General Discussion

General DiscussionOD tips

OD tips in General Discussion

    hey guys , so i want to play some OD since he is in good position this meta and i like him .

    can anyone give me tips about how shall i lane with him, different starting items , how to level his skills now , match-ups ?

    shall i go Midas or straight pike+blink ?

    thanks in advance


      skill build is probably 23322321341114
      starting items probably null tangoes but rtz have went for wraith band before
      gets shat by nyx


        1-4-1 skill build use the w for farming as its a very effective nuke. Rushing straight into pike is the norm. And just keep building int. He's not good in all lineups. Basically if you see alot of heroes with a low mana pool. Also he is the only true counter to AbadDon which is bothersome since that's my current favorite hero.


          23232321134411 get your 1st talent at 15 imo. If your lane is going ok get a midas. If not just skip it and get normal items.

          Standart build
          Midas treads force blink pike after this you get whatever you need bkb link hex shiva bloodthorn moon and as last slot refresher is pretty decent

          Nearly every matchup is ok. Viper ta sniper ld and maybe razor are a bit hard to play against.
          Strong burst like slad naix is bad after the lane for you. If you lane vs timber go 233113222311

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            i go talent as soon as i can, but i guess it's skippable until later
            i max aura last
            sometimes i dont get lvl 2 ult if there's like 4 ints or some shit, or you can even go like 3 nulls into ult on 6 if you're laning against axe or some other garbage low-int hero

            i go boots wind lace (optional aquila depending on if i went wb or null first) dominator (treads) pike (treads) blink and then whatever, usually linken/hex/shiva
            i dont buy midas unless i want to troll triplesteal into buying 4 midases on our team and then nearly losing to 3k avgs
            i dont buy bkb because i hate that i cant astral myself and blink out which is a nearly guaranteed save unless you're against pitlord or some shit but i guess it's necessary some games

            dont pick him into nyx
            laning against zeus and sniper can be pain in the ass but as soon as you get lvl 7 you instawon lane regardless who you're against because you can get guaranteed cs from entire creepwave if you use astral properly

            i can win nearly every game with him even when i feed mid 0 4 for some reason
            so im pretty sure you can maintain like 95% winrate in normal skill if you have at least one hand

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              Don't listen that 2k Jack Attack and listen to pm. as he speaks reasonable and is over 5k. lmao.


                ^^ thats shit build nowhere midas who stack orb with trrads and talent tree

                maxin orb gives ugood fight potential and for ulti
                but lower creep farming

                midas is nice item u just win 1 fight at 15 min and u got a midas who gives u farm bery fast next items

                at early i go straight dominator insta skippig boots or wand (usually at 6 7min i lane is ok )
                then go boots and go for midas
                then go blink or force or just go treads id i rly need that atack speed and not mobility


                  I just rush aghs for ez astral on everyone SO MUCH AOE DMG HAHA Im 12 btw EleGiggle

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