General Discussion

General Discussiongetting commends?

getting commends? in General Discussion

    Ive just noticed that if I play bad in a game I will end up with maybe 2 reports at the end of that game.
    If i play good or carry ill end up with 0 commends at the end of a game.
    If i flame ill end up with about 2 reports at the end of a game.
    If im fun and enjoyable to play with ill end up with 0 commends at the end of a game.
    I was just wonder what I can do to get commends, because i really want to get my behavior score up again, because playing at a low behavior score is beyond annoying.

    Savvy Cat

      Try supporting.

      Ghastly Wail

        I've got ~150 Commends for good Supporting.


          Good supports = Commends. When I play support. I usually buy all the wards I can buy. Buy my carries salve when they are low on health. I even try to save my team even when most of the time I am teamed up with flamers. Just focus on your game. You could ask for commends too from your teammates after the game. Just be nice.

          Ghastly Wail

            ^ never ask for Commends.


              Well, if you are playing in SEA that's one of the ways to get one. SEA Server players won't do commends unless you ask/swap commends.


                Good support = commends. Or just reking whole enemy team and commends by pma opponents. or playing with friends in 5 man stacks switching players after every match.

                Dire Wolf

                  No one ever commends me. I only know cus of the status updates every 10 games. How do you tell right after a game if you got reported or commended? If our whole team does well I just commend everyone on it. Not stingy like that. I've had games where people even say I'll commend you and still they don't.

                  Dark Hunter

                    I used to get tons of commends for supporting. Last 2 months i havent got any.


                      Now that you guys mention it, usually i do commend a good support.

                      low prio master

                        I do getting heaps of comments all the time,this acc i have about 1mounth and im on 180 comments , its about to be nice even someone did a mistake, mostly i getting them for good supporting, saving heroes, never be rude, arrogant, dont ask ppl why they build deso if your team have one etc, tell person which you going to cmnd only never ask for cmnds.


                          All u have to do is ask for them


                            Easiest way is to say you'll commend x hero. If u carried and u say u will commend ur support, it is very likely he will
                            Commend u back. Same if u played supp and u commend the guy who carried


                              who cares


                                No one.


                                  arin's posts rofl :))))

                                  but srsly all u gotta do is do something good in front of their eyes then at the end of the game say nice job X i'll cmd u if u wanna u can cmd me too. most of the times they say ye sure

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Swap me comments or I report u


                                      I always say ill commend someone then unintentionally dont cuz i forget and just queue for the next match lol

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        ^That's why u in such a low mmr,Karma work when you didn't knotice

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                          About a month ago I had around 610 commends. I have been spamming a lot of support (to get my behavior score up, and no one likes to support for whatever reason) and I now have around 721 commends. I will have to check.

                                          That is 100 commends in a month, and I play roughly 30 - 40 (if it's a good week) hours a week.

                                          So 120 - 160 hours = 100+ commends o. o

                                          My goal is to hit around 1k commends, so I honestly want to keep supporting since it's fun, plus it's very nice to constantly get compliments from teammates :blush:


                                            i mostly win my team the game with sups tbh but sometimes a carry m8 or mid is so bad that they dont do the necessary damage bc of low farm or feeds bc of bad positioning and other stuff. if only they do the damage neede, i would totally handle the team fight and decision making. also i learned how to comm to make ppl listen to me. either gotta give them stress like saying GOGOGO on mic or writing down strategies in a nice language does it. also whenever u save/help someone they will listen more and more. i got 24 cmds in this acc in like first 15 matches or smth then i played core again and no cmds added

                                            Putsy McCoy

                                              I have more commends than ganes played. In my opinion I tend to be commended when I actually play my role. In other words I have been commended when I picked a carry and actully carried the game, or picked an offlaner and actually played position 3, ensuring initiations and rotations. I never use voice chat, although i think communicating properly will get you some commends.


                                                You Get more commends the longer you are in normal skill. No one knows what's going on here, everyone's outta control. Every good play seems like a god send and will get you commends. Contrast in higher skill games where everyone knows what your intended to do, it's much harder to get commends.


                                                  I actually get more commends for banter over even my novelty 69 mmr


                                                    Play support
                                                    Do this magic aspect properly
                                                    Get ez commends
                                                    What is it?
                                                    Roam instead of sucking xp


                                                      i've never asked for a single commend in my life, i believe people should earn their commends

                                                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                        I dont ask for commends, But every game I see my commends getting higher because I mainly play support

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          If you keep your teammates smile on their faces, you get 4 commends, if your teammates start to talk smack and throw some wild beef into game, you will earn some reports...just like that. :-) You can earn commends while losing games too, if you do right things, people will reward that sometimes., I do that too when people try and give their best, even game was lost in the end.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            just calling out for a comment when u deserve it doesnt make it any less than what u deserve. abd in any media/situation call to action works extremely well. not when u dont do anything special and ancient is falling u type cmd tnx tho that is shit


                                                              ^^^^yoire not asking, you're reminding them(usually they say at min 10" wow commend this mid" or Smth like that") just making sure you don't get scammed innit


                                                                i hit 900 commends a few weeks ago, but i have a ton of games played. I've also never been reported into LP so i guess dont be a dorkwad and you'll get them


                                                                  idk if you really carry your team super-hard as a core, or you support really well you are sure to get commend i think.

                                                                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                    I commend EverOne whos not talking trash and doing any Major mistakes like not buying back when enemy atack ancient while its aviable.

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      say "exchange commends", and btw people do not need to know where my tonns of commends are coming from

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        do commends actually affect you in any way though other than epeen? Like do they counter act reports or raise behavior score?

                                                                        Erase Humanity

                                                                          Killing streaks
                                                                          Supporting(especially healing as a non healer hero)
                                                                          Being nice/funny


                                                                            seems like it :/


                                                                              lol there was that venge supping me in a game he made so many jokes i was literally crying of laughter missed some cs out of laughing i was LD. rofl we had a techies and the venge supped me good and we did good on lane but he didnt have money for sentry i pinged the placd of the bombs he said with a special accent "dont worry my son i'll secure u with my body" then he went of ths bombs and got out with like 10 hp xD never was satisfied this much for cmding someone in my life

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                seems ;plausible that it could raise behaviour score


                                                                                  Pick a support hero > buy cour, 2 wards, smoke and a tp > tp mid t1 and smoke > place 1 ward for mid and one for offlane > keep buying wards and sentries for entire game

                                                                                  They spam "well played!" even in 5k by doing smoke ward and u gonna get ur commend


                                                                                    i have 1k commends and i can tell they are useless i show them in my profile to show the world how big my dick is xD

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!