General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvanced differences between Radiant and Dire (5k+)

Advanced differences between Radiant and Dire (5k+) in General Discussion

    Hi, dear friend,
    I would love to start a theme, that was not enough told about.

    What do u think is an adnvanced difference between two sides?
    Its obviuos that map is asymmetric, and in last patch Dire had advantage in a lategame coz of Roshan dislocation, and Radiant in early coz of better pathes for ganks.

    But what is now? In 7.00?
    Roshan replaced, added shrines and map was changed.

    Btw, I ve heard 7k player told that he wont play storm on Dire side mid.
    Was it told coz of he didnt wont to go for stacking on Dire side as storm or what?
    Anyway does exist any differences in tactic while playing mid on Dire side between playing mid on Radiant side?

    Link on guides, vods, analitics and etc are welcome.

    Thank u for your attention.

    This disunity must end.

      Overall Dire side has the advantage

      This disunity must end.

        Shit i forgot i'm not 5k+ Damn!!!


          According to my factions matches I have higher win rate when I'm on the Radiant side but the difference is not really that significantly high.


            Seems like dire has better safe lane and radiant has better offlane. Dire safe lane carry can actually take bounty. The rune is so close to the small camp which is insane. As for radiant offlane it's a dream! You got two spawns, shrine + rune so close to t1! You got a lot of exp from it. Imho when I'm on radiant side I'm going offlane now either as position 3 or 4.

            casual gamer

              I'm super wary of saying anything that isnt certainly true, im definitely not some kind of expert in shit like this

              but i would say dire's largest advantage was neutralized, radiant can respond just as fast to roshan unless you take all t2s + shrine

              plus the safelane is pretty blatantly stacked for radiant, super easy pullthroughs versus almost impossible pullthroughs on dire.

              The tower will still hit you if you dive behind trees radiant safelane t1, and not if you dive behind trees dire safelane t1 or at least it will hit you for longer or something? personal experience

              i like radiant camps a lot more, and less of them are on the fucking lowground seriously. rad top rune is lowground but the top rune its super easy to get fb standing on the hg ramp and fucking whoever walks up

              very hard to gank radiant offlaner jungling without getting fucked by a backstab tp (u can run NW/SW into towers NE into the tp or SE into the middle of their base), but ganking the dire offlaner jungling you have a clear path of retreat to the southwest

              keep in mind some of this is subjective! but i think these all contribute to the clear radiant advantage

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              casual gamer

                i think dire storm has to walk too damn far to stack lg camp or something, post lvl 6 rad storm can cut some trees and create an easy path to the med camp as well? not rly a good storm though

                basement :)

                  I would also like to know the differences. I have a 13% higher win rate on Radiant, which is absurd.


                    :NORMAL SKILL PLAYER:

                    I feel like i farm alot more efficiently on the Dire side. Though few camps are on the high ground it feels like I can clear those camps alot faster than I can on the Radiant side. There is no stacking in Normal Skill so no comment there.

                    As far as Rosh, I feel like the Dire still has a little advantage over the Radiant due to the direct pathing to the pit from the sanctuary. If you TP to the sanctuary from Radiant, you have to Blink into the pit, or walk ALL THE WAY around it which will pretty result in disastah every time.
                    Coming from the Dire side, unless you have vision of their sanctuary, countering a Rosh attempt will be a lot easier.


                      Thank you all.
                      And how about pathes for ganks?

                      I Noticed that mid tower location allows Dire to have a better counter-gank potential.
                      Juke jungles as for me is better for radiant, but tower location makes sense i believe.


                        i have almost a seventy percent winrate on radient and just over 50 on dire so I would say for me radient is favored

                        \\  VintageR  \\

                          i may have 3.5k, but i would say a small detail
                          is much easier to block the creeps from the side of dire than radiant, why? ecause now radiant bot is for some reason moving the creeps in the corner very weirdly, i blame gaben

                          \\  VintageR  \\

                            well, it may be coincidence , but i also had a considered difference between radiant and dire winrate, on dire i go 47.53%, on radiant tho i have a significant 56.01% winrate, which i didn't actually realize, that is insane XD

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                            Story Time

                              I am still not used to the new map, but the difference in WR between dire and radiant is over 14% says my statistics. Pretty bad :(

                              I think the main problems happens not during the early game stage but later - mid game, as ganking/farming is different across dire/radiant jungles

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                the initial warding for radiant team offlaner is slightly tougher, and dire shrine has a better location.
                                radiant offlane bounty is slightly better protected; safelane bounty has a way better location.
                                dire jungle is harder to ward.
                                radiant have better access to roshan due to top shrine.


                                  tfw u main support and still havent done a single pull through for 2 patches


                                    Radiant has considerably healthier and prettier trees providing an oxygenated environment which is aesthetically pleasing at the same time.

                                    There are no further significant factors...

                                    the realm's delight
                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                      the realm's delight



                                          somehow I got 56% winrate on radiant side in 7.01, but only 47% on dire


                                            68% radiant 38% dire :thinking:
                                            literally same with smurf (40 matches on both accs)

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                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              what is a pull through
                                              do u mean double pull

                                              the realm's delight

                                                yea nevermind pull through is when u pull the small camp and then connect the creeps with another camp
                                                havent done any in this patch


                                                  It actually easier to pull through now

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    pulling through on radiant is so easy now

                                                    but doing it on dire is so hard :(

                                                    i dont even try LOL

                                                    all i do on dire is zone and camp bounty runes (and gank and chicken snipe)


                                                      i think we have established that radiant has an advantage now what is it because its not the pull throughs because even the 1k's have crazy winrate differences

                                                      Story Time

                                                        I start thinking that S I X T Y N I N E --- M M R is right, green trees are better for eyes and concentration.. and dire is so depressing.


                                                          54.49% Radiant

                                                          48.05% Dire

                                                          Optimus Drip

                                                            Radiant safwlane and jungle is easier to gank I feel. Also a bit harder to farm.radisn't offlane is easier


                                                     my 2nd account ,
                                                              63.78% Dire 127 games

                                                              59.71% Radiant . 139 Games


                                                                its much more balanced now compared to last patch

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!