Please make a huskar a playable hero again at least

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          That hero is about as cancerous as PL, nerf that fucking fucker to the depths of hell where he belongs


                                            If spectre doesn't get a nerf I'll eat my boot, and spam her for MMR.

                                            More Razor buffs most likely. He's had a terrible showing at Kiev despite the recent minor buffs he had received (which should be obvious given how minor they are).

                                            Viper, drow, gyro, ench all also probably in line for buffs. LD's spirit bear will also probably be buffed.

                                            CM might finally get a nerf for the first time in forever given how popular she has been. Abaddon maybe too.

                                            Edit - would have said bloodseeker but Icefrog clearly hates the hero and refuses to give him any skills or talents which are decent.

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                                              Buff Invo, Anti-Mage and Earth Spirit plz


                                                I just want troll to be nerfed into the shitty ground where he belongs.
                                                and huskar buffs.
                                                at least huskar requires a thing called skill


                                                  Spectre winrate got nerfed, kappa

                                                  very good csgo player

                                                    Carry Puck is intentional win

                                                    DioX made this guide its all possible because of him (me)


                                                      CM,Tree nerfs
                                                      Arc,Invoker Buff
                                                      A little change to Midas

                                                      Savvy Cat

                                                        I would like a buff for Venomancer Plague Wards.

                                                        Not for damage or health or anything like that. I just want them to stop staring at Techies mines when they see them.


                                                          cm nerf
                                                          thats the only obvious one imo

                                                          idk how they could nerf shadow fiend though, his stats are already pretty dog shit and his other values have either been unchanged for a long time (even the time when he was not a viable pick even) or are irrelevant to his main strengths

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                          nekopunchhh dadadadadadada

                                                            buff invoker pls huhu


                                                              think naga should be remvoed from the game. boring ass hero


                                                                somehow that hero finds his way into every tournament


                                                                  she is as unique as teachis if you know what i mean :)

                                                                  low prio master

                                                                    -Midas will be not nerfed as buff was this patch, so we will see that in every game on at least 4 heroes.
                                                                    -buff please io icefrog io got nerf since dota 2 exist
                                                                    -nerf sniper
                                                                    -nerf spec why is this lazy hero first in winrate mg
                                                                    -buff puck
                                                                    -buff sven
                                                                    -buff qop or rework a bit or at least make her agh better
                                                                    -nerf cm ofc
                                                                    -buff all babysit heroes actually

                                                                    Chao Vritra

                                                                      LET HOOK GO THROUGH SIEGE CREEP AGAIN PLEASE, I would trade the new rot for this


                                                                        I Love ppl crying about spec being highest winrate and demanding a nerf. So basically she was not changed at all its other small changes that made her shine this patch and moreover she's been top 3 winrate since i play dota again which is pretty much 6.86. Don't nerf spectre buff other heroes/items etc, spec is fine the way she is.

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                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                          nerf treant to ground pls
                                                                          leave AM alone, fuck that hero
                                                                          tweak slardar a bit
                                                                          sven still crap , buff a little
                                                                          Qop still irrelevant


                                                                            Buff Shadow Demon, so useless hero

                                                                            Il Separatio

                                                                              Leave Magnus's Empower duration as it is please.


                                                                                Leshrac can kill mid tower without being seen..

                                                                                Il Separatio

                                                                                  Nerf a bit Lifestealer and buff the non picked heroes in the Kiev Major :D


                                                                                    i really wanna see new items


                                                                                      I want an item that builds out of armlet cuz its my favorite item


                                                                                        -I believe they're gonna (and should) bring back midas to 190gold. I mean, the exp nerf was alright, then they just had to give it 220 gold. Ridiculous.
                                                                                        -Buff/remake Helm of Dominator, it's a dead item.
                                                                                        -Huskar buff
                                                                                        -Sven buff, PLEASE. I love that hero, but in my unbiased opinion, he's very kitable, slow in almost everything he does. Storm bolt takes to long to shoot, below average MS, God's Strength has a pretty long cast point. At least other kitable heroes like Ursa and Troll have faster MS (and can make themselves move faster as they naturally and mostly build Phase boots) and can take down heroes with ease (Fury swipes for burst, Axes for bash, slow, and miss).

                                                                                        So far, that's what I can think. Of course, IMO.


                                                                                          Midas isnt better rn, pros r just building it more, even tho they lose more with it


                                                                                            Whats with LC? I play her offlane since bone7 and Cloud9 times. Now she seems a strong offlane pick in pro scene. Often picked and banned with a good winrate. But her winnrate is low in pubs. Because of useless junglers?

                                                                                            Maybe a nerf to her W?

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              Why would lifestealer get nerfed? He was horrible in group stage, 2-8 I think. 3-1 in playoff but small sample size and that usually means it's a much better pick when it's super situational like that.

                                                                                              TB dominated both and has ~52% win rate in pubs so I could see a nerf. Maybe a small armor nerf or sunder cd increase. Slark also dominated but he is ~47% in pubs so I doubt he'll change much. Slark is REALLLY good when he's a 4th or 5th pick and enemy has no lockdown.

                                                                                              mid age guy

                                                                                                Windlace need nurf, why supports can get it when match just started? It's should get bloked for 2 mins or smth, like rain drop. Lane stage is to agressive.
                                                                                                And nerf shrine tp's cuz split push was dead since their backdoor was reworked.

                                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                  frankly, if the 2 tb game i saw were representative for the rest of the tournament, then nerfing tb would be totally stupid.

                                                                                                  In those two game, he didn't get contested AT ALL. ofc if you never gank/disrupt one of the hardest carry of the game you totally diserve to lose.
                                                                                                  Considering how well spectre did (stat wise), it really feels to me that the whole tournament, carry weren't contested at all.

                                                                                                  Anyway, if tb were to get a change, i'd really hope it'll be on reflection. That spell scream, "the rest of my skillset must suck, cause i'm too op".

                                                                                                  Personnaly i really hate when too many heroes have concept broken spell, if they were to become the backbone of every picks, the game would start to become very chaotic in term of balance (tb,io,slark,ww,oracle, earthspirit's agahs, tusk's agah -glad tusk suck so much so we never see that- to name few...) They are either totally useless, or totally op in a game.
                                                                                                  (Imo the only concept broken hero that is decently balanced atm is invoker and yet...)

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    TB and Spec only looked good because the other carries are bad. Just look at the heroes. Only one in the top 10 is a hard carry (Spectre) and VS was played as a core as few games as well. Just look at the winrates for Jugg, Lifestealer and Troll.


                                                                                                      Yup that's true, if we forget about tb slark and spectre, every single carry that performed well were actually carry that you play middle (or for which you can choose middle or safelane)


                                                                                                        slark 16 games 87.5% wr

                                                                                                        feelsbadman one of my fav heroes

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                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!