General Discussion

General Discussionis nyx deso bad?

is nyx deso bad? in General Discussion
Optimus Drip

    I agree. I'm just saying at least the hearts in the right place with mkb... desolate is ..... zero logic

    Nyx Assassin

      Personally from games I've played, getting deso can help in ganks here and there if your carry isn't thinking of getting one.
      Typically one either gets blink, aether lens, or something like that. Replacing one of those early items with a deso such as when one is mid nyx who can afford said things.
      It helps when you gank in the early game.

      However, I noticed towards the later stages being back to the regular build is efficient, but the deso provides utility for pushing also.


        the thing is, it's not about your dps, it's about the mentality and gameplay again

        you're saying ''if there are no other carries''

        so if your team has no carries, enemy team can either have or not have

        if they don't then you don't need any special itemisations as both teams are eaqual

        if they do, that means enemy has a greedier lineup than yours

        so to solve this, you don't play it by ''outfarming'' the oponent, you end it because YOU HAVE ADVANTAGE

        you have a team made of early heroes, so you use your advantage

        you're approaching the game like a goddamn math problem with only numbers

        game has players in it you know


          I think getting deso with Nyx is as good as me getting getting an Eul's on MK when I was trying a whimsical build. Naturally I got a few reports for the failed experiments.



            ^^this logic makes sense only for someone who never actually played dota in these scenarios.

            all of the conclusions u come to here are not true.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              not saying if there are no carries, just no heroes that dont like to have deso in their build or simply cant use it (deso carriers). like am benefits a lot from the armor reduction but he can't apply it himself, illusion heroes dont like buying it even though it increases illusion damage a lot, etc...

              like if you have teammates as naga siren bristle warlock, deso might possibly be a highly effective item, no matter what other hero you get it on.

              or even enemy draft is weak to physical but noone on your team is buying deso or has enough physical to exploit their weakness.

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              casual gamer

                just buy a medallion and save yourself from low prio, that can also be cast from range and builds into a GOOD item for nyx and provides mana regen

                casual gamer

                  but medallion isn't good every game either, theres specific situations that merit -armor / +armor and not other items instead


                    I think you are thinking too hard about hypothetical situations OP. Just accept a couple of facts:

                    1. Deso does not synergise optimally with Nyx's skill set.

                    2. Having a 'team Deso' so to speak is not mandatory in every game.

                    3. In a ranked game there should NEVER be the situation where Nyx is left as a sole carry (hence your very hypothetical scenario). If my team end up in this situation I will solely put the blame on the last picker and he will receive a report from me.

                    My 2 cents

                    Optimus Drip

                      Honestly too.. deso is worse than ac if you have necro 3.... if we are talk hypothetical situations.... a does way better to towers if you have multiple units

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        ye i think about solar crest myself and think it might be way better instead of deso

                        ofc unless im gonna snowball hard nough to become a carry on a nyx, better than dagon 5 anyway if we're buying those items...


                          Well if you're a position 3 Nyx it's much better to build utility items but if you're for some reason a position 1 Nyx then you should build right click hitter build since that's what your position.

                          I don't think its necessarily bad to build deso on Nyx it depends on the situation of the game or what your team currently needs to win

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